
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · 漫画同人
267 Chs


In Yu Feng House where the two Tec is currently baby sitting the 7 Rainbow named Baby Gourds...

" These Kids Have too much Talents! I've only taught them The Basics but look! they already achieved Peak Qi Gathering Realm! they're even faster than the two of you! " Said Yu Feng

" They're called Earth Immortal Gourds so it would be surprising if they didn't achieved Peak Qi Gathering after starting to Cultivate! their Innate Talents isn't something humans can compare " Said Tec

" Are All spirits like this? " Asked Yu Feng

" Not all... These Babies are different since they have a better starting ground they naturally have better Talents... " Said Tec

" I See! but not only these Kids are Talented in Cultivation they also have a big appetite you know? they will eat almost everything! but they specially love to graze in the sun! these kids will sleep under the sun every afternoon! " Said Yu Feng

" I Mean They're Gourds Spirits after all! so it's not that surprising if they want to graze under the sun and Beside sunlight is good for you! " Said Perfect Copy Tec


several Minutes of silence later...

" The two of you have grown Big so fast! it feels like yesterday I was still feeding you two by myself and now not only the two of you are The Grand Dukes of Phoenix Dragon Empire your also The Divine Young Emperor of the divine Martial Continent! everything have happened so fast! " Said Yu Feng as she felt proud seeing her sons turns out to be so successful...

" That's why we're spending more time with you! but worry not Mother! because we won't be leaving this Mountian unless we have something to do! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" You two will one day Need to leave this place... You can't just live here for your entire life without seeing the whole world! whole your still young Go have adventures and make alot of friends, Meet A lot of beautiful women! fight stronger people and achieve your dreams! do it before the two of you are still young because once you get old you wouldn't have time left... " Said Yu Feng

" Ahaha you don't have to worry about us having no time! Mother! We'll just become Immortals if we really in need of more time! " Laughed Perfect Copy Tec

" You talk as If becoming an Immortal is easy! In Entire Divine Martial Continent No! The entire world haven't even seen an Immortal! so we don't even know if Immortals are really true or just a myth! " Said Yu Feng

" Well do you want to see some Immortals? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec

" See Immortals? how could such thing possible? and even I want to will those Immortals willing to let me see them? " Asked Yu Feng

" whether those Immortals want to or not I just have to punch them hard enough to agree! So do you want to see one or no? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec


" Are you Playing with me Yu Tian? " Asked Yu Feng Who's Still not convinced with Perfect Copy Tec's Words

" I'm not! but you'll have to wait couple more years! I still have to Cultivate after all i'm still stuck at Golden Core Realm! " Said Perfect Copy Tec


" Fine! I'll wait no mater how long! " Said Yu Feng

" Even if it took 1,000 years? " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" I'll wait even for 5,000 Years! after all a Peak Void Integration Realm Like me can live for 5,000 Years! " Said Yu Feng

" Alrighty! I'll let you meet some Gods along the way too! so be prepared, Mother! " Said Perfect Copy

" I'm Looking forward for that! " Replied Yu Feng


Days Later... Tec have recieved some New seeds and decided to plant them together with the Seven Baby Rainbow named Gourds that's cutely digging The soil with their little shovels

" Papa Here! I finished Digging up! plant it here! " Said the Little baby Gourd Yu Zi who's Eyes are colored Purple fitting with her name

" Mm Good Job " Said Tec as he planted a see into the dugged ground

" Hehehe " Being praise by Tec Yu Zi smiled brightly

" Papa! I Finished Mine too and it's much Bigger! " Said Yu Hong the Red Eyed baby Gourd

" Good Work Little Hong " Said Tec as he planted some seed into Yu Hong dugged hole

*Smile* Being Praise by His Father Yu Hong smiled proudly

" Papa! Me too! Look! I finished! " Called Yu Huang The Yellow Eyed Baby Gourd as he Rushed towards Tec and Pulled Tec over to his Dugged Hole

" Easy now Don't Run or you'll trip... " Said Tec Reminding Yu Huang as he Planted some seed into Yu Huang Dugged Hole

" Oh! Okay! " Hearing Tec's Words Yu Huang Smiled and started running all over! he seems to miss Understood Tec...


