
Chapter Two

Rose saw her headless husband, The only thing she heard was "Mom you're bleeding" and she immediately fainted, She woke up in a room in the pack house, Maryjane was sitting on the floor with her eyes closed, and her little hands holding her mother.

"Are you okay my little one?" Rose asked Maryjane, She didn't know how long she was unconscious, All the memories from earlier started flooding in, She wouldn't be able to see her beloved ever again. "Yes mummy"

"Are you okay mummy?" Maryjane asked unknowingly to her, Rose was going through the most difficult time of her life. She also added " Mom you were bleeding"

Rose wasn't quick to catch the last statement, "What do you mean bleeding" Maryjane used her hand while signaling to her tummy, Rose understood she had miscarried and started weeping, She wondered why this calamity had befell her family, She knew she had to move fast because Minak will want to make her his wife now according to the tradition.

"Common Mj we need to leave" Rose would never be another man's wife not especially the one that killed her husband, She had to protect Maryjane at any costs, the image of Minak ripping Andrew's head resurfaced in her head, She wondered if Maryjane saw anything.

"Mj my little one did you see anything back there?, Rose didn't want her daughter traumatized. "No mummy I kept my eyes closed tightly" Maryjane replied

"Now that's my brave little girl" Rose hugged her tightly

Maryjane had seen her father's headless body when her mother fainted but she closed it back immediately not understanding what she had just witnessed and she didn't want to get in trouble for opening her eyes, She was too scared to open them again so she closed them till they carried her into the room and treated her mother till she woke up.

"Let's move quietly, we will go back to the house to grab essentials" Rose explained to her daughter

"Mummy why are we leaving and where is dad ?" Maryjane curiously asked

"No time to explain we need to leave now my dear" Rose didn't want to waste time explaining she knew their lives would never remain the same.

Rose knew nowhere but the northern moon city, She was heading towards the mansion gate and she heard a familiar voice, "You thought you could just leave without me noticing?" Minak surfaced from the shadows, He is an average-height man, Although he was said to be the brother of Andrew they shared no similarities, He had dark brown hair while Andrew had red-like hair.

" I will never mate with you Minak" Rose retorted

"Now watch your tune before you get the big bad wolf upset" Minak leaned forward while touching her chin, Rose pushed him off "Don't touch me you filthy animal".

Minak held her cheeks and squeezed them furiously "You are a nobody, you will be treated as one" He spited

Maryjane kicked him on the knee trying to defend her mother who was yowling in a lot of pain "Leave my mother alone" Minak grabbed her and shoved her.

"Ow mummy" Maryjane screamed as she hit the ground bruising her leg "Don't hurt her, I will do anything you want" Rose pleaded.

Minak smirked knowing he already had a plan for them

"You'll work as my servant, cleaning and keeping your mouth shut," Minak said

"We will never succumb to such vile treatment" Rose replied boldly

Minak face twisted and he was irritated by this statement made by Rose

"Well I guess I will just have to put an end to the little one life" Rose's eyes widened at how cruel words spewed from Minak's lips.

Minak walked towards Maryjane and grabbed the little girl who was clinging to her mother. "Fine we will do what you want please don't touch her" Rose assured him with tears in her eyes and holding onto her daughter. "Very well then" Minak cheered ebulliently

"Guards, please take them to the servant chambers" The servant chambers were filled with the lowest tier of werewolves, Those who were part human and wolf, they held no regard for them as they were seen as outcasts

"Keep moving," One of the guards said as Rose and Maryjane were led to the servant chambers, They were met with a repugnant smell of stale food. They stood there unsure of what lay ahead of them.

They entered a room filled with litters of food scraps, They squeezed into a cramped room, Surely the condition of the room was terrible it was only enough to accommodate one person.

"Get in," One guard said spitefully "Oh how the mighty have fallen" sneered another guard.

Rose couldn't help but wonder how they had ended up in this situation, stripped of their freedom and dignity.

With great sadness, They reluctantly saw a spot where they could sit, Maryjane being little and understanding nothing couldn't help herself

"Mom I'm scared, Can we go back home?"

Rose kissed her and cuddled her from their sitting position, "it's going to be alright, we will go back soon"

"Mom, will Dad be joining us?" Maryjane needed hope.

"My poor child" Rose didn't know how to comfort her daughter or how to live in such a condition, She knew she needed to find a way out even if it was not for her but for her daughter, She couldn't let Maryjane grow up in such unhealthy environment, She will have to at least try

"We will be fine my little one" Rose couldn't hold herself any longer, she cried till morning

In the brisk of the morning, they were jolted by the quickened footsteps and the thunderous clamor of the head of slave voice echoing through the air.

"Hurry up, Breakfast needs to be served," said the head of slaves.

She was a six-foot lady, with broad shoulders and a mole on her forehead, She was known for cruelty. She walked up to the new arrivals, Rose and Maryjane.

"I hope I didn't wake you up, Your Majesty, She said to Rose in a mocking tone, When she glanced at Maryjane she was met with a quick spit in the eye.