
Talent Swallowing magician

Elric Melvinger. He was the sole heir of a renowned magical family. He was born with innate talent, yet he was ironically unable to master magic due to his overwhelming abundance of talent. But then he discovers his family’s secret, which was left behind by his ancestors. “Consume the mana.” “Swallow the mana.” “Drink the mana.” “And thus, accumulate all the mana inside you, and then bring forth new magic!” He would rise to an untouchable height that no one else could reach.

babayaga01 · 武侠
120 Chs


There was something Sean had said to Elric a long time ago.

-Your provocations are quite interesting.

-What do you mean?

-No matter how calm a person is, you scratch their pride so much that they eventually get pissed off. It's a talent, really.

Right now, Ralph was exactly like that.

"You son of a bitch!"

"You're the dog, aren't you? Woof woof."

"I'm going to kill you!"


Even though Ralph was a natural fighter, it would have been normal for him not to react so strongly to such provocation.

But seeing the 'human' he usually regarded as inferior making such an expression really angered him.

Of course, Elric didn't plan to just stand by. He was ready to unleash his mana and fight with him.

"How dare you two try to fight each other without your Chieftain's permission?"

Elric felt the danger from the sudden gust of wind blowing from the side and had to step back quickly.



A massive pillar of sand rose from where Ralph had instinctively retreated.

Both their gazes turned in the same direction.

The face of Tiger King Yul was twisted with rage. Smoke was billowing from his outstretched fist.

Elric and Ralph's eyes simultaneously hardened.

Given that Tiger King Yul valued his authority, it wouldn't have been surprising if his anger was directed at them immediately.



"I ask you. Are you willing to accept the proposal of the human brother's..."

"Elric. My name is Elric."

"...Elric's proposal?"

Elric quickly provided his name, realizing Tiger King Yul didn't know it yet, and Tiger King Yul attempted to get Ralph's agreement accordingly.

Ralph straightened his back and answered.

"Yes, I am."

"If Elric wins, he will have proven his worth and you will gladly accept him as a brother, right?"

"Yes. But that won't happen."

Ralph's eyes were still sharp as he glared at Elric.

One corner of Tiger King Yul's lips twisted into a big grin.

"We'll see about that once you fight. Human brother, Elric, you proposed this yourself. Will you accept the outcome of this duel, even if you lose and get hurt?"

"I swear before heaven, in my teacher's honor and my own name, that I will."

Heaven was a common object of faith among the beastmen. Swearing by his respected teacher as well made Tiger King Yul nod in agreement.

"If you say so, then... fight now."

As soon as those words were spoken.



Elric and Ralph both stomped on the ground again.

"[Unlock Armament]."


As Elric began to circulate his mana, his Magic Martial Arts and Body Strengthening Art awakened sharply, filling his entire body with sharp feeling.

The seals of Cruelty and Maleficence also shone brightly, ready to be used at any moment.

The wind generated by the mana field rippled and spread rapidly in all directions.


"I thought he wasn't much since the Chieftain brought him in. But judging by his aura, he's something, isn't he?"

"Still, they say he's learned Body Strengthening Art! So he must have some skill."

"Ralph has more than just some skill, though."

"That's what makes it more interesting."

True to their tradition of revering the strong, the beastmen's eyes sparkled with interest once they sensed Elric's formidable aura.

Before, they might have simply pitied his circumstances, but now their eyes saw him as a fellow warrior.

"Hmph! You are really good at pulling off strange tricks!"

However, Ralph, thinking that Elric was merely bluffing, scoffed.

"Whether it's a strange trick or not..."

Elric's mocking grin only grew wider.

"You'll see soon enough."



Just before fighting with Elric, Ralph widened his eyes as Elric's figure suddenly disappeared from his sight.


"Where did he go?"

The other tribe members were equally astonished. Elric had managed to pull off a technique that even their keen eyesight couldn't follow.

Some of them jumped up from their seats, and the most perceptive fighters could faintly sense Elric's presence.

"Behind you!"

By the time Ralph heard those words, it was already too late.


Elric had cleverly slipped into Ralph's blind spot and was already launching an attack.

Body Strengthening Art.

Ferocious Tiger Rush.


Ralph tried to cross his arms in defense, but Elric's fist had already struck his side with tremendous force.


With a loud burst of air, Ralph's body was sent skidding backwards.

Body Strengthening Art.

Tiger Slash.

Elric continued his relentless assault, not giving Ralph a chance to retaliate.

However, he refrained from using his seals or any other magic.

Bang, bang, boom!



In the end, Ralph, unable to mount any proper counterattack, took a severe beating and even coughed up blood, causing an uproar among the tribe members.

"Oh wow, that's a proper lesson he's getting."

"Is that really Ralph?"

"Wow! He's like a punching bag."

"If he keeps getting hit like that, his face is going to look like a swollen bun."

"But that human, he's a lot stronger than I thought."

"His Body Strengthening Art isn't just a mere imitation. His techniques are incredibly refined, and his combinations flow naturally. Who on earth was the teacher who taught him? If he had mastered such a high level of Body Strengthening Art, he should be well-known in the beastmen society."

While they were relieved to see Ralph, who usually boasted about his strength, being troubled, they also started to ponder where Elric's Body Strengthening Art originated from.

Some beastmen were curious about how Elric had adapted a technique that wasn't even suitable for a human body, wondering about its mechanism.