" Papa! I'm also done! " Called Yu Lan softly as she slightly pulled Tec's Clothes

" Good Job " Said Tec while Pattin Yu Lan's Small Head before planting some more seeds...

" Mmm " Feeling Tec's Hands Yu Lan Smiled as hee Big Blue Eyes sparkles

" Papa! We brought the Water! " Said Yu Cheng who's Carrying a Wooden Bucket with the help of Yu Lu and Yu Dian

" Thank you just put it down there... " Said Tec as Yu Cheng and others put the Wooden bucket slowly...


" Cover the wholes back so we can proceed to water them " Said Tec as the Baby Gourds started covering their dugged hole

"""" Done! """" Said the Four Baby Gourds

" Now Yu Cheng, Lu, and Dian will Water them " Said Tec as the Other Three baby Gourds started using the Water Ladle in turns to water the newly planted seeds

Seconds Later...

" Papa! We're done! " Said Yu Dian

" Good Job! here's everybody's Rewards... " Said Tec as he Pulled some Candied Fruits Ranging from Candied Apples, Grapes, Strawberries, and Many More!

"!!!" Seeing the Candied Fruits the 7 Baby Gourds eyes Widen

" YAY! CANDIED FRUITS! " Said Yu Huang as he instantly grabbed an Candied Apple and took a Bite into it!

" Don't tell Your Grandmother or I'll be in trouble just keep it to us Okay? " Said Tec

""""""" Okay! papa! """"""" Said the baby Gourds in Unison

" Good! " Said Tec as a rare smile appeared in his face... And Just Like that The Father and Childrens enjoy their day...

10 Years later... the two Tec are now 42 Years Old with the Cultivation Realm of 999,999,999,999 Level of Extreme Golden Core they just a Level away from achieving 1 Trillion Level of Extreme Golden Core their Strengths have long surpassed everything in the entire Universe! Just using 0.1% of their Strengths can cause the entire Universe to collapse under pressure! they're unimaginably strong that it don't even make sense!...

That Aside During the Last 10 Years several things have happened! The 7 Gourds have turned 16 Years Old with Cultivation Realms ranging from Tribulation Transcendence Realm to Great Ascension Realm! they have become the Back Bone of the Flowing Water Sect despite their young ages! this is mainly thanks to their Innate Talents and the endless Supply of Cultivation resources coming from the Farm Moutain!

Jiang Ming, Cao fei, And Han Ling Have been doing great by themselves they Already Reached Peak Void Integration Realm! but they're not your normal Void Integration Realm Cultivators! they can contend and even defeat an Great Ascension Realm Experts which they're been doing for the past 4 Years! they're challenging and Defeating Renowned Powerhouse From Ancient Family,Clans and Scared Sect's they've become too famous that people have completely forgotten about the Two Tec!

Meanwhile Wang Dao Ming Have Successfully Reached The Early-Stage of Great Ascension Realm! Using all the excess Harvested Crops and the Dense Qi around the Dao Field! Coupled with his New Physique he can Even Fought against Helix who's Cultivation also Grown! from Golden Immortal to Rank 1 Immortal Emperor it seems that there's a total of 9 Ranks in the Immortal Emperor Realm before you can Reached the Peak! This Just show how powerful Wang Dao Ming New Physique when he a Great Ascension Realm can fight toe to toe with an Immortal Emperor! his level of strength is simply outrageous but not as outrageous as the Two Tec since he's still in the Realm of Immortals while The two Tec have completed Transcended everything...

As for the Farm Moutain it was unrecognizable to what it was 10 Years ago! with 10 of continuous Farming and Making Things, Getting Rewarded by their System the two Tec have transformed the entire Farm Mountain Realm into a Completely new world! it was bigger than the entire world that they inhabiting! the Connate Qi is a Trillion time Greater than what it was 10 Years ago! The Qi in the Farm Mountain Realm is so dense that a New Heavenly Dao Started Materializing! meaning their dimensions Qi is Great enough support a New Heavenly Dao! but the Two Tec Quickly dispersed the Materializing Heavenly Dao since they don't plan for their Farm to be turned into a new world they only made the place bigger for Sil the World Tree to have more space to grow plus the addition farming space! other than the connate Qi Being better than before they Can now control time as fast and as slow as they like! the can make time run a Trillion Time Faster or a Trillion time Slower they can even make Time Completely stop in the entire Farm Mountain! all thanks to the rewards that they got from Harvesting Their Crops and their Aristan Goods that they make! along with controlling time they can also Completely control the entire Farm Mountain Terrain! They could Easily Mold the ground into a tall mountain that Pierce through the clouds Create Oceans, Volcanoes, snow Fields, Desserts, and Many more they could basically do anything inside the Farm Mountain with the Exception of Creating Living things...

