
Second Life (Part 2)

"Once closed, the mana channels cannot be opened again because your spell can't pass through the bones anymore, leaving their shape and properties fixed. An incompetent Forgemaster will ruin your bones, giving you equipment that has lost most of its mana conductivity, becoming barely better than silver.

"A scammer will give you bones with the perfect shape but no mana flow that have no Forgemastering value."

The Hydra focused on Second Life, moving her hands like an orchestra director, to better exert surgical precision in controlling the elemental flow through the bones.

After a few seconds, most of the skeleton had turned white again while the emerald energy was now condensed in the mana channels, making them perfectly visible to the naked eye.

"This is what you can expect when you do Second Life right." Faluel moved her fingers as if she was kneading something and the bones fused together, turning from a pile of bones into a single ivory-colored piece.