During this time, another of Elric's powerful blows struck Ralph's chest, making him collapse on the spot.

His shirt was torn to shreds, revealing small cuts and scorch marks all over his body.

"Ralph, this should be enough to prove Elric's worth as a brother…!"

Tiger King Yul decided to stop the fight, thinking that continuing would not boost the tribe's morale. Ralph's face was turning red with embarrassment due to the tribe members' constant jeering.


"I'll kill you!"


Ralph had already lost his mind, his eyes bloodshot as he charged again.

He had transformed into a werewolf with black mane, standing over two meters tall.

Tiger King Yul tried to stop him, as Ralph had gone berserk.

But Elric remained calm.

[Beastmen, being among the most wild-natured of the demihumans, often lose their reason when overcome with rage, leaving only their instincts.]

[In such cases, they can't distinguish between friend and foe, and their strength increases several times, making them extremely difficult to subdue. Caution is crucial.]

Drawing on what he had read in the "Demon Encyclopedia," Elric had already planned his response.


The moment Elric placed his hand on the ground, a solid sheet of ice formed between him and Tiger King Yul.


"What? Is he a magician?"

"I thought he was a Body Strengthening practitioner! How can he do that?"

"I heard magicians are extremely rare among humans. Is he a war magician or something?"

As the tribe members murmured in surprise, Ralph, who had been charging, slipped and fell flat on the ice.

Yelping sounds, like those of a dog in distress, echoed.


"Our Ralph really is a punching bag, isn't he?"

Ralph flailed, trying to get up on the ice, but each attempt only made him slip again.

In a situation where he needed to regain his composure and move cautiously, his frantic movements only made things worse.

Eventually, Ralph ended up looking utterly ridiculous, as if he was drowning in water on land.

Even his fellow Black Wolf Tribe members couldn't defend him anymore, their eyes drifting away from the training ground.

Elric, ignoring the laughter of the tribe members, calmly walked across the ice.

Cold chains that had risen from the ice now bound Ralph's limbs, and he could only growl hoarsely at Elric.

"Shut up, you mutt."

Elric struck Ralph hard on the top of his head with his palm.


Yelp, yelp!

Ralph's face hit the ice, and he went limp.

Steam rose from his body as his large frame shrank back to human form. He lay there, tongue lolling out, looking like an exhausted dog.

"I just knocked him out, so take him away."

The members of the Black Wolf Tribe, glancing at Elric, quickly ran over, lifted Ralph, and carried him away. Judging by their grumbling, it seemed Ralph would be tormented for being a disgrace to their tribe.

"Puhaha! What a ridiculous fight this turned out to be," Tiger King Yul, approached, laughing heartily now that the fight was over.

Elric shook his head calmly.

"If it had been a formal duel, I wouldn't have won so easily."

Elric had assessed Ralph's martial prowess to be around the level of an expert, equivalent to a 6th circle magician.

'Especially when beastmen show their true form and go berserk, they are known to be tough opponents even for humans of the same level.'

So, Elric shouldn't have been able to win so one-sidedly.

However, Elric possessed various skills Ralph was completely unaware of, and Ralph didn't know how to counter them, leaving him defenseless.

"But you don't say you'd lose, do you?"

"The result would be the same either way. I just didn't want to waste unnecessary effort."

"Confident, aren't you? But whether you used tricks or hid your strength, the winner on the battlefield is the one who stands last. So don't worry about it. And…"

Tiger King Yul patted Elric's shoulder with his large hand.

"Thank you."

It was a gesture of appreciation for subduing Ralph without causing him serious harm. Ralph played a central role in the Black Wolf Tribe and was a significant force within the tribe. If he had been seriously injured, it would have posed a problem for Tiger King Yul as well.

"How could someone aspiring to be a brother harm a potential brother? Please, don't mention it."

[You've gotten quite good at lying, haven't you?]

Elric ignored the God of Camellias' sarcastic remark.

Tiger King Yul was visibly touched by Elric's words.

"A brother cannot harm another brother…."

He repeated Elric's words softly and then chuckled.

"It's such a simple but obvious truth, but those idiot tribesmen should know it too. It seems I need to work even harder to make that clear to them."

Tiger King Yul chuckled to himself, then stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"According to the results of the duel, I propose to accept the human Elric as a brother of our tribe. Aside from Ralph of the Black Wolf Tribe, does anyone object?"

"No objections."


"Not at all!"

"I agree."

"Me too!"

The tribe members nodded eagerly.

Elric had not only proven his worth by defeating Ralph, who was a well-known fighter within the tribe, but he had also skillfully demonstrated his Body Strengthening Art, winning the tribe members' favor.

"Then I hereby declare that Elric is now one of our brothers."


"Hey, Chieftain. We can't just sit around now that we have a new brother, right?"

"Fine. Today, we'll have a special celebration with drinks."


"Long live the Chieftain!"

At that moment, something in Elric's pocket vibrates slightly.

Elric and the God of Camellias quickly looked at the stone tablet and examined it.

[You have successfully met the necessary conditions.]

[The second restriction is lifted.]

[True Name Revealed]

Elric turned his gaze to the Seal of Wind, which was emitting a brilliant light.

In that instant, as if by intuition, he began to 'understand' the essence contained within the seal, revealing its true name.

Its true name is...

[T/L: You can read more chapters and support me here: https://ko-fi.com/revengerscans ]

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