
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · 奇幻
46 Chs

Guardian of Hell




Alice continued to work against the barrier, while Mike engaged the guardians of the artifact in a fierce battle. He fought with everything he had, the adrenaline coursing through his veins, but the numbers were overwhelming.

Just as it seemed like Mike might be overwhelmed, a loud, echoing voice filled the chamber. "Stop this at once!"

The horde hesitated, their movements slowing, as if in response to the commanding voice.

From the depths of the cavern, a figure emerged, cloaked in darkness, its face concealed beneath a hood.

"I am the guardian of this realm," the figure proclaimed. "You have defiled the sacred grounds and disrupted the balance. Leave now, or face the consequences."

"Alice, we have a problem!" Mike exclaimed, sweat glistening on his forehead as he parried another swing of the skeleton's sword.

Alice's heart pounded in her chest as she continued to stab at the magical barrier with her old rustic spear. Her eyes darted back and forth, trying to keep track of both the relentless skeletons and the hooded figure who seemed to possess an aura of darkness.

With a focused determination, Alice mustered all her strength and stabbed the barrier with renewed vigor. Her efforts began to pay off as she noticed a small crack forming at the center of the mystical shield.

"Mike, keep them distracted! I'm almost done!" Alice shouted, her voice carrying a mix of urgency and hope.

Amidst the chaos, Mike's mind raced. He remembered an old saying from a book he read: "If you can't have your weapon, take the weapon of your enemy." It seemed fitting now as he fought for his life and Alice's safety.

Meanwhile, Alice's focus intensified. She knew she had to pierce the barrier completely to reach the heart of the spell. Sweat trickled down her temples, but she pushed on, channeling all her energy into her strikes. With each jab of her spear, the crack in the barrier deepened.

The hooded figure, sensing the threat posed by Alice's determination, moved faster, closing the gap between them. Shadows danced around the mysterious figure, making it hard for Alice to discern their true form. She gritted her teeth and tried to shut out the rising fear inside her.

A barrage of skeletons lunged at Mike, but he deftly maneuvered through their ranks, dodging and striking with calculated precision. Every move was a dance of life and death, and he couldn't afford to lose focus for a moment.

Time seemed to stretch as Alice and Mike battled on, their determination fueling them forward. The air was thick with tension and magic as they fought against the odds.

Alice's heart pounded with every beat, matching the rhythm of her strikes. Her breaths were heavy, but she refused to give in to fatigue. She knew that with each blow, she was inching closer to breaking the barrier.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the barrier gave way. With a mighty roar, Alice thrust her spear through the crack, shattering the mystical shield into fragments of shimmering light. The hooded figure's eyes widened in surprise as the dark magic surrounding them dispersed.

"You wretched cur! What have you done!" The hooded figure exclaimed, their voice resonating with malice as they let out a pulsating wave of dark energy.

The skeletons crumbled one by one, disintegrating into nothingness, as their energy seemed to be absorbed by the hooded figure. Shadowy wisps floated toward the sorcerer, swirling around them like ethereal vipers, and the air in the room spiraled in a chaotic dance.

Mike and Alice gasped for air, but it was futile. The oppressive force of the hooded figure's dark energy seemed to drain the very breath from their lungs. They felt like they were drowning in an ocean of darkness, their bodies growing weak and their movements sluggish.

"You will be the foundation of my new tomb! You shall pay for your actions, defilers!" the shadowy figure shouted, their voice echoing through the chamber with an otherworldly resonance.

Struggling to stay on their feet, Mike and Alice exchanged worried glances as they clutched tightly to their weapons. Alice was almost unconscious from the lack of air, and Mike knew he had to act quickly. He mustered his remaining strength and firmly grasped his sword.

With a determined shout, Mike lunged towards the hooded figure, his eyes locked on the dark sorcerer. He aimed to land a decisive blow, hoping to disrupt the pulsating dark energy that surrounded them. Raising his sword high, he slashed at the hooded figure, trying to break through their defenses.

