
Supreme Immortal Monarch

He has reincarnated after millions of years , unfamiliar to his own birthplace. Once he used to be an Immortal God looking down on world but even Immortals are not True Immortals despite being capable of suppressing myriad era and Nine Heaven . Now , after Reincarnation , he will journey through Nine Heaven and Myriad World with the solo purpose of transcending Mortality and achieving Immortality . Can he achive what he fail to achive in his first life ? Or will he experience his downfall once more ?

Monarch_Rai · 奇幻
24 Chs

Young Heroes


Arriving on the land of Ancestral Mountain , Sect Master Qi and Sect Matriarch Gu , followed by hundreds of Elites .

They all expand their Divine Sense and search the Cultists .

Mountain Range with abundant Spiritual Qi and Divinity , shrouded by clouds .

On the peak of every mountain are galaxies hovering , adorning those peaks like a ring of myth .

"They have chosen this location where outside connection can't interfere inside this world "

"Although we don't know anything about Ancestral Mountain , we at least know our Ancestral Mountain has a barrier separating connection between outside world and inside world "

Sect Master Qi can feel he has lost all the connections from the outside world , making him unable to get in touch with the outside world .

" I can see there are groups of suspicious people camping on my family's Ancestral Mountain "

"What do this group of people think of my Ancestral Mountain ?"

"Their property ?"

Sect Master Qi was beyond furious , how can an outsider treat his family's Ancestral Mountain like their Military Base ?

Intolerable !!

"Dear , it's seem those people are the one responsible for guarding Alternative Dimensional Barrier "

Sect Matriarch Gu opens her beautiful lips , even her eyes are beyond furious .

"Haha , let's see who those fuckers truely are ?"

An oldman with a muscular body and broad shoulders looks in the direction where the enemies are located . With a cold smile , he licks his lips . His name is Rong Meng .

A middle aged man with a fat body and around 5'6 feet tall , nods his head . Wearing a hay hat and a Daoist Robe .

"This people are truly brave to even camp on Ancestral Mountain of fellow Daoist Brother Qi "

"Do they not understand the immensity between Heaven and Earth ?"

This fat man is Xiao Xiao , a very powerful Daoist.

Even in Sect Master Qi's prime , he barely manages to win against Xiao Xiao because Xiao Xiao is born with one of the strongest Heavenly Physique — Indestructible Star Physique .

And it is said his son has also inherited this legendary Heavenly Physique , making both father and son a true Indestructible Demon !!

And since his son is born in an Era where Spiritual Qi far surpasses Xiao Xiao's Era , the son is even stronger and resilient compared to father himself .

"Amitabha , Buddha is merciful "

An oldman wearing purple kasaya , illuminating with Holy Aura and Buddha Chants , benevolently looks at the direction of enemies .

But for the Buddha Disciples , nothing and no one are their Enemies .

"This benefactors there , I hope you stop leaking so much malicious Aura that affects the environment and natural order "

The old Bodhisattva Saint is Guan San . Although he has only become a Bodhisattva Saint for a few thousand , he is no less than any Bodhisattva Saint from the previous generation.

"Bald head , stop lecturing me "

Rong Meng snorts , not even troubling himself to show any respect for Guan San .

" Amitabha , Amitabha "

"Buddha is merciful "

Guan San shakes his head , trying to ask for forgiveness for Rong Meng to Buddha .

"Let's go "

All the hundred Elites left , crossing Void with each step they took .


" Our Existence has already been known by the powerhouse of outside world "

"Everyone you must be alert at every breath you take "

A middle aged man , Zhen Zhengqi observes his subordinates while standing and supporting his arms on the table .

Inside a small tent , there are few powerhouse standing and reporting everything that is happening in the outside world .

"Ask Death to leave some of enemies so we can use them as sacrifice "

"As for Tian Daokong , ask him to massacre each and everyone he meets "

Zhen Zhengqi gives them the order . As for his subordinates , they nod their head and receive the order .

But soon , everyone feels a wave of powerful Qi coming outside .

"What is going on ?"