Somewhere On top of the World Tree inside the Farm Mountain Realm

" We already hit 999,999,999,999 Levels of Extreme Golden Core Realm but somehow we can still Add more... is this Realm Broken or something? " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" we can basically continue this forever and we wouldn't hit a limit unless we let ourselves hit one... " Said Tec

" Well that's probably going to be boring as fuck and beside we're already too strong for this Universe I mean Even just using 0.1% of our strengths will make this Universe collapse so there's really no need for us to continue getting higher Levels right? " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Get to 1 Trillion then we'll stop and actually Cultivate into the next Realm " Said Tec

" Done! " Replied Perfect Copy Tec who didn't even took a second to achieve the Trillion Level of Extreme Golden Core!


" That was instant " Said Tec

" We've been doing this for 20 Plus Years and literally Trillion of times! why are you even surprised " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" You could've at least try to act like you're having difficulties achieving the ' Trillion ' Level of Extreme Golden Core " Said Tec

" Act for who? "

" forget about It! Just Quietly breakthrough don't case the entire Cultivation Verse to Collapse just because you're breakingthrough it will be a problem if that happens " Said Tec

" Got it... System Can you make sure this Universe and Other things don't break? or just make My Breakthrough as Quiet as Possible" Said Perfect Copy Tec as he accessed the Main System

[ Understood ]

" Thanks " Hearing the Monotone Voice of the Main System Perfect Copy Tec started to prepare for his breakthrough in the Nascent Soul Realm with his Trillion Level of Extreme Golden Core Realm!

Hours Later....

" Phew... that took a long time... " Said Perfect Copy Tec who just finished Breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm...

" how was it? " Asked Tec

" I Fused all the Trillion Cores Into One Big Core which was turned Into a Massive Soul Baby he's like A Million feet tall he's quite big considering the fused core isn't even that big " Said Perfect Copy

" so a Massive baby? " Asked Tec

" Well a massive Nascent Soul to be correct That aside Breakingthrough the Nascent Soul Realm have multiplied my strength by a 100 Times so that's something I guess... " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Was fusing all the Cores needed to breakthrough? " Asked Tec

" I don't think so... I mean Jiang Ming and The Others didn't merged all their 8 Cores when breakthrough to Nascent Soul they just have 8 separate Nascent Soul it was basically having 8 souls " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Then why did you fused yours? " Asked Tec

" Because I'm not gonna spend my time turning all those Trillion Cores Into A Trillion baby souls One By One! That's going to take me Years! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Good point... Anyway I'm going to breakthrough now... " Said Tec

" Alright, System do your thing " Said Perfect Copy Tec as Tec Sat on the lotus position preparing preparing breakthrough...

8 Years Later... The two Tec have entered their 50's but still looking they're in their early 20's their Cultivation Realm have Reached Peak Great Ascension Realm just a step Way from Becoming an Immortal! Beside that nothing have really happened to them! they continued their daily life of Farming, Brew Wines, Make Sculpture, Bake Bread, Make Good food and many more! they're basically doing whatever they like and being rewarded by their own Sub systems along the way...

