
Survival In A Mythical World

Arantala is a world dominated by beasts and monsters, with humans scarcely populated and even sold as food or enslaved. The last 6 wielders of the Primordial Elements have died, restarting the cycle of who uses them. After surviving a catastrophic natural disaster caused by a powerful monster, a human named Kai escapes being sold as food and runs into the wilderness. After searching for a while, He is greeted by a strange relic that grants him a special power, he has aquired one of the Primordial Elements. The relic speaks to him telling him to find 5 other people who have obtained a Primordial Element. They are scattered around the world and they must eventually meet. Once all 6 people are united, their power can reshape the world, effectively making them gods. Will Kai find the 5 other people, and become a true god, or will he die to the hands of beasts and monsters? What friends or enemies will he make? Read to discover the mystery!

MasterrGuy · 奇幻
36 Chs


Kai knew he had to act fast. If he ran the troll would just catch him due to him being faster and larger. He took a deep breath and charged towards the troll, holding his spear tightly. The troll let out a roar and swung its massive arm, trying to hit Kai. But Kai dodged and plunged his spear into the troll's thigh. He felt like he had a faster though process from obtaining Cosmic Magic.

Mozo let out a deafening scream, causing the ground to shake. Kai pulled out his spear and tried to back away, but Mozo grabbed him by his ankle, lifting him up in the air.

"Where do you think you're going, little human?" Mozo said, his grip tightening around Kai's ankle. "You can't escape from me."

The spear dropped to the ground and dissolved into a dark purple matter with hundreds of sparkling stars.

"What the-"

He had more important things to think about though. Like his survival.

Kai struggled to free himself from the troll's grasp, but it was no use. Mozo started to pull Kai towards his mouth, ready to devour him.

"Asteroid!" Kai yelled. He had to resort to his grand weapon earlier than he thought. He only had time to discover and use this spell.

Mozo paused and looked at him with confusion. "What is asteroid?"

"It's time for you to find out!" Kai yelled as he channeled his cosmic magic. A bright light started to emanate from his hand and then suddenly, a giant asteroid appeared flying straight at the troll.

The asteroid crashed onto the ground, causing a massive explosion that engulfed Mozo and Kai. Kai used the opportunity to break free from Mozo's grasp and ran as fast as he could, trying to escape. For some reason the impact never injured Kai.

As he ran, he could feel the heat of the explosion behind him. He looked back and saw the huge cloud of dust and debris rising up into the sky. He saw the troll's silhouette through the dust cloud still standing.

"What did you do silly human?" Mozo said out loud. He walked out of the flames and brushed his shoulders of dust. "That was weird trick!"

"Now way.." He whispered to himself. Out of fear, Kai continued to run through the rainforest until he was sure that he was out of danger. He collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. From the distance he could see the troll still walking towards him with an angry expression. He realized that he may need to learn a new cosmic spell.

"Book!? Wherever you are please appear!"

All the sudden the book materialized out of thin air. It opens straight to the next page holding the next spell.

"That was quick," he said less panicked and he proceeded to read it.


Spell number 2: Solar Wind [Tier 1]


1. Imagine the air around you heating up to extreme temperatures.

2. Pretend to posses the wind and blow it at the enemy.

3. Done!


P.S: Saying the name out loud will make it stronger.


"Once again, it's like a baby wrote this," He muttered to himself. "Anyways let's do this!"