

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · 奇幻言情
12 Chs

Stress Reliever

Sybil headed for her office to continue her work. Her mind kept drifting far. Especially to that dream she had ten months ago. She didn't seem to understand the last statement of the mysterious man. For months, she had been pondering on what it meant but is always drifted to a dead end. "What do I do now?" Sybil asked herself.

She turned to her laptop and continued her book. She had decided to complete her book after many years. She didn't seem to find a good storyline for her book making her pause it. But for a really long time.

She stared at her laptop screen fidgeting on how to continue. Her mind was at a full stop. She decided to take a break.

She had skipped breakfast and didn't notice her hunger until a while ago when contemplating on what to write.

She decided to grab a bite thus pausing her work again. She checked her time and thank God it was lunch break already. She headed for the cafeteria with her purse to grab her signature meal.

Sybil enjoyed eating sugar when she's stressed out and now how she needed some right now. She walked towards the elevator pushing the button for the third floor. Her office was a floor below her boss's. She was on the eight floor while Anthony was on the ninth floor. Only his office was on that floor alongside a private bar.

Arriving at the cafeteria, she went to the pastry section to grab her signature chocolate filled doughnuts with chocolate sponge cake and iced tea. Her signature meal.

After grabbing her meal she headed back to her office. She stumbled upon some employees who snickered at her while few acknowledged her with their greetings. Sybil rarely interact with the other employees. The other employees thinks she was a proud black b***h who is favoured by the boss. "look at her walk like she's the boss" they would say. They envy her alot because she had joined them later and was promoted to head a department as team manager which she was doing a good job at.

Sybil acknowledged the ones who greeted with a nod and walked pass graceful giving them a contemptous glance. She was so used to their disrespect that it didn't seem to faze her anymore.

She arrived back at her office slumping on her chair as she dropped her lunch. She ate slowly savouring the sweet pastries as her mind began to drift into her very own imaginary haven.

'Bzzzz' her phone buzzed on the desk. She reach out to get it. 'Bestie' was shown on the screen. She got a message from Diana. 'Did you have lunch yet?I know you did. Still shall we grab a bite together now if you are less busy?' it read.

Diana has been her best friend for as long as she could remember. Although she doesn't remember how they became besties bit she was grateful they did. Diana had never once discarded her because she was black. Instead she cared and loved her like her little sister. Yeah that's right Diana is two years older than her and she was grateful because she had an older sister like her. She always made sure she doesn't feel the burden which is always wearing her down.

Sybil grabbed her purse leaving her car keys behind. Since it was Diana's treat shed definitely bring her car. She headed for the elevator and pushed the first floor button. The door opened and he was in there. Anthony was in the elevator going somewhere? where? It was none of her business but he rarely comes out form his office since he's always busy with signing and approving or rejecting documents.

She got in completely ignoring his presence. She was the only one in the world who isn't fazed by his looks. She never trusted handsome guys but for some reason she believed what 'her' mysterious man said.

The door closed and the ride down was deafening. Only the sound of the moving lift could be heared. The ride finally came to a halt and the doors opened. They walked side by side toward the exit and this brought unwanted attention to them. Seeing the boss and his employee going out together was a whole new scene to them. Seeing these two go out together might have confirmed the gossips circulating in the company that Sybil was definitely the boss's mistress.

They got out and Anthony headed for his car in the lot while Sybil searched for Diana.

She watched him get into his car and drove off. Anthony was a man of few words...or so she thought. She had never really had a normal conversation with him so she didn't know how he was socially. He seems like an introvert yet didn't. It was so hard to figure these type of men out. The handsome ones are always the ones with the darkest and shadiest secrets. That's why she never trusted them.

'Where are you? I'm at the parking lot but I don't see your car.' she texted Diana back.

'honk!!' Sybil turned to the sound and saw Diana's car drifting into the lot. A smile creeped into her face at the sight of the car. How she envied Diana of her car and wanted one of hers badly.

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