" Done playing around You Three? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec as Jiang Ming, Cao fei, and Han Ling have come to visit him after years of being out of the sect

" For the meantime... " Replied Jiang Ming with an Awkward smile


" so why are you back? I'm sure there's still alot to explore outside " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Master's Stepping down from his position and he wanted Me to take over " Replied Jiang Ming

" The Sect Master is stepping down? " Said Perfect Copy Tec


" Oh... Sucks to be you then Kekekek! you'll have to do some Paper works and boring things until you found yourself an successor! " Said Perfect Copy Tec Teasing Jiang Ming

" U-Ugh You don't have to rub it in! I'm still in my Early 50's but they already shoved so much responsibility to me! I don't even know how what Sect's Master do! " Complained Jiang Ming

" Sect's Master job is to talk with people! I'm sure you'll do a good job! considering your still young Kekeke " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" I rather spend my time outside fighting People! I mean Han Ling suits better to be the next Sect Master! he knows how to Talk to people and have good Head! " Said Jiang Ming

" N-No No No No! I don't wanna be the sect master! Just man up Senior Brother and become the Sect Master! I'm sure Elder Quin will show you the ropes! " Said Han Ling who Quickly rejected the position

" If you don't really want to be the Sect master why not have the other elders Take the position? Edler Quin is a good candidate " Propose Cao fei

" Elder Quin Was the one who pushed this position to me! and the other elders don't have have desire to be the Sect master! they're even rejecting the position by themselves! " Said Jiang Ming

" that just show that our elders are not like those Other Elders in other Sect's! but still they can at least dream to be the Next Sect master or something... " Said Cao fei

" Well since you're going to be the next Sect Master, I'll give you a congratulatory gift " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he Pulled a Sword from his Spatial Ring

"!?!" Seeing the Sword the trio Unconsciously took a step back due to the oppressive Aura of the Sword!

" W-What Kind of Sword is that?! " Asked Jiang Ming

" An Immortal Supreme Treasure called Traceless Phantom Sword... that should last you until you reached Deity Realm " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he handed the Sword to Jiang Ming

" I-I can't recieved this! this too much for a congratulatory gift! this sword alone probably worth billions of me! " Said Jiang Ming as he Quickly refused the sword

" Just take it I got shit ton of it and besides you'll need it to protect the sect " Said Tec as he shoved the sword toward Jiang Ming


" T-Thank you... " Said Jiang Ming

" Drop your blood in it so it'll acknowledge you as it's owner... as for you two I guess I'll give you your own swords too " Said Tec as he Pulled two more sword

" Here " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he Casually passed the swords to Cao fei and Han Ling

"' Thank you Senior Brother! "" Said the two with smiles reaching their Ears

" perform well and I might gave you something better! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

"' Yes! ""

" Mm! Now I have to go and look for my childrens those brats are getting rebellious as they grow older! they won't even eat the food Mother have prepared for them! I really need to teach those Brats some lessons! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he vanished into thin air...




" My God Bless those nephews and nieces of mine! because they're definitely getting their asses kicked! " Said Jiang Ming while Cao fei and Han Ling just Nods in agreement...

Meanwhile On Tec side who just finished Carving a Wooden doll

[ Congratulations for Creating a Zenith Heaven Supreme Treasure! Rewards: 10,000,000,000,000 Years worth of Cultivation, 10 Heavenly Dao Grade Enlightenment Stones, 10 Heavenly Dao Grade Enlightenment Tea Leaves, A Random Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure, 1 Peak Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal Realm Combat Mannequin ]

" System redeem the Random Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure... " Ordered Tec as he Casually set his newly carved wooden doll into the side

[ Congratulations! you've got The Heavenly Soul Disk! ]

"..." Recieving his New Treasure tec immediately examined it

" A Disk that can Empower and heal the soul... this can be given to Yu Zi since she focus on Soul Techniques... " Said Tec as he tossed the Heavenly Soul Disk in tho his Spatial Ring...

After that he continues his wood work...

Minutes Later...

[ Congratulations For Creating a Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure! Rewards: 500,000,000,000,000 Years worth of Cultivation, 500 Heavenly Dao Enlightenment Stones, 500 Heavenly Dao Enlightenment Tea Leaves, 1 Random Freedom Supreme Treasure, 1 Great Dao Creation Token ]

" System, Redeem the thing " Said Tec as he put aside his newly created wooden Sculpture of an sleeping baby

[ Congratulations! You've got The Calamity Suppressing Crown ]

" A crown? that's unusual but it's effects is quite decent... It can withstand attacks from Perfected Freedom Sage Realm and also have the ability to self repair " Said Tec as he tossed the Crown into his Spatial Ring as he continues to create more Sculpture and abuse the fuck out of his Sub system...