With a deep frown , Zhen Zhengqi walks outside and soon he sees a very terrifying one sided annihilation .

His hundreds of elite forces are getting one sidedly annihilated , without mercy they are all killed .

"Sect Master Qi of Casket Sword Sect ? "

"So you guys even manage to find our base "

With a mocking smile , Zhen Zhengqi looks at those mighty figures resembling Gods and Demons from Heaven .

Flames and smoke are all over the mountains , hundreds of Elites from Zhen Zhengqi side are getting burned by Spiritual Qi .

"Junior Brother Zhen , you !!"

With a trembling finger , Sect Master Qi points at Zhen Zhengqi .

Even the powerhouse levitating up in the sky was surprised to see Zhen Zhengqi .

"Zhen Zhengqi , so you are also part of this Cult ?"

"Damn you , so you decided to betray everyone and chose to side with this Cultist "

"How can you do this ?"

One after another questions begin to come out of everyone's mouth , forcing the sky to rumble just because of their powerful voice .

Their powerful voice was enough to cause those weak Cultivators on the ground to vomit blood .

Their mind was weak and Spirituality was unable to protect such powerful Spiritual Power coming out of those voices .

"What do you mean by betrayal ?"

Zhen Zhengqi was calm and very stable , his robe fluttering from the Spiritual Pressure leaking from his enemy's body .

Even the surroundings begin to slowly shake .

Long and lush grasses begin to move left and right , while trees begin to tremble .

And soon , a very powerful wind torrent took place .

" I never was part of you , fuckers "

"Hehehe "

With a mocking laughter , Zhen Zhengqi waves his hand toward his enemies .

"I don't know the reason to why you chose to side with this groups of virus , but now that you have decided to stand on their side "

" You will receive no mercy from us "

Sect Matriarch Gu frowns tightly . She is also in deep shock right now to reunite with her old friend .

"Oh , if it isn't Elder Sister Gu "

"Hahaha , still as beautiful as every "

"No , you are much more beautiful than during your youth . Because of those mature aura you have "

Zhen Zhengqi licks his lips , revealing extreme lust for Sect Matriarch Gu .

" You dare !!"

Sect Master Qi thunderously roared , even Heaven and Earth shook with his roar alone .

" Senior Brother Qi , don't think I am afraid of you "

"Even if you manage to stop us from birthing a Fiend now , you won't be able to stop Senior Brother Di from destroying you and your pitiful lineage "

" When he comes out of his Seclusion , all he need is a single wave of his sleeve and you and your entire lineage will be force to get wiped out "

With a very confident grin , Zhen Zhengqi mocks Sect Master Qi .

Sect Master Qi and everyone falls in silence when they heard Zhen Zhengqi mention [ Senior Brother Di ]

Everyone who heard his name felt their body and soul shake , not even Dao Heart as strong as Sect Master Qi level manage to stop themselves from feeling [ Trepidation ]

Seeing those fear in everyone eyes , Zhen Zhengqi was extremely satisfied

"Just the name alone is enough to cause you all to experience trepidation , just imagine the day he comes out of his seclusion ?"

Zhen Zhengqi was feeling extremely satisfied after seeing how his enemies were experiencing fear .

"Bullshit !!"

Rong Meng's voice reverberates each and every corner of the sky and the land .

"Is Brother Di also part of this Fiend incident ?"

Sect Master Qi takes a deep breath and asks Zhen Zhengqi with a grave and serious voice , revealing a solemn expression .

"Hump "

Zhen Zhengqi coldly snorts at Sect Master Qi words .

"If we had asked him to join this Fiend Scheme , do you think everyone of us in our Cult would have stayed alive ?"

"Don't you know how prideful and self esteem our Senior Brother Di is ?"

"For him , scheme is only strength for weakling like us "

"For strong people like him , pure and true power is what power represents "

Here , Zhen Zhengqi suddenly smiles extremely coldly . He insults Sect Master Qi .

"Do you think everyone is like you ? "

"Someone who stabs his own brother's back ?"

"Hahahahahaha "

Listening to Zhen Zhengqi pointing out one after another fact that humiliates Sect Master Qi , everyone secretly takes a peek at him .

