
Chapter 22 – Senior Inspector

His present situation, was obviously, far from good. Hao Ritian could only think of a way to get out of here first before making plans.

Moving according to his thoughts, he jumped out of the bed, but then soon fell down. He couldn't help but swear again. This body wasn't just drugged with aphrodisiac, it was also given knockout drops. If not for that, this body wouldn't still be in a comatose state since being captured from school till now.

If he hadn't crossed over, Mu Ziwen wouldn't even have been awake now.

Restraining himself with strong self-control, Hao Ritian stumbled out of bed into the bathroom and splashed cold water onto himself to clear his head. Time was limited. If he were to leave now, he would definitely run into the four approaching men. With his physical condition, that would prove dangerous.

"System, check out everything that is happening within a hundred meters radius." Hao Ritian swiftly commanded.

The second he finished his sentence, a three-dimensional map instantly appeared in his mind, displaying everything within a hundred meter vicinity. Places with people, how far they were from him; he saw everything with crystal clarity.

Hao Ritian's expression froze. He could see four moving points approaching his room rapidly. At their speed, it would take them, at most, another ten seconds to get here. He didn't get flustered. Instead, he grasped the situation within the vicinity based on the hologram in his head, then closed the bathroom door gently, gripping the handle with his right hand. There, he waited attentively with bated breath.

Thump, thump, thump—

The sound of his heartbeat seemed to intensify, his heart pounded heavily. Hao Ritian was extremely focused. Cold water mixed with sweat rolled down his face. At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed. They're here.

The door of the suite was kicked open. That's right, kicked. Because the bathroom happened to be on the left of the door going in, Hao Ritian, who was standing behind the door, could hear the sound of them rudely kicking the suite door and their frivolous banter.

"I heard this thing is good stuff. And young too. I'm surprised we get to have our turn. I'm looking forward to this!"

"I'll say. Top-notch good like this one is worth its weight in gold in 'Wei Huai'. We're pretty lucky this time. But it's a little strange that the person in charge insisted the four of us go inside together."

"What? Isn't the more, the merrier? If you don't want this, you can give your opportunity to the three of us!"

"Roll, roll, roll. Who said I don't want it."


The longer they spoke, their voices eventually became infused with lewdness. Their laughter was indescribable but had something nasty in it, causing Hao Ritian to frown severely behind the bathroom door. It was a shame that he could hardly look after himself at the moment. After being certain that the four men had walked through the corridor and were headed to the bedroom, he nimbly got out of the bathroom and wasted no time, leaving the suite as quickly as he could.

He was really grateful for the layout of this suite. There was a corridor between the front door and the bedroom. Because of the angle, those in the bedroom wouldn't be able to see those leaving the bathroom towards the front door. Moreover, the four actually didn't close the door when they entered. All of which facilitated Hao Ritian's escape.

When Hao Ritian quietly snuck out of the suite, the four men, who'd discovered the room was empty upon entering, all carried looks of confusion. One even lifted the quilt. After making sure there was no one there, his expression soured, "What about the beauty we were promised? Why is there no one here? Are they playing with us?"

Another person turned around and rushed into the bathroom. It was empty inside. The four men weren't happy. They had spent money for this. No one would be happy, being toyed with.

Annoyed, one of them immediately called the person in charge. Without waiting for the receiver to speak after connecting, he raged, "What the hell are you guys playing at? You clearly said someone was waiting for us at 508, but we can't even see a ghost in the room. Is it fun playing with us?"

"Make a new arrangement for us? Four?" His brows had already slowly relaxed. He winked at his three other brothers and after gaining their unanimous agreement, his tone eased up.

"Alright. Don't make anymore mistakes like this."

His face brightened after hanging up, "I guess he must've made a mistake. But we're not losing. One is changed to four, now. Let's go and switch to another place to have fun. If you're willing, we can still take turns to play."

The four were very satisfied with this arrangement. Originally, their objective today had been to play with the little beauty here. Though the little beauty had vanished without a trace, since there were four others to make up for it, it wasn't a loss to them.

As opposed to them, the person in charge who had just been on call with them wasn't looking too good. He spun in a circle twice on the spot then, quick as lightning, ran to the door of a private room. After knocking and entering, he walked to an elegant looking youth among them and whispered in his ear, "Young master Ou, he's disappeared!"

Upon hearing that, the look on the originally relaxed young man changed. He let the others in the private room continue their fun and quickly left the room with the person in charge. He knit his brows, "How did he disappear? He shouldn't be awake right now. Was he taken away by someone or did he unexpectedly wake up and leave by himself?"

The person in charge wasn't clear about the inside story either, so, of course, he couldn't say the reason why.

