
Surviving Survival Korean Series With My Achievement App!

A strange app called Achievement Hero. Wielding this app, the Hero Of Achievement is born. From All Of Us Are Dead to Sweet Home... He would survive them all! #Zombies#Monsters

Ishya_Chan · 电影同人
14 Chs


Chapter 8 - Gwi-Nam!

"I'm hungry…"

Dae-su's growling stomach could be clearly heard.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

Kim Do-Hyun felt guilty for taking too much of their time.

"Sorry. I need to go somewhere else!"

On their way, Su-hyeok parted away as he had a sudden business to go.

The cafeteria building was humongous with many rows of tables and seats to accommodate a large number of students.

The kitchen and serving area was also quite large while being conveniently near the seats.

"Guys, let's hurry up and eat!"

Dae-su impatiently urged them while grabbing a silver tray and spork plus chopsticks.


The others quickly followed the hungry guy to the waiting lines.

When it was finally his turn, Kim Do-Hyun looked over the selection and saw a variety of dishes.

"If you have foods you dislike, don't say it to the aunties and just give it to Dae-su."

Cheong-san wore a grave expression as if he had a trauma.

Kim Do-Hyun nodded. 

"I'm not that picky."

Although the cafeteria foods were not ideal like his cooked foods, they were still good enough to fill the stomach.

The cafeteria foods were delicious unlike the bitter things he ate everyday in the past as Kimber.

After everyone was served, they searched for an empty spot to eat together.

"Guys! Here, I've reserved it for us in advance."

Oh Joon-young waved his hand from an empty seat faraway.

"You really think in advance."

"Such a lifesaver."

Oh Joon-young chuckled as the guys sent their gratitudes.

"Let's eat!"

The taste wasn't bad.

However, he thought it was still better to bring his own nutritional lunch to promote the growth of his body.

While they were eating peacefully, Kim Do-Hyun suddenly saw Gyeong-su staring at the cafeteria's door.

"Why are those shitty bastards here?"


Kim Do-Hyun grew curious upon hearing his words full of resentment. He turned his head and saw a group of delinquents entering the cafeteria.

They were a literal group of thugs as they made a mess to other students who were eating peacefully.

"Hey, ignore them."

Cheong-san then explained to Kim Do-Hyun.

"You must never involve yourself with those bastards. They are the worst kind of people who bullies those weaker than them."

Oh Joon-young nodded.

"He's right. Those guys bring nothing but trouble to this school."

"I see."

Kim Do-Hyun now knew even in this school, there were still bullies that bullied the weak.

Like cockroaches, they seem to never disappear.

"Damn. Why are they going in our direction?"

Gyeong-su cursed as he saw the thugs approaching them.

And it was indeed true.

The group of bullies halted before their table.

"Look who's here; The welfie loser."

The leader mocked Gyeong-su before slamming his basketball strongly against the table.



The loud sudden noise caused every student to become surprised. All of their attention quickly turned to the groups of Kim Do-Hyun and the bullies.

"Hey, ugly bastard."

The leader of the bullies grabbed Kim Do-Hyun's shoulder with his other hand still holding the basketball.

Kim Do-Hyun stared at the guy who was leaning on him imposingly.

"Are you the bastard who transferred to Class 2-5?"

Kim Do-Hyun didn't reply as he observed the guy before him.

A guy with a black mullet that reached his shoulders with a clean undercut. He had a tall body that wore a white long-sleeve shirt with a black shirt under it.

"I don't remember doing anything to be called a bastard."

The leader tauntingly smiled.

"Your face really looks pretty. Just like what they said."

As his words fell, a resounding clear sound echoed—



The spectators were too stunned to even react.

The guy had viciously slapped Kim Do-Hyun's cheek, leaving behind a vivid red palm imprint.

Kim Do-Hyun looked at his glasses that fell to the ground from the slap.

A calm anger began to brew within his heart.

"Your pretty face. I'll definitely have fun destroying it."

The guy then spat out his saliva at Kim Do-Hyun's hair.


"Hey, Gwi-nam! You're taking it too far!"

Kim Do-Hyun's friends jolted angrily from their seats. 

"You guys want to receive a painful lesson, too?"

Gwi-nam venomously stared at them like a vicious snake. His cronies then stepped forward with smirks to intimidate them.

"Guys, it's fine." 

Kim Do-Hyun raised his arm to stop them while taking a deep cold breath. His furrowed eyes were sharpened like cold blades.

"You know how to not involve hell in others. Nice job!"

As Gwi-nam laughed tauntingly, his cronies also added fuel to the fire of frustration by laughing despicably.

Kim Do-Hyun went to pick up his glasses that fell on the floor.


He stumbled quite a bit as a ball hardly hit him on the head.

"Oops! Sorry! My hands slipped."

A grin expanded across Gwi-nam's face, an intense pleasure filling his head from bullying someone who had a better look and brain than him.

Kim Do-Hyun silently wore his glasses before grabbing the ball that rolled on the ground.

As he stood up, Gwi-nam suddenly took a step back, surprised to see Kim Do-Hyun being taller than him.