Everyone knows that Di Tiansong and Sect Master Qi used to be Swornbrother . And it was also Di Tiansong who fought against the Immortal Sovereign Empire for his brother Qi when the Imperial Army of Immortal Sovereign Empire came to hunt down Sect Master Qi .

Their relations with each other were much deeper than real biological brothers .

But it is a fact that Sect Master Qi betrayed Di Tiankong .

But the actual reason , no one has ever known till this day .

For them , Sect Master Qi has always been a mystery . He was not even the real son of the previous Sect Master of Casket Sword Sect .

It is said , Sect Master Qi suddenly appeared in the Qi Family residence and before anyone realized anything , he was already part of the Qi Family .

Even for his adopted father , Sect Master Qi has always been a mystery which he can never see through .

And when it was True Emperor Ascension , a time when Immortal Battlefield opened for every Young Emperor and Emperor Candidates , Sect Master Qi actually didn't take part in such an opportunity .

Although Di Tiansong also decided to not take part in such a once in a lifetime opportunity .

But that does not give a proper answer to why Sect Master Qi didn't participate in such an opportunity ?

Sect Master Qi shuts his eyes and silently tries to stabilize [ System ] of his body , and when he opens his body it is like he has completely become a different person .

"A threat like you needs to be eliminated before you can grow "

Waving his sleeve , Sect Master Qi actually channels Emperor Qi .

Waves of Emperor Qi began to condense and weave into mountain destroying size palm .

Everyone can feel the horror of Emperor Qi up in the sky , ready to eliminate all the threat that is danger to Sect Master Qi.

Void began to crack , Sky began to break .

Heaven and Earth cried in agony when they felt Emperor Qi was coming into existence , the Law of Universe respected and worshiped this Emperor Qi .

"How , how can you use Emperor Qi ?"

Zhen Zhengqi's eyes widened with indescribable horror , not ready to accept such a nightmare .

Didn't Sect Master Qi refuse to participate in Immortal Battlefield ?

Although he was Young Emepror of his generation , how the fuck is he using Emepror Qi ?

"This Sovereign does not need to answer an ant to how he can do whatnot and whatsoever "

The voice and eyes of Sect Master Qi was extremely monotonous , no emotions and feelings can be felt from him .

Creeping everyone with his voice devoid of every Mortal Attachment .


When the world destroying palm descended on the world , everything on its path was obliterated by the sheer power of Emperor Qi.

"Do you think I have no way of protecting myself "

"Come out "

Zhen Zhengqi Summons an Ancient Shield forged through silver type material .

At first the Shield was only human size but soon , the height began to grow and size began to expand .

The Ancient Shield was surrounded with Ancient Aura , giving a vibe of indestructibility .

But when the palm came in contact with such a durable shield , a thunderous shockwave enough to shake the stars outside was produced .

And soon , the shield has no strength and durability left . Shattering and breaking down , only leaving fragments that scatter all around the ground.

But luckily the shield managed to weaken the palm and when Zhen Zhengqi used all his Chaos to protect himself ,he was plastered to the ground .

And when the palm disappeared , they saw a gigantic palm shape devastating mark left on the mountain .

"Cough "

Zhen Zhengqi coughs blood but a smile can be traced on his lips.

"Hahaha , so this is what Emperor Qi is capable of "

"Even destroying my Quasi - Heavenly Artifact so easily "

"So unless one has Heavenly Treasure or Artifact , you can never go up against Emperor Power "

Zhen Zhengqi did not even feel a trace of fear when he was crushed by such world destroying power . But instead , he felt proud to be able to survive such calamity .

"Lord Zhen "

Those subordinates far away from Zhen Zhengqi were worried when they saw Zhen Zhengqi in such a miserable state .

But soon , Zhen Zhengqi's body got surrounded with Gray Mist , forcing his injured body to recover .

And up in the sky , Sect Master Qi once again shut his eyes , coming out of [ System ] .

And when he opened his eyes , he was normal and back to his usual self .

Looking down on Zhen Zhengqi , Sect Master Qi reveals traces of doubts and conflict .

