
Supernatural attraction

Y/n is a girl whose life changes as fast as you can say “vampire”. Stuck in a world full of dangers, what will become of her. Plus , she has two vampires fighting over her for her love Yes, vampires... I mean, it can’t get any worse Right?

ahanavivaan · 奇幻言情
9 Chs

Bi’s and bros

*Claire pov*

I walked up to y/n who was seemingly flirting with Alex

"Hey y/n , can we talk?" , I say

"Yeah 'Kay whatever... bye Alex!" ' y/n waved at him

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex bite his lip and run his hand through his blonde hair

"Y/n listen" , I say once we're away from the caf ," I gotta tell ya something"

"Hm?", y/n said

"I'm bi.... and i wanna apologise for the kiss", I breathe,"I'm sorry"

"Hey, it's ok. I forgive you ", y/n hugged me

"Yo Cl- um , am I interrupting something?", I heard an unmistakably hot voice

I turned around to see Gray munching on a "blood sucker"

"Oof no. I'm hungry let's gooo", I moaned. "See ya y/n"