
System user who also happens to be a Dimensional Chat Group Admin.

MC was no one special, but he wishes to be rich and spend the rest of his life peacefully. One day a semi-transparent blue screen appears in front of him. [Do you want to be strong?] "Nah, I am too lazy to train or walk the path to be the strongest or something." [...] [What about a harem of beautiful girls?] [You must want that, right?] "I am sorry, but I don't think I can handle a harem." [...] [You can be a King- No, an Emperor!] "No way, why would I want to spend my time to make other life easier?" [...] [You can be a God!] "That sounds way worse than the last one." [...] [You can be rich like no other] "Now we're talking! When do I start?" [...] [Do you want to open your Starter Pack?] "Can I sell it for money?" [...] [Host, your greed is beyond what I expected] "Hey! You promise me that I can make money!" [...]

SlothElephant2k18 · 奇幻
13 Chs

Supernatural sh!t

"Can we talk first? Like a civilized Human we are?" Will ask the girl with a tired voice.

His mind is a mess and now he has this girl to deal with. This walk wasn't sound like a good idea anymore.

'Screw the quest! I want to sleep!'

The girl's eyes never leave Will's figure.

She looks at him like she was a predator, ready to go for the kill and he is the prey.

As if, she was nothing in Will's eyes.

It may sound narcissistic, but it was the sad and cruel truth.

But Will wasn't a power-hungry guy, he was a greedy guy who hates to work.

"Just let me go for now. I will come here tomorrow, at this time." He tries to reason with her.

"Okay, I don't mind." She replies with a big smile on her face and both of her hands behind her back.


Will was happy right now.

'This flat girl wasn't that bad after all.'

"As if!" She shouts as she jumps at Will with two knives that targeted his stomach.

Will was fast enough to create a shield.

"As I thought you are very suspicious when you let me go so easily!"

"Said the person who silently insults me!"

"I don't! I just thought you are flat!"

"That was an insult!"

"No! Flat is justice! Medium is premium! Oppai is life! Breast are perfect no matter the size!"

"You pervert!"

Somehow the girl's speed suddenly rises. She slaps Will's right cheek, then returns to her original position almost in instant.

It was ridiculous, but it was what had happened before his eyes.

If before girls are weird for Will, now they are aliens for him.

She was mad that he calls her flat, but when he said her was perfect the way it is her anger only rose.

Sure it was his fault for calling her flat, but at least he is honest about it.

"This is bad, I was facing a powerful and perverted Lilithian."

Hearing her calling him Lilithian makes Will realize how bad his position was.

From the name, it has something to do with Lilith, but that's not the main problem.

Right now, he is about to discover something he shouldn't and get dragged into the supernatural world.

Something he wants to avoid at all cost.

'I need to get away from here, fast!' Will scream in his mind.

He formulates an escape plan at that moment.

"You know I am not alone," Will said with


The girl was confused by Will's sudden confession and how much his aura change.

Now he looks like a desperate man that gets cornered in her eyes.

Like he wants to end everything with his next move.

"I bring my friend with me, oh there he is."

The smile he shows when he looks in the opposite direction of her, the way he smiles victoriously.

Everything about him makes her feel afraid.

Humans fear things they don't know. Things they can't control. And uncertain things.

They will feel fear to enter a dark place even if they believe nothing is hiding in the darkness.

Because they are not sure if that is a fact, or is it still a fact.

So what is their best choice?

Avoid it or check it.

So it's only natural for the girl to turn back and...



There is nothing behind her.

"Oh no!"

The girl once again feels fear.

She realizes how foolish of her to believe him.

Now he has the chance to end her life. This will be her end.

This single mistake cost her everything, her life, her time, and the future she wants to reach.

Only to wait and feel nothing happen.

Wait, she hears something. It's the step of someone running. But it sounds the step is getting further and further.

She turns around and finds her enemy was not attacking her.

No, he instead runs away.

Her face turns ugly because of anger.

She won't be able to sleep peacefully until she beat his stupid face.

She needs to beat him, for her usual perfect beauty sleep.

On dead night street, we can find two idiots race in a stupidity race.

