

after tens of thousands of years of guarding the system one of the first 12 Tenno was fed up and for the first time in 130,000 years a Tenno left his position but not for another’s gain but his own. this is a story about one Tenno on a mission to bring back his species from extinction. WARNING: this will have tramma induceing scenarios such as DRUG USE (WEED and shrooms only!!) disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING THAT IS MARVAL AND OR WARFRAME BASSED just my own characters

Voided_fox · 电影同人
12 Chs


Walking down and a little deeper into the cave I started to see something that shocked me and I am pretty sure that they saw it too but as we approached closer and closer it became clearer and clearer

they were bones and with how many decorated the floor and walls I couldn't help but be impressed after all I might have killed more but I didn't keep them laying about or at least not like this—this—this was just savage.

"We have to get of this planet." Nebula said.

"That's an understatement." I said as I looked up at the opening that was spiting down sun light.

——line skip——

After leaving the cave we ran back to the huge castle to inform Quill I quickly realized that I was obviously less physically strong then the two girls so I made my way at my own pace while also preparing my sword.

Entering the castle I slowed dow and walked to where I knew they went which wasn't that hard since all I had to do was follow the blasted open doors and the yelling helped quite a bit too.

"Gamora, let her go!" Drax yelled right as I entered the room.

"The bodies in the caverns who are they?" Gamora demanded.

"You are scared." Mantis said and almost immediately Gamora let her go and looked around fearfully.

"What did she do to me?" Gamora asked in a fearful tone.

"She already told me everything." Drax said.

And after a short break mantis started talking.

"The bodies….they are his children."


Running towards where we knew ego and Quill were a blinding flash stoped us and forced us to shield our eyes but that only stoped us for a second.

Blasting through the door we saw Ego had Quill on a glowing tentacle but before anyone of us could make a move a ship flew through a window and squished Ego.

And while the others went to Quill I unsheathed my sword before going over because I could feel Ego reforming so I was only paying half a mind to what the others were saying and instead covers the rear until everyone was inside the ship before geting in my self.

"How do we kill a celestial?" Drax asked as soon as Egos glowing tentacles appeared and started surrounding around the ship.

"There's a center to him, his brain, his soul, whatever it is some sort of protective shell." Quill said and I already knew where this was going.

"It's in the caverns, below the surface." Mantis said and that's wean the tentacles started to wrap around the ship in an attempt to keep us grounded.

Blasting the thrusters the ship tried to leave but was held steady by the glowing tentacles makeing me and the others to stumble into each other but after a few more seconds and on a second attempt the ship ripped itself from the grip of the tentacles and began flying away.

Since I already knew wear this was going I put my sword into it's sheath and promptly grabed onto something firm and immediately I felt the ship start to tussle and tumble as we made our way downwards.

Ignoring all the chatter and commotion I tried to summon volt to me but wherever we are was blocking me.

"Well there goes that plan." I mumbled under my breath.

Gripping tightly to the railing I saw the opposite side come right off exposing why I couldn't summon my frame to me we were literally in the middle of the fucking planet, wear the magnetic pulses are stronger.

So of course it would be impossible to drag my frame down here.

Sighing, I steaded my self but just them we hit a big bump which threw everyone out and I was only able to hold on for a few moments before I let go and let my self fall.

Switching my grip on my sword I swiftly stabbed it into a piller and let my momentum slow down until I reached the bottom before removeing it from the stone and looking around.

And from where I was standing I could see that it wasn't a big bump but a fleet of sovereign ships r the hat made us fall out of the ship.

"Well dame now what?" I asked aloud not really expecting a response.

Looking in front of me I saw a figure of Ego dart to appear.

"He's cuming!" Mantis said and even with out her saying that everyone could tell that.

"Didn't you say you could put him to sleep?" Drax asked while looking at Mantis but she only shook her head while her eyes showed her insecurities.

"Only wean he wants too, he's to strong." She said but Drax was haveing none of it.

"It's ok if you don't believe in yourself…because —I believe in you!"

At this point Ego already made his attack and yet even still she hesitated so I teleported infront of Egos attack and swong my sword to stop the momentum of his attack.

"Lady you best get a move on—mmm—-I don't know how long I can hold him." I said as I felt my muscles strained against the attack but after a few milliseconds I started feeling my sword cracking.

But thankfully she knelt down grabed onto one of the many glowing veins and screamed.


Seeing the attack disappear I quickly retreated and looked at my sword which was now covered in cracks and looked it could shatter any moment.

"I didn't think she could do it, with how weak and skinny she appears to be." Drax said as he smiled.

"I don't know how long I can hold him!" Mantis strained these words out.

Looking up I saw Gamora looking at me with a expression haven't seen before and seeing as there was nothing to do I decided to address it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

But she just turned around and started guarding Mantis.

Well ok then I thought to myself and made my way but as soon as I took a step a red laser almost took my foot off.

"Hay." Drax said as he looked up and I did the same just to see the sovereign shits blow up one after another.

But not with out costs because soon the ship that had just took out a whole fleet exploded raining down parts and such.

"Peter! No." Gamora called out but seconds later Quill and some other blue guy came flying down.

"I am Marry popens y'all!" The blue guy screamed as he slowly floated down.

As explosions sounded off every one was looking around but because of that Mantis was hit by debris.

"Mantis! Look out." Drax said with one hell of a delay but with mantis out Ego started makeing his presence known but Quill was just as fast and started firing off orders while the blue guy asked for a extraction.

"Drax take Mantis and Tenno go with them." Quill said before slapping one of his things onto Drax and activated it and immediately I grabbed onto Draxes leg before we flew away.

Looking down I saw as the glowing tentacles started breaking through the ground and attacking the others but all of them were puting up a pretty good fight so I didn't really worry about them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Voided_foxcreators' thoughts