He bit his lower lips and felt restless .

' that thing happen once again '

He shakes his head and tries to calm himself .

' If this keep on going like this , I don't know when this will end '

"Dear , are you alright ?"

Sect Matriarch Gu was genuinely worried for her husband , she also reveals doubt and conflict in her eyes .

Her husband has once again done the same thing he did back then .

Even before achieving the Nine Treasure Realm , her husband once used Emperor Qi and destroyed the entire lineage that used to exist since Ancient Times .

And now , once again he used Emperor Qi. Although this time was hundreds of times weaker compared to what he used back then, it is still dangerous for him to do so .

If her husband had used only one percent of what he had used a thousand years ago , even with Heavenly Artifact , Zhen Zhengqi would have died without ashes .

So it was a misunderstanding on the part of Zhen Zhengqi .

A True Emperor can easily destroy even a Heavenly Treasure .

Unless the Treasure is above Nobility Rank .

"I am alright "

Sect Master Qi calms himself .

As for Zhen Zhengqi , he levitates midair , burning with Gray Mist that seems to give the vibe of Life and Death .

Those Gray Mist seem to be coming from the thread that exists between life and death .

"That's Grey Mist , how can Zhen Zhengqi cultivate such a mysterious power ?"

Xiao Xiao opens his lips , unable to believe what his eyes are seeing .

"Amitabha ,it is worse than cultivating in Demon Cultivation and Devil Cultivation "

"This benefactor has chosen the path of Sin , we must eliminate the Sin sheltering inside his soul "

Guan San chants a Buddhist Mantra when he feels the sinister and creepy Aura leaking from Grey Mist .

Soon a Buddha Projection materialized behind Guan San .

A peaceful and benevolent Buddha meditating , illuminating the past , present and future with the Golden light Of Wisdom.

" Amitabha ( Infinite Light ) "

Pressing his right palm down , aiming on Zhen Zhengqi , Guan San unleashes rays of Golden Light Of Wisdom .

Wisdom gathers all around his body and becomes a Buddhist Weapon capable of purifying both Devil , Demon and the Ghost .

"Shit !! This oldman "

Zhen Zhengqi tries to dodge the Golden Light of Wisdom , but Space and Void around him is sealed by Wisdom .

So he can only fight back with his Grey Mist .

But damn , how can his tiny Grey Mist which he has only been cultivating for around hundred years even think of defeating this Golden Light Of Wisdom that belongs to Bodhisattva Saint ?

"I am fucked up "


" Song Wonghuang , I will give you a task you must complete even if your life is on the line "

Grand Elder Fan riding a Mythical Cloud with his legs crossed , looks at his disciple .

" Grand Elder Fan , just say it once and this disciple will even give his head to you "

Song Wonghuang respectfully answers his master . Although he calls his master Grand Elder , in actuality Grand Elder Fan is his Master .

"Hahaha "

" You say so "

Grand Elder Fan was satisfied by his disciple's answer , the apple of his eyes .

In this world , Grand Elder Fan has a Fan Family in Mythical Phoenix Kingdom . One of the strongest families to exist in Mythical Phoenix Kingdom , his grandchildren are ruling over the family .

But no one is worthy of his Inheritance , The Legacy of Yin Yang Master !!

Yes , Grand Elder Fan is the master of Yin and Yang !!

And his disciple Song Wonghuang is the only one worthy of inheriting his Legacy which even his Descendants fail to inherit .

"Today , I want to see how much you have learned from me "

"I will let you fight all the enemies alone while as for me , I will only watch you in form of bystander "

Grand Elder Fan solemnly tells Song Wonghuang . Song Wonghuang nods his head , he can feel the gravity of each and every word of his master .

In his life , the person he respects and worships is neither his parents , nor his family ancestor .

The person he can even give his life for is his Master — Grand Elder Fan .

As someone who is born with Paramount Metal Physique and Divine Flame Soul , he has always been physically strong and spiritually powerful .

But because this power can never exist in harmony , he has always suffered indescribable pain and a tragic life .

