
Summoned into a fantasy world! With a demon lord for a system!

Being summoned to a fantasy world with your friends as a hero sounds fun right? Wrong. Follow Lucian as his life is flipped upside down when he is forced to make a deal with a demon lord. Embarking on a quest to avenge his fallen friends, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. And with his newfound power, is there anyone who can? Check out my Patreon page to help support my writing! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · 奇幻
35 Chs

Chapter 18: The broken fang tavern!

Lucian drew his Warhammer, holding it tight in his right hand as he looked at his enemies one by one.

"Five... Five... Four... Five... and six..." Lucian thought as he looked at each of the numbers displayed above their heads.

"This will be a good chance to see how much the stats really matter." He thought to himself as he took a ready stance.

"Hold it right there!" A voice suddenly shouted as footsteps erupted along with the sound of plated armour.

Lucian slowly stood up straight, seeing that the town guards had been alerted to what was happened here.

"That's enough, you fools. Break it up before we throw you all in the cells!" The leader said as he banged the butt of his spear into the ground.

Lucian pulled Hestia's hood up for her before the guards got a good look, deciding it would be better to avoid all the trouble again.

The guard leader noticed Kain and how badly he had been beaten before whistling.

"You had better get him to a healer, fellas. He's not looking too good." He said as he looked over at Lucian and the others.

"You'll pay for this!" One of Kain's men shouted as they picked him up.

The guards watched as they tool Kain away, and the leader walked over to Lucian.

"Looks like we got here just in time to stop you from killing them." He said, not missing a thing.

Lucian was surprised and quickly took a look at the number above his head.

He was a handsome man with neat black hair and a well-trimmed beard. He wore the standard guards uniform and bore a crest Lucian didn't recognise on his chest.

"8... So he's stronger than Kain." Lucian thought.

"Well, you were outnumbered, and those idiots love to pick a fight, so I'll let you off this time."

Lucian nodded his head slowly.


"Say you look like a strong fellow. We could use your strength in the fight against the Lizardmen."

"Captain!" Another guard shouted, interrupting him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We have another report of a brawl further down, sir." The man said.

"Alright, men, let's get out of here." The captain then said.

He turned to Lucian once more and smiled. "Think about what I said. We pay well!"

Lucian watched as the guards walked away before nodding to Ron.

"Who is that?" He asked, referring to the guard leader.

"That's zak. He's a captain and someone we don't want to mess with." Ron said.

"Who cares im hungry!" Hestia shouted, tugging at Lucian's arm for them to go inside the broken fang tavern.

"Alright, let's eat!" Lucian said, causing Hestia to jump up and down in joy.

Ron also nodded and gave a sign, thankful that they had escaped unharmed.

Lucian opened the door to the tavern and was instantly greeted by the same chanting and cheers as when he first went into the adventures guild. The smell was also the same, and so he walked straight in without thinking about it.

"Be right with you!" A young girl shouted as she was dashing and darting between tables with drinks in her hands.

Ron waved to her, and Lucian noticed his cheeks turn a little red.

"So that's why he choose this place then." Lucian thought as he chuckled to himself.

Hestia was getting excited by the smell and sight of all the food and couldn't help but jump up and down, her chest catching the eyes of every guy in there.

"Alright, what can I get you!" The girl asked as she finally found the time to come over.

"Hey Mary, can we get a table with some food and drinks," Ron asked.

The girl was pretty and looked around 18 years old. She had long black hair tied back in a ponytail and wore a typical barmaids tunic and dress.

"Oh, hello Ron! I didn't see you there, of course. Come with me." She said with a bright smile, wiping the sweat off her brow as she took them to an empty table.

Lucian, Ron and Hestia sat down, most of the crowd had paid them no more attention now, and Lucian was glad for it.

"Alright, drinks? And the only food we have left is homemade pie." Mary said.

"Three beers, and three pies, then Mary," Ron said, trying not to act shy.

"Make that two beers and a water. With four pies." Lucian corrected.

Mary nodded and jotted it down on her pad.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"N-no, that's great," Ron said.

"Alright, coming right up." She said as she headed off to grab the order.

"Alright im starving!" Hestia shouted, banging her hands on the table.

Lucian could see that Ron was angry at himself and decided to ask about the girl.

"Is there something between you two?" Lucian asked.

Ron's face suddenly lit up like the 4th of July as he waved his hands in protest.

"N-n-n-no! Don't be silly Lucian, what makes you think that!" He said, making it even more apparent.

"Why don't you talk to her? It's obvious you like her." He said.

Ron was about to say something, but Mary arrived with the drinks, causing him to go silent.

"Here you are! Two beers and a water. Foods coming right up for you." She said with a smile, leaving them alone again.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter," Ron said quickly, gulping his drink.

