
Supreme Ruler: Control Is Greater Than Power!

My life? Many people see me as the most fortunate person existing. Maybe it was due to the power I wield, or what I had in my possession. But I found it hilarious; how I, myself, find my life worthless, every and anything I cared about getting burned in the flames of my ever-flowing energy. I don't mean it literally, more like… a metaphor, I guess. The world always opposed every and anything I stood for. I'm sure if you stood against me you would end up victorious. Anyway, off with my sorrows. To make everything interesting, I'll have to show you a clearer view of the world I live in.  Here it is; the story I so much wanted to share with you… all of you… *** In Archon, the union of a demon and angel was considered sacrilege to all its inhabitants—Apart from this glaring hatred for the union, any offspring from the union would die a miserable death. Stiles, a Nephalem, birthed from the union of a demon and angel had no choice but to face this challenge head-on, his parent's life becoming the payment for his survival. Stiles, filled with anger, tried to end his life but failed with every attempt.  Embarking on a journey to end his miserable life, he came in contact with a fortress that will change his life, turning him from a depressed boy into a Ruler—one that will reign over the land of Archon. ______________ Good day, ladies/gentlemen.  I've not done much writing, but I hope you would check my work out and give feedback. A/N: 100 power stones= 1 chapter. 10 Golden Tickets= 1 chapter. Thanks~ ----------- The cover photo is not mine, so if you are the artist or you know the artist, kindly communicate. Thanks~

Hamzat_11 · 奇幻
85 Chs

Life First.

On the southern gate of Kynburgh, Lieutenant General Tareef stood idly on the wall, overlooking the forest in the distance.

He had a perplexed expression as he did not see any of the alliance forces exit the forest, only some monsters, which were likely brought about by the explosives they planted in the forest.

Picking up the silver binoculars, he searched for battle aircraft over the dense forest but failed to see anything as some of the tall trees obstructed his view.

'Tsk… From that kid's plan, the alliance forces would either fight the monsters and retreat or exit the forest with the monsters…'

Lieutenant General Tareef thought, recalling what Stiles had told them.

'But are the sensors not supposed to pick up movements, or were they destroyed…'

He could not come to a general conjecture on the sensor's condition. After all, the system didn't indicate that it was damaged.

He also couldn't determine if the alliance forces eluded the monsters and retreated to their respective base since the monsters that exited the forest were not much in any sense.

'Sigh…. Anyway, his plan worked, which I'm glad for… I don't have any reason to stand against his claim to the throne.

I'm sure I'll be eliminated if I try it, anyway… tsk.'

Lieutenant General Tareef clenched his palm in a fist, silently observing the corpses of the monsters.

'At least, we have meat to feed our people, fruits and other plant-based diets won't be hard to obtain…

There is going to be a big celebration after this…!'

Lieutenant General Tareef could not help but gulp as he imagined himself drinking gallons of liquor with roasted monster flesh. He even imagined the amount of spice—pepper, in particular, that would make him draw deep breaths in microseconds.

He could not exempt the sight of well-rounded females, twisting and whining their waists to the sound of the traditional drums and songs of victory.

It was a sight men, who had similar taste as him wouldn't miss for the world.

'Since our new King is a kid, would he have issues with such celebrations…?' Lieutenant General Tareef suddenly had a melancholic mood that made the people around gulp in fear of the unknown.

Why would his mood change so much without any prior warning?!

'Though it would be nice to organize a public celebration for all the soldiers, I can still have my personal celebration if the King refuses…'

Tareef found solace in the fact that he could still enjoy all these things, just not in a general celebration.

Nodding his head, Tareef twisted his neck slightly to look at the soldiers. "Prepare to go in and retrieve the monster's carcasses. All units should watch out for live ones, these fellas are quite tricky—some might have developed intelligence."

Tareef released a series of commands, directing all military personnel on what is required of them.

Since their side only dealt with a few monsters, it would be mind-boggling if there were any casualties.


Sometime before…

In the dense forest, the alliance forces from the Xadora kingdom slowly navigated the forest, battle aircraft hovering silently above them.

The battle aircraft did not fly too high up in the sky to prevent Kynburgh's scouts from easily noticing them. The trees which were of equal height supported their course, blocking prying eyes.

The commanding officer of Xadora kingdom forces in the alliance, Adelane Thudhamma, observed the forest with scrutiny, checking for any mishaps.

She looked to be in her late twenties, with purple hair and eyes to match, dressed in royal-purple, linen overalls.

If one were to describe her simply, they would say, 'purple lady'.

Her overalls had an opening on the waist side that gave onlookers a peek at her tight and curvaceous waist.

Adelane stopped abruptly, noticing something odd about the forest—it seemed people had been here before them.

That was not the weird part of the situation. The main issue was what she could gain from her analysis.

As a Level 7 Ranker of the Xadora kingdom, she had high expertise in the field of technology.

Using her Ability, which also coincided with her profession, Adelane could tell electronic devices were planted throughout this route.

"Halt!" She commanded with raised hands.

"Seems Kynburgh's defense forces are not fools," Adelane uttered in a solemn tone, thinking of the other alliance troops who were supposed to attack the other walls of Kynburgh.

Adelane headed for a male with a huge bag hung on his back. "Take out the drone controls."

The man was lost for a second at the sight of her breasts which stood like a mountain despite the overalls' suppression, coming to a realization after feeling Adelane's intensive gaze.

"S-sorry, ma'am," he stuttered, immediately taking off the bag to search for the controls.

Successfully finding the controls, he handed it over to Adelane, not daring to look at her directly.

Adelane snatched the controls, tapping on some buttons and simultaneously looking at a drone that elevated slowly.

Adelane busied herself with directing the drone to head for Kynburgh, taking the chance to observe the route they were taking.

Immediately her drone exited the confines of the forest, she witnessed the screen go blank—she didn't even see what hit the drone.

"Prepare to return!"

Adelane yelled at the top of her voice, noticing something on her transmitter.

'I had planted sensors on most of the battle aircraft and machines of the other alliance forces…'

She thought solemnly.

'It seems they met strong resistance.

My life isn't worth risking for this operation…'

To her dismay, the growls and wails of monsters resounded in the forest.

"The hell!" A soldier exclaimed, shocked by the terrifying sounds.

"Pack up! Pack up! We shall head for Xadora. All battle aircraft, watch out for any horde!"

Adelane shouted at the top of her voice.

Picking up a monocular, she peeked into it, getting a clear vision of distant matters.

'The fuck…!'

Adela exclaimed in her heart, her pupils dilating at the sight of the incoming horde.

'How devilish of Kynburgh's inhabitants…'

That was her last thought as she completely zoned into the main problem, deleting all distracting thoughts. After all, she was someone that loved her life.

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