But when he was 8 years old , he met his master and his master taught him in Yin Yang Dao .

After learning in such dangerous Dao , he was forced to go through lots of hardship and tribulation .

Others would have given up on him but his master never gave up on him .

Although he would say harsh words and even criticize him . But his master has always given him endless love .

And because of that , he has always moved on until he became one of the [ Giants ]

And one has to know , although [ Paragon ] are already strong as some Ancestors of Powerhouse , [ Giants ] are no less than [ Paragon ]

And soon , they arrived at a location where Elties from different powerhouses were fighting against Cultists .

"Let's see , how much you have learn from me till now "

"Don't disappoint me "

With a solemn smile , Grand Elder Fan closed his eyes .

Song Wonghuang stretch his right fist forward and begin to do some light exercise .

Before crouching down and taking a huge leap .

Hundreds of Elites against hundreds of powerful Cultists were fighting while the residents of Spirit Arc City were already taken to safe locations by other Elites .

Each and every Elites are at least in the Heavenly Array Realm .

They have Heavenly Array on their back , absorbing World Energy to replenish their Dantian with a new batch of Spiritual Qi .

After one achieves Heavenly Array Realm , they can materialize Heavenly Array on their back to replenish their lost Spiritual Qi during their fights and battle .

This is also why Dao Tree can never win against Heavenly Array . Unless Dao Tree master can one shot their enemy who is a Heavenly Array master .

"Kill each and every fucking bitches !!"

"Leave no one !!"

"We will create a mountain of corpses from this bitches from Righteous Order "

All the Cultists began to roar ferociously.

Even though Elites from the Righteous Order are using [ Military Formation ] because there are mixed forces from different powerhouses , their Military Formation is not as stable and harmonious compared to the team of Cultists.

While Cultists are also using Military Formation , their Formation is in perfect sync , harmony and stability .

That is why , the Cultists combat prowess has far surpassed the combat ability of those Elites from the Righteous Order .

"Ah !!! "

"Damn , my arm !!"

"You dare !! "

A brutality that paints the walls of tall and mighty buildings with blood , streets with rivers of fresh blood and air with a mixture of fresh blood smell begin to take place .

"Haha !! Fucking losers "

"Take this !!"

The Cultists were like serial killers but with discipline of Military Soldiers .

A combination between Brutality and Disciple was just too horrifying to watch .

And leading them is the Supreme Void Realm leader .

Grand Elder Fan opens his eyes and focuses on a middle aged man standing in the void , up above the cloud . Observing everything that is happening down like a God .

The Grand Elder is responsible for defeating the Supreme Void Realm leader , so he leaves those minions to his disciple .

There are no Supreme Void Realm leaders in those groups of minions , so he does not need to worry about his disciples .

The only troubling thing about those minions is , their battle Prowess have already reached the point where they can be said to be Quasi - Supreme Void Realm expert .


The moment Song Wonghuang lands on the ground and takes his footstep , he grabs the head of his enemy and slams down on the ground .

Creating a large spiderweb shape destructive craters.

"You shit !!!"

A nearby enemy wields his sword and aims on Song Wonghuang .


To his horror , when he landed his sword on the head of Song Wonghuang , instead of the head resulting in splitting .

He heard a metal clanking !!

His eyes widen with horror , he soon retreats a few steps back . Obviously sacred by Song Wonghuang .

After all , Song Wonghuang was born with Paramount Metal Physique .

In this world , any Treasures or Artifacts relating to Metal Element will never hurt or injure him !!

Those born with Paramount Metal Physique are invulnerable to every form , shape , size or Existence related to Metal Element .

And worst of all , they can devour Metals to increase their Cultivation .

And also , their Physique is so strong , tough , resilient , durable and indestructible , their enemies will be forced to fall in despair .

One of the most Indestructible Physiques to ever exist — Paramount Metal Physique !!

It is enough to force your enemy to fall in deep despair just by having Paramount Metal Physique .

Worst of all , Song Wonghuang has three supreme powers by his side — Paramount Metal Physique , Divine Flame Soul and Yin Yang Legacy !!