"Hey, why are you doing this?" 

Gwi-nam snorted with anger hidden within his eyes.

"You charmed Kim Hyeon-Ju. All other girls also speak nothing else but you! It's irritating!"

"That's all?"

A sigh escaped from Kim Do-hyun.

What a petty reason.

"That's why I'll teach you a lesson by making your life a hell."

Gwi-nam held a sadistic smile.

"I'll scar your face until it becomes hideous to look at. I'm sure you'll enjoy our special bullying service."

Gwi-nam then sinisterly glanced at the ball on Kim Do-hyun's hand. He'll use it to smash that pretty face badly.

"Give the ball back."

"Your ball?"

Kim Do-Hyun tightly grabbed the ball as he smiled at them.

"I'll give it back."

He then arched his back and swung his arm strongly towards them.


Gwi-nam let out a frightened expression as he quickly blocked his head with both of his arms like a scared kitty.


However, he failed to feel the ball crashing against him.

When Gwi-nam opened his eyes, he saw the ball slamming on Kim Do-hyun's other hand.

He then realized he was tricked.

Kim Do-Hyun merely pretended to throw the ball at him.

And that realization gave birth to intense humiliation and anger.

"Hahaha! Look, that bastard got scared silly!"

Cheong-san and others started to laugh from Gyeong-su's words.


The other students also began to laugh loudly.

Gwi-nam stared furiously at Kim Do-Hyun for being embarrassed.

Kim Do-Hyun was unfazed and just started to speak mockingly at him.

"I know plenty of guys like you. A baby that grew with lack of attention. So, when you finally become big and tall; you bully others weaker and smaller than you because you are desperate to beg others for the attention you lack."


The crowd exclaimed at those words.

Kim Do-Hyun continued.

"You think life is going good for you because your peers fear you? No, what you don't know is you look worse than a clown begging for people's attention. You're nothing but an immature coward who can't do a shit if your boyfriends aren't beside you."

The crowds began to laugh as their view changed over the relationship between Gwi-nam and his cronies.

As for the bullies, those words really touched their nerves.

"What a load of bullshit! I'll fucking kill you by ripping your tongue out first!"

The enraged Gwi-nam tried to swing his fist towards Kim Do-Hyun.



The arrival of the teacher stopped Gwi-nam an inch away from Kim Do-Hyun's face.

"Tch, you're lucky the teacher came to save your face. But you won't have luck next time. You better watch out in the future."

Gwi-nam turned to leave after leaving those words.


Kim Do-Hyun scoffed at those words.

"Why not now?"

His clear yet powerful voice caused everyone to be stunned.

Gwi-nam stopped in his tracks.

"Or maybe you're scared?"

Gwi-nam then turned around while angrily clenching his teeth.

"You're fucking dead."

At those words, Kim Do-Hyun suddenly threw the ball towards him.

A simple pass.

And being caught off guard, Gwi-nam was barely able to catch it.

"Violence is old-fashioned. Let's settle our fight with a basketball match."

Gwi-nam raised a brow.

However, Kim Do-Hyun knew he had to take the lead.

"If I win, you will never trouble me and my friends anymore. But if I lose, I'll be your dog or whatever you want."

The offer attracted Gwi-nam's interest.


"What? Are you afraid to lose and embarrass yourself? Then don't throw a basketball at someone's head in the first place."

All of the students were curious about this basketball match. Even the male teacher who stopped the fight.

"Now choose, Gwi-nam. Either accept our match, or be labeled as a spineless coward for not accepting the fight."

As he looked around him, Gwi-nam knew he had no choice but to accept.

"Fine, I'll accept the match!"

Gwi-nam never accepted a situation he would lose. This just showed how much confidence he has with his basketball skills.

"We don't have time for today. Let's have a fight tomorrow at lunch again."

Gwi-nam accepted as he thought of a wonderful idea of setting up a betting stage to earn money.

"You fucker will end up embarrassed to the death tomorrow."

Gwi-nam and his cronies soon left, leaving behind the students who were excited about this basketball match.

Kim Do-Hyun then turned to his friends who wore worried expressions.

"I'll go to the restroom to wash myself."

He then went to the restroom with a calm demeanor.

As he opened the sink, Kim Do-hyun looked at his hands which were trembling from what happened earlier.

He was afraid.

Kim Do-Hyun remembered the past where he was bullied.

Until today, it haunted him.

However, he needed to act strong against those bullies.

Even if it's fake.

He needed to stand his ground.

Only then would no one look down on him.

Only then would he free himself from the past that haunted him.

Enduring wasn't the solution.

Only fighting is.

Until the very end.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Kim Do-Hyun believed in this saying to those who wronged him.


He carefully washed his face and grew determined to win.

Unbeknownst to him, there was something happening on his phone.

The black screen lit up as the [Hero's Diary] emerged.

Golden letters were being typed in.

[Hero has calmly won a battle of mind and wits against a villain]

[+Rare Achievement, +30 AP ]


Read Advanced Chapters on my p@treon.com/LordIshya

I release chapters earlier on my pat reon since it's timed there but for some reason its late here