One was on escape and the other was working hard to beat her contender.

The former was equally idiotic with the first, thus this race start.

"Washing board leave me alone!"

"No way! You won't be able to escape alive after insulting, fooling, and sexually harass this beautiful lady!"

"You can't harass something that never exists in the first place!"

"You did again! You insult me again! You dare!"

"You should be glad that you are only flat, if you are also short then you are a loli and you got nothing to think highly about yourself!"

"That's it! You are dead to me!"

"Hey, if I am dead how can I run! Only idiot race with a dead man!"

"Do you want to die that much!"

"No, the idiot is you!"

The girl lost her balance for a sec because of her anger and accidentally trips, then falls.

Will who hear her fall stop and make sure she is fine.

The girl gets up and sees Will offer a hand, but she slaps his hand away.

She stands up and cleans her body and look for scar or scratch.

Will silently pulls out a bundle of money.

The girl gives him a blank look.

"Do your idiotic brain think money can solve all problems?" She asks with a slightly angry voice.

Will might not know this, by the girl in front of him never in short of money.

So to be offered some money is like an insult to her.

"I don't bring a medic kit with me, use the money to buy everything you need."

Will hate to spend his money, but he feels like this girl owns some part from the Quest prize he gets before.

Well, technically for him that is.

"Just keep it."

Both have something to say, but a figure can be seen looking at them.

They look at each other with troubled faces.

Whatever they have in mind, this is not a place to talk about it.

"Well, well, well. What we got here." The figure comment, with the voice of a man in his kid 30's.

He walked closer to them, now they can see his messy figure.

The man shows a creepy smile at them.

"Your friend?" The girl asks Will in a defensive position, armed.

"Sadly no."

The man's hand suddenly gets bigger and longer. His fingernail turns black and grows longer.

"That guy's hands are big." Will comment.

"All the better to hug." The man responds before he runs at them and slashes wildly.

Both get away and try to not get slashed, it wasn't very hard to do since the man movement has many openings.

He just swings his arms around without aim, wasting his energy with each attack.

The man stopped, this time his leg grow, slightly bend forward.

Now he can dash and jump around, still, his movement was wild and aimless.

The problem is he is too unpredictable.

"His legs, it's also big now!" The girl complains about how the situation goes.

"The better to run with!"

The girl takes some kind of a can from her back, she pulls what looks like a safety pin and throws the can.

Will realize what it is as smoke begins to come from the can.

A smoke bomb.

Will feel glad that now he can't see them, only to see a slash on his left shoulder.

"Damn it!" Will shout as he held his wound.

"How can he find you?!" The girl shout.

Will believe they unofficially on the same side so she checks his condition.

Or she just simply try to get information from him for her own advantage.

Which is which wasn't important now, he just wants a chance to see him suffer.

"His ears! It's longer and wider now!" Will inform the girl.

"Of course, to hear your heartbeat!" The man adds, with an insulting tone.

He looks down on them, giving them information is he passively telling them "Youn can't do no sh!t to me!"

Slowly the fog became thinner.

Hidden under the smoke, Will sees a pair of big yellow eyes.

Before Will has a chance to think he feels a kick land on his stomach.

Will get thrown and role on the road.

"Hi-His eyes are... they are big!"

Will try to stabilize his breath after he gives the girl another piece of information.

"So, now he can see better! Like that wasn't enough." The girl sound frustrated.

"Oh, so smart! Now my mouth is also big. Good for insulting and eating!" The man boastfully praises himself.

"More like, good for talking big!" Will pitifully try to mock him.

If he can't land a hit on him, mocking is his only way to get back on him.

The smoke has disappeared, introducing a big bipedal wolf!

Stand on around 2 meters high.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me! Another Lilithian, are you sure he wants your friend?" The girl looks at Will, she asks with an irritated face.

"Nope, I would remember that ugly face if I met him before."

He hates this walk, he hates this Quest, he hates the girl, and he hates the wolf guy.

If before he was aren't quite sure, now he will do it. He will enter Hell.

He will pull Gatcha with hope to find something to rise his damn F Rank luck.

Or at least lessen his bad luck.