When Song Wonghuang clenched his fist , the air compress by his palm made an explosive sound which forced the gale of winds to give birth to razor sharp blades .


When his fist landed on the chest of his enemy , Song Wonghuang saw his enemy flying hundred of meter away .

Crash landing on the street at first before getting plastered on the building wall .

"You asshole , take this "

Another enemy burning in Chaos , charges a destructive punch on Song Wonghuang .

But Song Wonghuang does some spins after jumping midair . Dodging the attack successfully , after that he lands a kick on the middle of his enemy's neck and shoulder .

When the kick landed , the target was forced to fall down on both knees .

The ground below was once again devastated .

"Great , this young master is truly powerful "

The Righteous Order elites were all back to their spirits . They found strength returning back to their body when they saw a strong and powerful support fighting for them .


"Baam "

Grabbing the head of two Cultists, Man Yuanlong smashed their heads to each other .

After that , he throws them up in the air before kicking each of them .

Crossing the speed of wind , those two bodies landed on the building wall and destroyed the wall . Landing inside the building .

"Come on , I am truly excited "

"My blood is boiling for more violence "

With fearless and courageous heart of Wargod , Man Yuanlong lifts his leg up and smashes on the ground .


The ground shatters and creates a long and miniature version of canyon.

The land trembles while buildings threaten to fall . Around him are corpses of his enemies .

" This generation Geniuses are truly hot blooded and a monster "

Someone from Cult couldn't stop himself from complaining .

"Take this "

A Cultist punches with his full strength .

The punch lands on the chest of Man Yuanlong , with numerous wind gales and blades that can split the wind and space flies ragingly . Even forcing everyone's clothes and hair to dance .

But when everything is over , Man Yuanlong only bleeds a little blood . A fresh blood bleeds from the corner of his lips .

Man Yuanlong looks down on his attacker and smiles like a Primal Beast ready to devour his prey .

"Was that all you can do ? "

Shaking his head , Man Yuanlong mocks the audacity of this attacker .

"I will show you how you do it "

With a merciless punch on the face of a terrified attacker , Man Yuanlong uses all his strength .


A sound that is hundreds of times faster , stronger and powerful in terms of bullet shot blasts .

The body of the attacker was in the same position as before but the only difference is .

The head of the attacker was sent flying far away from the headless body .

Man Yuanlong and everyone can see fresh blood spurting out from the headless neck and becoming into a beautiful blood fountain.

On each refined and crystal clear drop of blood , the reflection of the world can be clearly visible .

"This is what we call a true excitement "


"Young master , it is very dangerous to go outside "

"Didn't the Sect Master ask us to stay in the house ?"

You'er tries to hold Young master Qi , not letting him leave the household .

Right now , Qi Residence is protected with Heavenly Formation and Elites of the Sect .

Young master Qi smiles and stretches his arm forward .

Reaching his right hand on the head of You'er , he uses his Spiritual Qi to force You'er in sleeping .

And just like that , You'er collapse .

With that he carries her like a princess . Even after You'er fell asleep , she was still murmuring.

"Young master "

"Don't go "

"Don't go "

Looking at this silly girl , Young master Qi places her on the bed and leaves outside .

Outside , he can see his guards guarding the residence .

It is not that he wants to leave the residence , he wants to leave the city itself .

After confirming that everything is fine , he enters his room and takes out Elemental Imp .

Five different tiny and cute , adorable Elemental Spirits walk out of Void .

Each Elemental Imp is as tiny as a doll , making them extremely adorable .

"You guys will stay here , remember my Aura "

With that , Young master Qi gives them his tiny bit of Aura . And even if he leaves the city , no one will notice . Because Elemental Imp will be here while imitating his Aura .

And even if someone were to walk close to the room , Elemental Imp can imitate his voice .

So until he leaves the city , Elemental Imp will be [ Young master Qi ]

Those five Elemental Imp smiles , laughs and just moves around . They have only been born for a few days so it is reasonable for them to act this way .

Young master Qi tried to take Elemental Imp inside his Black Heaven Pagoda but it seems unless Young master Qi does not have connections with Elemental Imp through Physical or Spiritual means , he can not bring them inside .