The youth surnamed Ou just knew from the look on his face that he didn't know anything. All at once, his mood soured but he didn't vent his anger on the person in charge. He waved his hand at him, "Forget it. You don't have to worry about it for the time being. Get back to work."

Seeing that the young man didn't get angry at him, the person in charge breathed a big sigh of relief. He listened and after apologizing once more, left in haste.

After he left, the young man opened his phone and clicked on it a few times with his deft fingers. A scene emerged on his screen. It was everything that transpired before in suite 508. Wei Hai was a private club with strict management and was also very protective of its guests' **. So, none of the rooms had any cameras or the like. But for the sake of this matter, the young man had used his private connections to install a camera in 508. He also had to guarantee that he would remove the camera after shooting what he wanted, before being permitted.

Everything inside the video was clear. Up until the person was sent to room 508, there hadn't been a problem. He was still unconscious. With the passage of time, the person on top of the bed began to unconsciously tear his clothes bit by bit. His brows wrinkled and he looked very uncomfortable. Everything was going as expected. There wasn't an issue.

However, not long afterwards, the young man's pupils involuntarily contracted for a second. And the person on the bed who shouldn't have woken up, woke up. Not only did he wake up, but he also rationally judged his situation and quickly left the bedroom. Afterwards, the four men entered the room to find it empty and became annoyed.

The young man turned off the video. His complexion was in no way good. Although he didn't see later scenes, he could guess it. Moreover, despite not being able to see it, he could hear some sounds. He simulated it in his mind and could almost imagine how Mu Ziwen escaped from under those four's nose.

He didn't expect someone like Mu Ziwen, who had severe autism, to have times when he was so alert and agile. This time was his miscalculation.

At this moment, Hao Ritian was already sitting in a car, being taken away from 'Wei Hai' by someone.

After leaving suite 508, he steered clear of places where people passed by in accordance with the system's scouting. He wanted to leave as soon as possible to make plans but his body wasn't holding up.

The medicine he was given wasn't a small dose. It was already amazing that he managed to slip out from under the noses of the four men. Soon after leaving the suite, his body softened. He barely held out until a turning corner on the four floor before sliding down on the corner wall. He was panting heavily and sweating all over. The sense of emptiness inside his body was so torturous that he wished somebody would immediately fill him.

"Fuck!!!" It was the first time he'd ever been in such a difficult situation. Even saying 'god damn it' wouldn't be sufficient enough to describe Hao Ritian's current mood. Especially since this place wasn't safe enough. If this continued, even he couldn't predict what could happen. But if he were to be offhandedly topped, he would turn homicidal.

Although he adhered to the principle of physical pleasure and not love, the partner he enjoyed physical pleasure with had to at least be someone he fancied. So, if he wanted to relieve the medicine in him, at least give him a man of the highest quality!

Panting in place for a long time, Hao Ritian grit his teeth and prepared to bear with the pain to leave the club first. However, he didn't expect a man to appear out of the corner, all of a sudden, just as he propped himself on his knees to stand up. Although his eyes were rather fuzzy, Hao Ritian could still see that the man was full of masculinity. His facial features possessed clear angles and more importantly, he had an incredibly good figure. Broad shoulders, long legs and hunky—he was practically walking hormones.

At that critical moment, Hao Ritian even had the illusion that this man existed just for him.

However, the other party acted as though he didn't see him, when he clearly did, and was about to walk past him without a sideways glance. If it were usual, Hao Ritian would've let it go at that. But who let him currently need a high quality man that he approved of to 'save him'? Since he appeared in front of him, he wasn't planning on being reserved. Could reservedness let him eat or drink?

Even if he'd made up his mind, Hao Ritian also knew that a man like this would never meddle in other people's business willy-nilly. He may fancy the other person, but the other person may not necessarily fancy him. It wasn't that he belittled himself, he could merely see the facts.

It wasn't his style to not seize an opportunity in front of him. He prepared himself for rejection, then raised his head and reached out to grasp his calf. However, something surprising happened—

The other party paused a second before grabbing onto him and bowing his head to carefully sweep over his face. After making a soft sound of doubt, he unexpectedly helped him up and half-dragged, half-carried him out of 'Wei Hai', put him in the front passenger seat and drove away. As for where they were going? He had no clue.

The present him who was sitting in the passenger seat, was already in a blurry state of mind due to the fire inside his body; and the system's added function of scoping out everything within a hundred meters range couldn't help him at the moment. The person that could provide help to him was sitting right beside him. His body unconsciously leaned towards the other party while his hands tugged randomly at him. He was rubbing against the man within his arms.

The man helplessly clicked his tongue and with one hand holding the steering wheel, used the other to firmly restrain him, pressing him into his embrace. He said to him in a deep and low voice, "Be good, don't make trouble!"