Thousands of Wooden Sculpture and system rewards Later...

[ Name: Yu Di

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Cultivation Realm: Peak Grand Ascension Realm

Cultivation Method: Tranquil Water Meditation

Special Ability: None

Stored Items: 72.8 Sextillion Years Worth of Cultivation, 179,091 Redeemable Special Abilities, 29,731 Great Dao Fragments, 1,723 Great Dao Creation Token, 791,563 Heavenly Dao Sage Purple Qi, 4,726 Great Dao Purple Qi, 901 Peak Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal Realm Combat Mannequin, 96 Peak Heavenly Dao Sage Realm Combat Mannequin, 2 Peak Freedom Sage Realm, 1 Peak Great Dao Sage Realm Combat Mannequin, 304 Transcended Grade Random Bloodlines, Etc... ]

" A descent grind there's some useful things that can be given to the children... " Said Tec as he finally stood up and left his Workplace where he have been holed up for a whole month

" finally out huh! " Said Perfect Copy Tec who's been waiting for Tec to left his workshop

" is there Something wrong? " Asked Tec

" There's nothing wrong but you should stop pulling out those things you've been doing Your making the entire Farm Tremble " Said Perfect Copy Tec referring to the Treasures that get have been recieving from the system rewards

" It's just a couple of Toys! " Said Tec as he Pulled out an Great Dao Supreme Treasure Sword which made the entire Farm Mountain Realm started Tremble and even started showing signs of breaking!

" Stop! We got nothing to replace this Dao Field if it breaks! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he snatched the sword from Tec's Hands and forcefully Suppressed the Aura of the Great Dao Supreme Treasure!

"..." Seing this Tec just shrugged his shoulders

" How did you got this thing? if it wasn't for the Dao Field Array formation preventing it's Aura from coming out to the outside world the entire Star system would've already collapse killing everyone! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Don't worry I happen to recieved a Treasure that can rewind time back! and beside I'm not that dumb to not know the consequences of my actions! as for how I got these... My system rewards me for creating Woooden Sculpture well it rewards be for basically everything that I do " Said Tec

" Tsk! you better not give these to the Kids or they'll probably just die under the pressure this sword is emitting! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he tossed the Sword into his own Spatial Ring

" I wouldn't give them anything pass Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal Realm Treasures and even if I want to they wouldn't be able to handle those treasures " Said Tec as he walked away

" ... " Seeing Tec walked away Perfect Copy Tec Just went to his own workshop which is literally on the other side of Tec's own workshop...

The next Day on a Very Flat land in the Farm Mountain Realm it's the Place where the two Tec often spar along with the Others such as Wang Dao Ming and The Seven Rainbow Gourds

" What this? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec as he pointed over the thousand Combat Mannequins neatly lined over the field

" Some Combat Mannequins that the System Gave me... These an Peak Great Dao Sage amongst them while majority are Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals " Said Tec

" A Great Dao Sage? ain't those beings comparable to Mid Tier Gods? " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" More or else " Replied Tec

" Damn! and your sub System just gave you one just like that? " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" I've Sculpted something good enough to be a Great Dao Supreme Treasure and my System Rewarded me for it I just tried a Little better and that's that " Said Tec

" Maxed Level Sculpting is Paying off huh! Well Anyway why are you lining them out here? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec

" these Guys are already named The Great Dao Sage Realm Combat Mannequin is named One thr guy beside it is named two and so fort they're all lined up here because I was naming them one by one since I Planned to use them rather than letting it gather dust "

" You really named your Combat Mannequin 1 to 1000 huh! can't at least try to give them proper names? "

" I gave them permission to change their names if they don't fancy the name that I gave them "

" that's Good I guess... "


" what's your plans for these people? You definitely didn't just let them out just to name them 1 to 1000 right? "

" I Planned on giving them Bloodlines specifically speaking those Transcended Grade Bloodlines that I've got from Rewards "

" So Basically making them stronger is what you mean to say? "

" Something like that so give me all your Transcended Grade Bloodlines! Only got 304 in my storage right now "


