
Test of the Divine

In a world filled with uncaring Gods and oblivious mortals, Damon is on a quest for revenge. After his entire life was upended by a callous God, he has been searching for the power he needs to save his friends. Will his new godly powers be able to help him resist the tides of fate, or will he be swept away? Thanks for taking the time to read the synopsis. I’m a new writer and so I’d like to hear any feedback from you guys. My upload schedule also might be spotty since I have exams and AP tests coming up but I will do my best to keep it to around one chapter a day. I hope you enjoy. I do not own this cover art. If the owner wishes for me to take it down, please contact me. I plan to upload chapters at 21:00 UTC. I’m still trying to work with the weird time zone conversion so it may vary.

ExamPL3 · 奇幻
23 Chs

The Hunt

Under the pale glow of the purple moon, Damon and Hero flew to their first hunt.

As they flew, Hero turned towards Damon.

"What kind of battle style do you want?"

Damon had to think deeply about this question. He had never been very physical or hands on in the past but had recently felt a change. The feeling of fighting with his sword in hand, able to do whatever he wanted, invigorated him. Maybe it had something to do with his need to be in control. He also wanted to be an inspirational leader, inspiring his men by fighting valiantly.

"I want to fight my enemy up close and personal, preferably with a sword. Do you think that would be compatible with my abilities?" Damon said.

Hero was silent for a few moments. "To be honest, it will be a much harder path for you. To properly use your powers of creation in a fast paced physical battle, you will need supreme instincts and reaction time. It would be much easier for you to just sit in the backlines and create minions or cast spells. Are you sure about this?"

Damon nodded his head resolutely. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Hero grinned widely in response. "That's good. It's very important for us Gods to follow our desires. Most of us, in fact, will not survive the passage of time due to that exactly. Since we experience things as a mortal does, we will often become depressed or overly indulgent in our desires. Either way, you would die a horrible death..."

Damon was momentarily confused. "How would you die?"

Hero's grin slowly retreated. "Gods would begin to lose their sense of self. In return, they would be deemed as useless by the universe and thus incorporated back into the fold. All you need to worry about though, is not becoming too focused on controlling everything around you. It tends to be your biggest flaw, from what I have seen."

Damon shivered as he thought about it.

His confusion was... disturbingly cleared up.

"What kind of creature will I be fighting, anyway?" He asked.

"A Monster. It will be very adept at using it's universal energy so it's great practice. I will not, however, help you out. I'm only here to observe and give feedback." Hero said seriously.

Damon rolled his eyes. "How reassuring."

Soon, they arrived at their target.

A massive eagle perched upon a nearby tree. It's black talons were extremely long and wrapped around the entirety of the tree branch. The body was, unlike the talons, a golden brown that glowed under the pale moonlight.

Damon sighed in relief. This time, there were no rows of detachable feathers waiting to ruin his day. It's biggest weapon seemed to be the talons. As well as it's ability to summon any type of projectile or weapon it desired.

"Best of luck." Hero wished as he disappeared.

'Like that'll help me.' Damon thought wistfully.

Shaking away any distractions, Damon prepared some weapons. He drew his greatsword and adjusted his armor. To deal with the eagle's talons, however, he would need to be more creative. With this is mind, he made two shields of light that could block the talons.

Once all of his preparations were completed, Damon focused on the beast itself. He flared his thrusters as he boomed towards it.

In response, the eagle looked towards the incoming creature. Feeling threatened and offended, it flared it's wings and took off.

With the eagle's long black talons closing in, Damon smiled as he prepared for the clash.


Damon's greatsword met the curved talons and he was instantly sent flying.

As if anticipating this, the eagle swooped down as it prepared to eat Damon whole.

Damon, however, wasn't panicked at all.


The beak of the eagle was abruptly stopped by two golden shields.


The eagle, too focused on the humiliation it received, didn't notice the pesky human disappear from sight. It's instincts, however, flared as it felt a wave of hot wind blast towards it.

A massive wave of fiery stones followed this windy wave. Some were as big as a human hand, while others were big enough that they could destroy New York City itself.

A mix of fear and caution filled the eagle's eyes as it prepared a response.

Within seconds, a massive storm of wind blades ascended. They would destroy all of those fiery stones and that dangerous human as well.

Damon, however, had made a devious plan. He was riding one of the larger meteors. It was perfect cover for his attack on the eagle. He couldn't match the eagle in strength so surprise and creativity would have to do.

One blade of wind rapidly approached Damon's meteor as explosions happened all around him.

Shards of stone impacted Damon as he jumped off of the meteor and rapidly ignited his thrusters.

He weaved in between the explosions and blades of wind as he prepared his next attack. A few times, he even had to activate a shield in order to survive.

The distance between the Damon and the eagle closed. Damon created a myriad of golden slashes around his body. As he exited the dangerous storm of wind and flame, Damon ignited his golden sword with a blazing blue flame.

The eagle's eyes constricted as it saw the human rapidly close in. In response, it panicked and created a wall of wind blades.

Damon's grin widened as he saw this.

Within an instant, the golden blades by his side shot forth.


The golden blades cut through the green wind blades without much of a problem. Damon exploited this opening as he flared his thrusters to the maximum.

The eagle quickly shattered the golden blades to pieces with it's talons. Unfortunately, this left it off balance and vulnerable.

Damon closed in on the eagle's chest with his blade held high. The eagle tried, in vain, to use it's beak to stop Damon. But it was far too late.


The eagle was split into half as the blazing blue sword cut through it. The blade's cut, in fact, stretched farther than the blade itself.

A massive golden blade of energy followed the blade's trajectory as it split the rest of the eagle asunder.

Damon smiled as a rain of blood fell around him.

How was the fight scene? Was it too repetitive or did you feel that it was concise enough? Either way, thanks for reading today's chapter.

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