His magnetic voice was simply pouring oil into fire at that moment. Hao Ritian was already completely lost. So, he was only left with a hazy feeling of what happened afterwards and wasn't even clear on the details.

When he fully gained consciousness, the familiar ache all over his body appraised him on what had happened last night. He was mentally prepared for this. His highest priority now that he was awake was how to face the other party, or rather, how to handle this situation.

He hadn't forgotten that Mu Ziwen was autistic!

What external behavior did those with autism exhibit? He silently ran over them in his mind, then realized there was another presence in the room. He knew that it must be the partner he did the joyous deed for one night with. He mentally prepared himself and opened his eyes. A shade of panic and fear flashed past his eyes and his shoulders unconsciously shrank, his whole body curling up into the round character—a display of extreme insecurity.

From the outside, you could discern that the person wrapping the quilt tightly around him was shivering. Anyone could see his present feelings of fear.

"You're awake? How do you feel?" The man sitting by the bedside window asked.

He could clearly see the person wrapped inside the quilt tremble again because of his voice.

The man seemed to carry a smile on his face yet not at the same time. He didn't mind the non-response and asked calmly, "Do you have an impression of what happened to you yesterday?"

Hao Ritian continued to shiver and remain silent.

The sound of a lighter being flicked rang out. The man lit up a cigarette and began to carefully narrate—that's right, narrate. Without any extra feelings, he simply narrated according to the facts.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Feng Qi. I am a senior inspector. I went to 'Wei Hai' yesterday to investigate a case of drug possession, it was by accident that I met you. You weren't in a clear state of mind at the time so I took you out of 'Wei Hai'. I originally wanted to send you home but unfortunately, I didn't know where you live. The crucial point was that you were hugging me and wouldn't let go. I could only take you to my place first. You should be aware of your own condition, right? I wasn't thinking of taking advantage of you, but the final result, as you can see, is that we still had physical relations."

He gave Hao Ritian a little buffer time. Feng Qi puffed a few breaths of cigar and said in a light tone, "In a way, I saved you, but it's also an undeniable fact that I took advantage of you. You can put forward your own opinion on how to deal with this. I'll act after full consideration of the situation."

If Hao Ritian still didn't respond at that moment, it would be a bit inexcusable. He slowly sat up on the bed, his face lacking any of the rosiness from last night and instead carried a pale hue. His eyes didn't dare make direct eye contact with the man and his hands clutched the quilt tightly. He spoke in an unsteady tone, "…Thank…thank you…for saving me."

A simple word of thanks was incredibly difficult for him.

Feng Qi adjusted his sitting posture. His eyes landed on Hao Ritian's face and took in his expression and subtle little actions. His eyes couldn't help but have a tint of interest.

Last night's passion and heat, today's timidity and fragility. How come there actually wasn't the slightest sense of violation when these extremely contrasting emotions appeared on the same person?

How interesting!

Most importantly, his eyes wandered carefully over Hao Ritian's facial features as if he was examining him. Feng Qi squinted. His looks are very familiar. It's five points similar to a close friend of his. As for whether these two are related or not, he'll have to wait until the final results of his investigation.

If it weren't for this discovery, he wouldn't have been so meddlesome last night.


"I want to go back."

Their voices began at the same time. But hearing Hao Ritian speak up, Feng Qi intentionally let him go first so he could finish his sentence.

Feng Qi looked at the youth who was wrapped inside the blanket like a ball with an extremely reclusive attitude. His expression didn't change but his tone was tough, "No. Go wash up first, then eat with me. We'll discuss it again after we finish eating."

Hao Ritian was now someone with autism. And those with autism weren't adept at communication nor with refusing those with tough attitudes. Once Feng Qi showed an unbending stance, he was immediately left with compliance.

Drawing out Mu Ziwen's behavioral patterns from his memory, Hao Ritian gained a certain understanding of Mu Ziwen's life habits right away.

Imitation was very simple for Hao Ritian. He consciously avoided Feng Qi's vision which carried a strong sense of presence, while fumbling to dress himself. Then, he crawled out of the bed somewhat mechanically. Two steps after getting out of bed, his legs softened and he nearly kneeled over and sat on the ground, but just in time, he adjusted his posture. He stared straight at the bathroom without a trace of expression on his face, and stubbornly enduring the discomfort in his body, entered the bathroom.

Feng Qi withdrew his eyes that were fixated on Hao Ritian, but his mind couldn't help but think back on when he almost tripped just then. Although there wasn't an expression on his face, his eyes had become tearful as if he had suffered a great grievance, making people wish to hold him in their embrace and comfort him.

