
TBATE | The Prodigal son returns (COMPLETED)

Reprobate69_1 · 武侠
42 Chs

The Progress

3rd Person POV

The council main room boomed with excitement of the ones who wanted to fight more, likely due to not getting a chance to fight or flex their skills because of intervention of lances and the annihilation of entire armies by them single handedly.

"But first, I'll like to tell you all that not every single last alacryan wants war. There are those who wanted peace and..."


Arthur was interrupted by a man, as he put his glass down with a lot of force, making an annoying sound resound in the room. The man was a typical looking noble, with a big fat barrel for a belly, the buttons on his shirt almost nearing to break. A velvet textured robe, and black leather shoes.

"There is no need to spare any of those vile creatures. If they didn't want war they could've stopped it. These are all just excuses made to save his wife and that woman" the man spat as he looked around receiving nods of confirmation from those who were against Arthur commanding them because of him being a commoner.

Arthur sighed as he looked at that man with a tired expression. He knew people would object, but seeing people who did nothing but hide in bunkers giving orders like this made his already soiled mood even more sour.

He let some of his bloodlust loose. The man's legs started to buckle, as he started to shout hysterically and fell on his butt. His whole body was shivering violently "You can't even stand up to me, a human. Do you think they can stand against someone who refers to us as nothing more than lessers?"

The room went silent as Arthur spoke. Not out of obedience, surely it was not because of that. The only reason they kept listening and agreeing to it was the solid reasoning and an unshakable amount of confidence behind his every word. Not only that but he had the power to back his claims up. The power to kill every lance standing right there and right now.

The people present could do nothing as Arthur gave out orders and suggestions. Arthur suggested using the sanctuaries that were littered around dicathen, to be used to keep people who are against the vritra rule. However, the idea was overruled by Seris, with a reason that alacryans would never seek refuge in dicathen.

Surely knowing about the existence of sanctuaries left by ancient mages piqued the nobles's interests but they didn't voiced it out loud. Seris first explained all of the details of alacrya. Their magic systems, awakening process, runes, relictombs leaving nothing out. Or so they thought. Some important information which could lead to the doom of alacrya were left out so Dicathians couldn't exploit them.

Ofcourse Arthur knew about it, but stood silent as he too just wanted to overthrow the vritra but not actually conquer Alacrya.

After the initial uproar ended and people started to settle down, Arthur laid down the battle plan, assigning batallions and a general to each dominion. It was very likely that now when the scythes are all killed, the soverigns of respective domains will interfere. The ascenders will be allowed to fight too.

Considering all this, Arthur knew that lances can fight ascenders, but if that much ascenders are let loose, even the lances will be overwhelmed at one point. So he had to select the batallions and generals carefully. The strongest domains were Central domain, Vechor and Sehz-clar. While Truacia and Etril were powerful domains too they didn't held that much of power and influence when compared to other three.

"Seris, since you're a scythe of sehz-clar, I think the best option would be to send you there with Olfred and Mica."

"Indeed. I know the place better than anyone. Also majority of my allies are from there. You can leave the suppression of those who don't comply to us. However, even with your integrate stage lances, I don't think they can be of much help."

An uproar raised again at her words but Arthur silenced them. It wasn't wrong. No matter what, or how strong they couldn't defeat Seris, let alone a soverign.

"How long can you hold him?" This time it was Cecelia who spoke up.

"Hardly 10 minutes. With your lances, 15 minimum and 20 max. That's me being extremely modest."

"That's enough. I'll finish with my side of trouble and will arrive to help you as soon as I can" Cecelia said.

"Overly confident today aren't we." Arthur said with a raised brow, to which Cecelia just replied with a giggle.

"B-but Cecil, what about me?" Nico said stuttering

"Oh you.... Uh well I guess my fiancé can handle that much right? I mean how hard can handling one soverign be?"

Everyone shivered at this. They already knew about how strong she was, once they saw that a whole chunk of land of Etistin had disappeared, as she had used it in a spell.

