
Teen Titans: The Lost Reality

The multiverse is filled with infinite possibilities, and this is but one possibility of how it has transpired. For example... If the foes had turned to friends... If friends had grown to something more... If the calamities avoided collided in unforeseen ways. How might the team have grown or shrunk? The story of the Titans lives on in many forms, which shall this one take?

Lemon_Square · 漫画同人
10 Chs

Family Issues IV

Once back at Titan's Tower, Starfire can be seen mournfully walking on the roof with a pink backpack in hand before saying to herself, "She will be a better Titan than I ever was."

As Starfire begins to float away, Robin steps out from the shadows and asks, "Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?"

Floating back down dejectedly, Starfire drops her pink backpack before saying, "Robin, I-"

It is then those two mysterious figures from before arrive outside the Tower on a hover craft, using some form of whip made of a green slime-like substance to knock Robin away and capture Starfire. And as Starfire is being pulled towards the craft, Robin leaps of the roof in order to catch her, only to miss her boot my millimeters.

Starfire struggles in despair against her bindings as she is hulled aboard the hovercraft as it flies away and Starfire is placed in a transparent capsule on the surface of the hovercraft. Her muffled screams heard all the while.

"Prepare to leave Earth orbit. We have the Tamaranian girl." The subservient of the two crab-like humanoid creatures says.

"Once we return to Centauri, you will pay for what you have done." The dominant of the two says while leaning over Starfire.

"Nobody's taking her away," Robin says before leaping up from the underside of the hovercraft that he had been hanging onto since his fall, "My friend stays here!"

The dominant one begins battling it out with Robin and the two seem fairly well matched trading blow for blow, but a timely dodge of the Dominant one's whip causes him to damage the engine of the hovercraft sending it on an immediate unplanned descent.

"No! I cannot control it!" The subservient one exclaims as the hovercraft begins to make a crash landing.

Robin dives for the control panel, freeing Starfire before taking her hand and jumping off of the hovercraft. As the two make a safe landing thanks to Starfire's flight ability, Beast Boy calls out.

"Star! Robin!" Beast Boy calls.

"You guys okay?" Cyborg asks, rushing up behind them along with Raven.

The two crab-like humanoids pull themselves from the wreckage, virtually unscathed and begin marching toward the team.

"Titans, get ready." Robin orders while taking up a fighting stance, with the rest of the team following suit.

Approaching the team, the Dominant one says, "In the name of the Grand Centauri Empire, you are all under arrest." Before pulling a piece of his armor off revealing it to be a badge.

"You can't be the good guys. We're the good guys." Beast Boy says in confusion.

"And we are Centauri Police." The Dominant one answers.

"The Tamaranian girl is a liar and a thief. She's committed crimes throughout the entire Centauri system." The subservient one adds.

"I have never even been to the Centauri moons?" Starfire says confusion while turning to Robin.

Robin reaches around Starfire's neck to remove her necklace and holding it up says, "But I know someone who has." Causing Starfire to gasp in shock.

"You've been chasing the wrong girl. Where's Blackfire and Ditto?" Robin says, tossing the Moon Diamond necklace back to the Centauri Police Officers.

"Uhhh…" Beast Boy says. Pointing towards a Blackfire rushing away int the sky before being halted by a Ditto version of Starfire.

"Don't worry, Star. She won't get away with this." Robin says.

"No she will not!" Starfire exclaims with a scowl as her eyes turn green and she flies after Blackfire who has been halted by Ditto.


"Why are you here with me and not helping your little friends, huh?" Blackfire says pointedly at Ditto while observing their stance.

"You know… I haven't been entirely truthful with the extent of the copy I'm able to make. You see, the longer I make physical contact with someone, or the more I understand about them before making a copy of them. The more 'Me' I'm able to separate and express in the copy. Because if I don't, the personality, memories, and all the things that make the copy the copy and me me, get jumbled together and I can't tell which is which." Ditto begins to explain.

"This is all extremely fascinating, why don't you just let me skip out for snacks real quick and we can continu-" Blackfire starts to say trying to fly away before Ditto sends out a green energy bolt, blocking their path.

"I wasn't finished." Ditto says.

"Tsk, fine." Blackfire reluctantly says before stopping to look for more openings.

"As I was saying, when I turned into you, imagine my surprise at the revulsion, rage, and jealous I felt towards my friend. And the devious plan that her own sister, who I know for a fact that Starfire loves, despite all her past abuses, had cooked up. I actively try to avoid triggering memories in the people I copy because I find it rude and disrespectful. But fore someone like you? Someone who wanted to hurt my friend. I figured I'd make an exception." Ditto says with a sneer that is wholly alien to Starfire's face.

"Oh, I am such a terrible sister. Woe is me. Is there anything else, or can I go now?" Blackfire says, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Hmmm… I think I've stalled you long enough." Ditto says with a smirk as the real Starfire appears.

"Hello, sister." Starfire says with her arms crossed and her eyes glowing.

"Aw. You're mad. I know, I should have told you I was leaving, but you know how I hate goodbyes and-" Blackfire says with false sincerity before Starfire interrupts her.

"You're a criminal. And you were going to let me take your place in jail!" Starfire shouts indignantly.

"Oh. Well, yeah." Blackfire says realizing she has been caught.

"You will give back what you have stolen and turn yourself over to the police." Starfire shouts while repeatedly pointing at Blackfire.

"And what will you do if I don't?" Blackfire retorts angrily before blasting Starfire back with an energy blast from her hand before saying, "I always was the better fighter."