" I got 16 "



" Seriously? "

" Seriously! "

" that will do for now! hand it over! "


" At least ask for it gently! why are you being so forceful! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Forceful my ass you only got 16 after all that years of Harvesting Crops! Meanwhile got all 304 in just a month Creating wooden Sculpture! I was hoping you'll have more than me but I was Wrong! "

" Whatever! here! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as 16 Crystal Balls the size of an Ping Pong Ball with Different colors Floated towards Tec

" ... "

" This aside I actually came to get some wine so I'm letting you know incase you came ask me about the missing wine bottles " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Take the Those Raspberry wines they already been aged for several Hundred Million Years " Replied Tec

" Alright " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he vanished into thin air Leaving Tec and his thousand neatly lined up Combat Mannequins...

A week Later Tec finished Integrating all 320 Transcended Grade Bloodlines into the 320 out of 1000 Combat Mannequin... Each Transcended Bloodlines are special enough that only One of these Transcended Bloodlines should be allowed outside the universe! with 320 of them appearing all at once these army of Combat Mannequin is enough to conquer the entire Universe given enough time!

" 1-320 Stay, the Rest Go out and protect my Mother, the Kids, and the sect only interfere if deemed necessary! now go! " Said Tec as the 700+ Combat Mannequin with the Cultivation Realm of Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals! the power of a single Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal Can Completely dominate a Mortal world without batting an eye and now Tec just released 780 of them into the world!


" The rest of you properly control the Bloodline inside of you and Cultivate! find a place to stay build some houses or something! I'll check you people out from time to time! now disperse! " Said tec as the 320 Combat Mannequins Quickly vanished all over the Moutain farm Realm...


" Now Then... It's time for me to process those Strawberries and turn it into jams or else they'll will rot away... " Said Tec as he started walking away

On Perfect Copy Tec's Side...

"""""""...""""""" The Rainbow Gourds Stares at Perfect Copy Tec in Fear and awe as he holds his wooden sword they could feel their life flash before their eyes their body cut into thousand piece and their soul render into nothingness! Perfect Copy tec Who's just Nonchalantly holding a wooden sword is making them hallucinate their deaths as they don't even are to Breath loudly

" What do you want me to do again? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec as the Rainbow Gourds just pulled him away from his work and handed him a Wooden Sword

" S-Show us some Sword Techniques, Father! " Said Yu Lu The green Eyed Gourd who manage to conjure his courage to speak

" Sword Techniques... the only Sword Technique that I know is our sect Flowing Water sword Art something that you lot already Mastered " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Make a new Technique Then! " Said Yu Dian the Indigo Haired Girl Gourd

" Your making it sound like Creating a Sword Technique is easy " Said Perfect Copy Tec as Pulled out a Crystal Ball


" What's that? " Asked Yu Cheng the Orange Eyed Gourd

" A memory crystal... You should all know this since you've gone outside and travel the whole world... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he injected the memory crystal a wisp of energy activating it!


As soon as The memory crystal Activates An Immense Pressure suddenly Descends Making the Rainbow Gourds dropped into the ground

" Oh This is the wrong one... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he grabbed the Memory crystal and threw it back in his Spatial Ring as a new one appeared

" W-What was That?! " Asked Yu lu who's still trembling in Fear

" That was a recording of me fighting an Chaotic God Years ago as for why I'm fighting an God I got bored and my body is aching and Yu Di didn't want to fight with me so I went outside the Universe and fought this Chaotic God " Replied Perfect Copy Tec Nonchalantly as he Activities the new memory Crystal

*TING!!!* The sound of clashing metal sounded through as flashing sparks appeared in the memory Crystal

" This should me and Yu Di's Light Sparring we're using Iron swords and have Suppressed our strengths into a normal Mortal Being so we're basically fighting with just pure Technique so you all should learn a thing or two watching this " As Perfect Copy Tec Explains what's the contents of the memory Crytal the Rainbow Gourds have all already entered the state of Enlightenment from just a few seconds of watching the Memory crystal


" It was a Good idea recording this... these kids won't be bothering us for the meantime " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he walked away leaving the Rainbow Gourds in their own little world...