
tbate-The Northern Blade

this my first story so there will most likely be a bunch of bad grammar. the cover isn't my image so if the crater wont it down just contact me and i will take it down .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... this story is about a man getting reincarnated in the beginning after the end with some wishes.

MadOtter · 漫画同人
15 Chs



''I'm Max'' I said

I have already come up with a plausible story to tell him why I'm hearing, and just as I expected the next question he had was how I got here.

''why is a child like you in the forest'' he said suspiciously.

''I don't know because all I can remember is the last cuppa of days my name, how to youse a sword, and that I have a mana core. '' I said to him hoping that he would not ask any more questions relating to the subject.

''Alright, I will leave then'' he said probably didn't wont to continue the conversation, and started to walk away and I followed

''why are you following me?'' he questioned

''because I want to leave this place'' I said

He looks to think about something for a moment probably about should bring me or not and then looks at me and said ''Fine come with me to our camp there is someone else with me but in this forest, it is better to have two people how can use mana rather than one''

when we get to the camp a girl about the same age as us comes running out of their tent and hugs Arthur. She then notices me and hides behind Arthur and says in a quiet almost unaidable voice ''Art who is he''

he then said ''Tess his name is Max and he can't remember anything before the last couple of days.''

He then turned to me and said'' sorry I forgot to introduce myself my name is Arthur Laywin and the girl next to me is called Tessia''

I look at Tessia, smiled and said '' Nice to meet you Tessia as Arthur said my name is Max''

over the next couple of days, we traveled and started to get closer to the destination and closer to Echover. It was mostly me and Arther getting closer because we would practice swordsmanship together and at that time he realized that even with a higher mana care stage and more experience he just couldn't land a hit on me.

What surprised me the most was that when we were seeing what affinity I had it came up that I didn't have any affinity with any of the elements.

As we were walking Tess as she told me to call her suddenly look at a tree and got Reilley happy when she sore it'

she then said ''we are almost the''

It took us about five hours to get there. when we got to the gate a blinding light shined and then we all saw the beautiful city.