"Ha—" The corner of his mouth where he was holding the cigarette butt involuntarily quirked up, drawing a smile of interest. He had to say, this youth had really attracted his attention, at least for the moment.

Hao Ritian who'd entered the bathroom was in the middle of brushing his teeth. Mu Ziwen brushed his teeth for a full two minutes every time and his behavioral pattern was especially methodical. So even if nobody could see him in the bathroom, he still brushed as according to Mu Ziwen's behavior pattern.

The best deception is one where you even fool yourself. Since he had autism in this world, he had to ensure his behavior conformed with people with autism. Regardless of whether someone was watching or not. This was quite challenging for him, which was why he wasn't reluctant to do it at all.

While he brushed his teeth, he analyzed the man called Feng Qi outside, who claimed to be a senior inspector. It wasn't necessary for him to lie about that certain details. He had even said that his purpose for going to 'Wei Hai' was to investigate a case of drug possession. Whether that was true or not, he wasn't interested. However, his current performance had been exceedingly candid.

Though in his opinion, the reason for the other party's openness might be because he posed no threat, and telling him didn't matter. But that was enough for him to learn some information. Since he was a senior inspector, then his observation skills should be very strong and his personality plus talents had to be calm and strong enough. These were the basic conditions attached to the other party's identity.

What he minded was, the other party originally didn't intend to acknowledge him yesterday when he was passing by. So why did he change his mind?

With a senior inspector's willpower, he didn't believe he could be stirred so easily on the first meeting as a stranger. There must be other factors at work.

He shook his head inside his mind. He didn't have enough information and this person wasn't in the task plot related to Mu Ziwen. Ah, that's more or less like the previous world. Didn't he also come into contact with many people who had nothing to do with the task plot in the previous world?!

In that case, he won't think so much for the time being.

After two minutes of brushing, he drank a mouthful of water to rinse the foam in his mouth away. He repeated it several more times until his mouth felt cool and refreshing.

Once he was done washing up, he came out of the bathroom. The whole process took five minutes. Not one minute more, nor one minute less. As if he was keeping watch over the time he spent.

When he walked out of the bathroom, the man was still waiting for him outside. He saw him lift his chin and say in a casual but irrefutable way, "Eat with me."

Like a pitiful little boy, Hao Ritian followed the man but consciously kept a certain distance from him. He wouldn't let himself get too close to him, nor would he cause himself to be unable to keep up as a result of his action's slight inconvenience.

The two of them, one at the front and one at the back, walked to the dining room in absolute silence. Feng Qi sat at the main seat, but Hao Ritian continued to maintain the same distance from him, standing stock-still. Anyone could see there was something not quite right with him, let alone a senior inspector.

Feng Qi raised his eyebrows and directly pulled the seat beside him, "Come here and sit."

Hao Ritian still didn't move. However he had begun to visibly tremble. He remained that way even when the kitchen nanny started sending breakfast to the table. During the whole process, he didn't utter a single word, obviously having a good understanding of the rules. After breakfast had been all set on the table, Feng Qi spoke in a heavier tone, "I said, come here and sit."

His tone clearly only became heavier by a couple of degrees but Hao Ritian quivered as if he'd been stung. Afterwards, he lifted his feet and with a rigid and heavy gait, walked to the seat pulled open Feng Qi, and very carefully sat down. Still, he unconsciously faced his body away from Feng Qi.

Feng Qi took in every excruciating detail of his performance but didn't have any intention of asking. He didn't mind if he was displaying fear or rejection towards him. He merely clicked his tongue at that moment, "What about me makes you feel terrible?"

It seemed as if he had asked only inadvertently, because right after that, he began to move, "Eat."

Hao Ritian moved as if by one command at a time. Feng Qi asked him to eat so he started eating. However he only kept his eyes on the food closest to him. If it was a little farther from him, he wouldn't move his chopsticks. He ate the plate of sliced bread arranged in front of him one small bite after the other, then sat there without moving.

"You're full already? Your appetite is so small, are you a cat? Have some more." Seeing him not move, the man sitting beside him had a problem with that and passed him a steamed dumpling as he spoke.

Hao Ritian wordlessly ate the steamed dumpling, then stopped again.

"Really. Are you acting spoiled with me?" With that joke, he passed another steamed dumpling and a cup of milk that was placed a little farther from him.

Hao Ritian, again, ate all the food the man fed him and was truly full after finishing them. He wouldn't move his chopsticks even when the man picked some food for him. The man also understood and no longer forced him.

After they ate and drank to their full, the man remained seated but leaned back, adopting a relaxed manner. However, his tone rose up a bit, "Tell me, what happened to you yesterday? And why did you appear at 'Wei Hai' in such a wretched manner?"