"It would have been great if I had Dao Avatar instead "

He truly misses the day when his works were given to Dao Avatar to do .

After that , Young master Qi enters inside his Black Heaven Pagoda.

One of the abilities of Black Heaven Pagoda , he can temporarily mark one of the targets and he can travel to his target through Black Heaven Pagoda .

But this only works if he has physically or spiritually marked his target .

And in order to travel to his same target once again , he needs to mark his target once more .

But this time he left a mark on You'er.

He has to go to his father no matter what . It is because there is a Treasure he has to get his hand no matter what .

A Supreme Treasure which even Heaven does not allow to exist !!

This chaotic situation is the only opportunity for him to steal that Supreme Treasure .

With that , he travels to his father's location .

He can see the outside world while hiding behind the Void .

Although he has reached his father's location , he still is hiding himself inside Black Heaven Pagoda .

Once he sees the opening , he will take the Treasure away .

"Once the Treasure is in my hand , let's see who in this generation can be my match ?"


"This is pure disaster "

The Cultists were all terrified by what they were seeing .

Those tall ancient trees which are only used for adorning the land and beautifying the environment have now turned into Divine Weapon of Killing !!

Thousands of meters of gigantic trees now are killing all its enemies without any mercy .

If you cut down a single branch , another new branch will grow .

If you even cut down an entire tree , the new tree will grow .

And the masters of this weapon of disaster are Western Long .

With complete control over the ecosystem of the world , Western Long are the masters of Wood Element .

"Sigh * , I can't see you all dying so brutally"

"Although my heart hurts , my hand are locked "

"Forgive me for killing all of you "

With a gentle and calm expression , Long Shenlong smiles on everyone .

Even when massacring hundreds of lives , he has no guilt or sympathy in his eyes .

He just merely felt it was too wasteful to kill such a strong and powerful Daoist .

The entire Spirit Arc City is right now dominated with blood and carnage , everywhere you walk you can find corpses and bloods drawing the city into Warfield .





On the river of blood , a lonely silhouette steps forward .

His upper body is naked , revealing his muscular chest and eight pack abs . His slim body with endless muscles screams power and strength .

Long crimson hairs freely falling down and reaching his kneecap .

Long swords on both of his hands , ready to harvest the lives of anyone that stands on his path .

Apathetic crimson eyes that hold only Void itself .

His crimson cloak is tied around his waist while a clog worn by Samurai can be seen on his foot .

Bloods covering his skin and fresh blood reeks from him .

He seems to be around 24 years old .

Soon jumping through one roof to another , a young man lands on the wall on the side of the street .

"Ah , Brother Tian "

"Brother Tian , you reek with endless sweetness "

"How many did you slaughter ?"

"Guess what , I slaughtered more than one hundred fifty of my enemy "

"Hahahah "

Tian Daokong looks at Death through the corner of his eyes , expressing no emotions .


Swinging his right arm , Tian Daokong slashs a sword, aiming for Death .

A swordslash in form of arc charges forward , splitting everything on its path .

Before Death could even react , he was split into two halves just like the street , wall and the buildings behind .

Blood , bones , muscles and inner organs of Death are revealed in the eyes of Tian Daokong .

But soon , Death Qi engulfs Death , resurrecting him to his healthy condition .

"Hahaha , your way of expressing love for your dear brother is just too organ touching "

Death widely smiles and crazily laughs .

As for Tian Daokong , he ignores Death and walks away .

" So Nostalgic "

His monotonous voice can be heard when he opens his lips .

[ Man Yuanlong ]

Age : 23

Race : Heavenly Giant

Cultivation : Enlightenment Realm

Battle Prowess : Peak Enlightenment Realm

Talent : Quasi - Paragon [ Supreme Heavenly Genius ]

Physique : Heavenly Giant Physique

Dao Talent : Giant Dragon Bestowment

Personality : Hot Blooded , Fearless , Bold , Battle Maniac , Brutal , Honest , Kind , Secret Sis - Con

Monarch_Raicreators' thoughts