
Symbol of Destruction (A BNHA Fanfic)

OC story, Cover Art By Me. Previously uploaded on Wattpad and ScribbleHub. Long ago, before the first known quirk appeared in China, Mt.Asama erupted in 1783, in an explosion that is so intense that it was as if a demon caused it... If only people believed it. Now in the world where meta powers via quirks exist, the entity within the mountain, Alatreon descends to Musutafu.

Yuuya_Kizami21 · 漫画同人
15 Chs

Provisional License Exam

UA High officially installed dorms in it's grounds, after what happened back in Kamino following Ryuko's escape from villain captivity.

However the only one who doesn't move into the dorms is Ryuko, for obvious reasons. She doesn't want to live in crowded places, and that any intruders that try to invade her home will face her wrath. Due to her Overpowered nature, she was allowed to skip the super move training, as Aizawa is too afraid to lose his paycheck due to the damage she might cause.

She is staying in her apartment, reading today's newspaper. She sighed as she read the headlines which depicts All-Might retiring.

"At least now your successor is going to uphold peace."

Her phone rang, and she answered it. It is from Izuku.

"Ah, Midoriya-Kun? What is it?"

"I... It's nothing. I'm just calling to say hi, and ask if you're fine or not."

"Could've been worse, Midoriya-Kun. And before you ask, if those villains hurt me or not, they're too insignificant to cause damage to me."

"I-I see... By the way, the Provisional Hero License Exam is going to be held. Are you ready for it?"

"If I'm not mistaken, that license is that so we can apprehend villains independently, yes?"

"It is. But it's not easy, are you not going to train or something?"

"Oh, I trained, alright."

"Good to know."

Fast forward to the day of the exams, during the initial phase Ryuko was instructed to place weak points. She sighed in boredom, as she tagged her two horns, and her stomach.

In the sidelines, the teacher from Ketsubutsu, named Ms.Joke amusedly told Shouta that the annual "Crushing of UA" would happen again, but he then pointed to Ryuko.

She dropped her jaw when she Ryuko basically flew into a tornado created by Inasa Yoarashi, to grab him in the back, and dived down with him to the ground in bullet speed.

When they reached the ground which is now basically a crater, Ryuko planted the balls on his tagged weak spots.

"You're out."

"W...Who are you!?"

"... I am Alatreon."

Her horns then perked up due to a disturbance, and she grinned sadistically. She flew towards where she sensed the disturbance, there she sees Izuku fighting off a naked girl, who seems to be dripping ooze.

Knowing who exactly she is, Ryuko flew into the zone. Izuku quickly ducked down, confusing the girl, who turned around to see Ryuko flying at her in full speed.

Ryuko plunged her claws into the girl's stomach, flew up high with her still stuck, and then dived down to smash her into the ground ruthlessly.

The Dragonblight begins to take effect, and the girl's ooze melted away, revealing a blonde haired girl underneath.

"Looks like your insignificant days are over... Toga Himiko. I didn't even need to transform into my armored form for you."

"How did you know...?"

"Ooze dripping from your body. That's too obvious for my eyes to see, even from afar. Now shall I punish you, for trying to harm someone's precious?"

"P...Precious!? You mean, Deku!?"

"You've answered your own question, and you will lie in defeat with it."

She then kicked Himiko's hip, forcibly causing her to roll over. Ryuko then grabbed her by the hair while using her left hand to bend and break Himiko's left arm, inviting more screams of agony from the young villainess in front of her. She then breathed out a blast of hellfire, that sends her flying to the spectators seat, right beside Aizawa.

Aizawa immediately cuffed her, and the stadium security immediately brought her away.

"You alright, Midoriya-Kun?"

"Yeah... Never thought I'd see her here..."

"But that means the whereabouts of the real Camie Utsushimi, whom she posed as earlier is unknown. Well, I guess I'll take her spot as victor."

Later on, they passed the first phase. The next one had them simulating civilian rescue in the ruins of a city. Ryuko and Izuku rescued most of the people until a group of mock-up villains led by Gang Orca appeared.

Tired of obstacles, Ryuko defeated Orca just by spitting a ball of fire to his back, when Izuku used his newly developed One For All Shoot Style to send him pushed backwards toward the ball of fire.

Ryuko and Izuku, along with may others aside from Katsuki and Shouto Todoroki in their school, got their licenses. They would be able to apprehend villains should they encounter one, independently.

Back at UA, when the new terms has started, a blonde haired boy looked at both Ryuko and Izuku, giving them a stern smile.

- To Be Continued