"Well Cecil can handle Vechor and then turn to sehz-clar. Nico can take Lance Nero and Licht. While Etril will be dealt with Sylvie. Aya and Regis can take on Truacia. Other lances should standby. If someone is having a hard time, they'll be despatched there."

After that Arthur distributed other soldiers to respective generals. That was when Seris spoke up

"It seems you forgot to assign an army and a general to the strongest domain."

A smirk crept up Arthur's face. "I'll be going there personally. Need to pay respects to Agrona myself"

Seris shivered at the thought of Arthur letting loose. Once everyone was done and the planning and placement was made official, Arthur told everyone to leave.

"Let's just hope everything goes according to plan" Seris said while leaving

"Let's hope for the best" Arthur replied looking at the roof.

Seris started walking, as she left the room. Caera started to follow her mentor, but felt a firm grip on her wrist,

"Where do you think you're going?" Arthur asked with a devious grin as he pulled her in his lap, planting his lips over hers.

*mphm, mmph*

She muttered something incoherent, as she was unable to speak. She tried to resist but couldn't. Arthur parted as caera gave him a glare.

"What are you *huff* doing.? At least wait till we go home!" She almost yelled

"No can do. I need it right now" Arthur said as he kissed her again, this time forcefully, as he grabbed her by the waist and sat her on the podium, bringing her to his level. Caera struggled to resist the temptation a while more but soon gave in as she wrapped her arms around him and clenched his hair, tightly. She deepened the kiss as both started to moan audibly.

*clop clop*

The sound of heels resounded in the hall as a silhouette appeared in the room.

"Damn that Regis, making me pick files like a servant. I'm so going to kill that man"

It was Seris as she was cursing Regis for making her do his work, Forcefully ofcourse.

Caera's eyes widened as she spotted Seris, but Arthur drove her in for another kiss, his hand wandering all over her. Just as he unbuttoned his upper two buttons, caera stopped him. Gesturing with her eyes.

"Don't you think it's weird, she still hasn't looked here?" Arthur asked as Caera's eyes shot wide upon the sudden realisation

"Don't tell me"

"Yup she can't see us and happy late realisation" Arthur joked

"But it's still too dangerous. Atleast go back to our room"

"Nah, this is even better. And I can see you're feeling pretty good yourself" Arthur teased as her face turned into a shade of deep crimson. She punched Arthur slightly on the shoulder. Arthur just let our a hearty laugh as he started again. Wandering all over her body Arthur could feel his body heat up.

Suddenly the door to the room bursted open with a kick

"Hey harlot, I thought I told you to......"

A tear dropped from Regis's shining purple eye, from the unholy sight Infront of him. He face-palmed himself.

"Come here you little shit. Who told you to come here? Tell me right now so I can beat him up."

Regis said as he grabbed Seris by the collar. "Huh? Wasn't it you who sent me?"

"Doesn't matter, come with me this instant"

"Let go of me"

all of her cries fell on deaf ears as Regis dragged her out of the room. While exiting he glanced over to the source of unholiness as he threw a wink to Arthur, resulting in Arthur's eyes to widen.

Regis left the room shouting "Oh lord forgive me, for I have sinned" followed by a hysteric laugh and Seris throwing every vulgar profanity at him. Meanwhile the couple just stood there, unable to speak anything as their faces flushed with embarrassment.

"See! I told you not start here"

"S-sorry. I mean how was I supposed to know Regis can see past my illusions. I even added aether to it"

"You what? Have you forgotten he's a literal embodiment of aether. Perhaps if you hadn't used aether he wouldn't have seen us in that embarrassing position." Caera yelled In the sound barrier causing Arthur to lament himself over his idiocy.


After a few days;

Agrona POV:

A guard frantically entered my throne room,

"Pardon the intrusion high soverign, but they're all gone"

"How many are there?" I asked in a solemn tone

The guard stood there silent, anger and embarrassment evident on his face

"Speak your mind" I said again, raising my voice

His face contorted into that of an extreme fear as his lips parted,

"One. Only one"


(E/n PSST Rusinen here join my cult


Don't snitch on me or i'll send Al after you.)