However, with a flick of the sorcerer's hand, Mike was hurled back with incredible force, his attack thwarted. He crashed against the wall, his body aching from the impact. Despite the pain, he quickly struggled to his feet, refusing to give in to defeat.

Alice, now breathing a bit easier with the return of air, saw an opportunity to strike. She picked up her spear and, without hesitation, threw it at the hooded figure. The spear sailed through the air, aimed straight at the sorcerer's heart.

But the hooded figure was not so easily defeated. With an outstretched arm, the sorcerer pointed his fingers forward, and just as the spear was about to make contact, it turned into dust, disintegrating before their eyes.

"You cannot defeat me, mere mortals! Why do you keep struggling when your souls are already locked in the depths of hell!" the hooded figure exclaimed, a wicked smile forming beneath the hood.

"Because we don't belong in hell! We have families and friends to get back to! No matter what spells or summons you threw at us, we will fight you!" Mike replied, gritting his teeth as blood started to drip from his injuries.

"Families? Friends? Aren't you already dead!" the hooded figure retorted, his voice roaring through the room.

"Dead? Don't compare us to the likes of you. We didn't want to be here! But we had no choice but to escape here!" Alice shot back, her voice filled with defiance.

Alice and Mike struggled to lunge forward at the hooded figure again, but ebony chains sprouted from the ground and bound their feet. Both of them grunted in despair, their efforts to break free proving futile against the powerful restraints.

"Enough of your quabbles!" the hooded figure bellowed. "Hellfire, show me their fate."

With a wave of the sorcerer's hands, a purple flame materialized. He twirled and twisted it, making it grow larger, and then channeled his energy into the flame, using it to scry and reveal a scene.

In the flickering flame, the hooded figure witnessed a vision of Mike and Alice, accompanied by a black cat, being chased by the damned creatures. As they ran desperately, they stumbled upon a room where the damned creatures were assembling a portal back to hell. Trapped and with no other options, they were forced to make a fateful decision—to enter the portal to escape the relentless pursuit.

The hooded figure chuckled darkly at the sight, reveling in the misfortune of his captives. He flicked the flame, causing the vision to vanish.

"What a terrible way to enter the depths of hell," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Lucky for you, I can help you get out of here."

Mike and Alice looked at each other, confused. The hooded figure, seeing their reaction, couldn't help but chuckle. He released them from the ebony chains and took off his hood, revealing a white-haired man with a lower face resembling a skeleton and long, pointy ears.

"I shall introduce myself then," he started. "I am the Hell Guide, a damned creature and the worst enemy of the Black Wing General."

"I don't understand. You're a damned creature, why would you propose to help us escape?" Mike asked, still wincing in pain.

"Just as much as I like to tear your flesh and break your bones, the downfall of the Black Wing General would provide a more sufficient entertainment," he replied.

"What would you gain from this?" Mike asked.

"Surely, you're not considering his offer! He can't be trusted—" Alice said.

"You don't have a choice, do you, my dear? And what would I gain from it?" The Hell Guide laughed, a sinister grin spreading across their face. "A seat in hell. I will take the Black Wing General's title and rule a portion of hell, just as I am worthy of."

"Alice, it's worth a try," Mike said, his voice filled with determination, while looking at Alice for support.

"I don't trust him one bit," Alice replied, her eyes narrowing as she fixed her gaze on the Hell Guide, "But I trust you."

Mike nodded in relief as he heard Alice's response. Their bond had grown stronger through the countless trials they faced in their journey through hell. Alice had always been cautious, yet Mike's trust in her instincts never wavered.

With Alice's help, Mike struggled to stand up, his body aching from the previous ordeal. Despite the pain, his resolve remained unshaken. Together, they faced the Hell Guide, ready to uncover the truth and challenge the malevolent being that held them captive.

"We still don't know much about anything, so you have to explain everything," Mike started, his tone demanding and assertive. "In detail."

The Hell Guide smirked, amused by their defiance.

"Very well,"