Lucian respected Ron's words and decided not to press anymore as he pushed Hestia's water over to her and taking a sip of his beer.

"So what can you tell me about the battle with the Lizardmen?" Lucian asked, catching Ron off guard.

Hestia was also interested as she sipped her water, her bright blue eyes peeking over her cup.

"Well, I don't know much. Just that the Lizardmen started attacking fishing locations in the marshlands."

"What do you mean, marshlands?" Lucian asked.

"Well, to be more precise, it's called the dark abyss, to the east of here. It's where the Lizardmen live, and I think they got angry that we were hunting fish there." Ron said as he leaned over.

"Anyway, it has started a full-on war between the Lizardmen and Humans. Now the Duke is trying to recruit as many men to fight as he can. Including mercenaries and adventures." Ron said.

"Do many go?" Lucian asked.

"The Duke is paying a large amount of money to anyone who signs up. But you'd be a fool to fight the Lizardmen in their own swamp." Mary suddenly said as she appeared with their food.

Lucian smiled at Ron's reaction and thanked her as she placed the plates on the table.

Hestia's eyes went wide as Lucian gave her two lots of food before turning his attention back to Mary.

"How much is he paying?"

Mary placed her hands on her hips.

"Word is he's paying, 100 silvers to every man that comes back alive. But no one comes back." She said as she walked away.

Ron nodded.

"She's right Lucian, I know you're strong, but the Lizardmen are no joke. They are dangerous. Anyway, let's eat and forget the whole thing." He said as he picked up his fork.

Lucian nodded and decided to eat and talk later.

After food and a few more drinks, it had gotten late. Ron was a bit past tipsy while Hestia had eaten another three helpings of food.

Lucian was also getting tired now and decided to ask Mary if any rooms were available.

"Yeah, I think we have one left." She said as she went to double-check.

She came right back and confirmed that one room was left but told him it only had one bed for two. Hestia got excited, but Lucian nipped that talk in the bud.

"Ok, I will take it, also. Can I get the bill, please?" He asked.

Mary chuckled.

"My your so perlite, of course, you can." She said, heading off.

Ron had his head on the table now, and Lucian could tell it was time for him to call it a night.

"Alright, Ron, I think you've had enough. Time for us to hit the hay," Lucian said, giving him a slight nudge.

"What are we doing with you Ron, do you have somewhere to sleep?" Lucian asked.

Ron slowly sat up and smiled.

"Don't worry about me, Lucian. My folks live just around the corner. I can stay with them tonight." He said, giving Lucian a thumbs up.

"Alright, sounds good," Lucian said, smiling at him.

"I'll meet you back here in the morning," Ron said as he stood up, ready to take his leave.

"Alright, see you tomorrow, Ron," Lucian said, bidding him goodbye.

"Looks like we had better turn in for the night," Lucian said to Hestia, who was so stuffed she couldn't move, causing him to laugh.

With that, Lucian paid the bill of 35 coppers, including an extra 20 for the room, to Mary and then made his way upstairs with his key.

He found the room alright, thanks to Marys directions. He had also found out that Mary was the owner's daughter, and she lived here with her mother and father, helping them run the place.

Lucian could see that the room was simple, with a large double bed pressed up against the wall in the middle of the room, a bedside table to its right and a set of draws to the left.

Nothing impressive, but for 20 coppers, he hadn't expected much else. Lucian shut the door after Hestia walked in, and he locked it behind him.

Hestia jumped onto the bed, feeling how soft it was.

"Look, master. it's a real bed!" She shouted as she bounced up and down on it.

"Alright, Hestia, calm down," Lucian said as he took his cloak off and put his Warhammer and shield down before slipping his boots off.

Hestia appeared behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, letting her breasts press against his neck.

"Pack it in Hestia," Lucian said, going a little red. He had to admit he was still a virgin and yet somehow was still managing to keep his cool.

"Aw, no fair master!" Hestia shouted as she tried to jump on top of him.

Lucian was quick to jump out of the way, and Hestia face planted onto the floor.

"Ouch! Why did you move!" She shouted while holding her nose.

"I'm tired, Hestia. We should rest so that we can try and earn some more money tomorrow." He said as he lay on the bed.

Hestia pulled a face but, after a moment, jumped onto the bed and rested her head on his chest.

"Alright, master, but if you want me, all you have to do is say!" She said, giving him a wink.

Lucian coughed a little as he cleared his throat.

"Good night Hestia." He said before resting his head on his pillow, thinking about everything that had happened so far.

So much had happened and in such a short time. Even Hestia, who had been a young Goblin, little red just a day ago, had already evolved into a Hobgoblin, and a delightful one at that.

It was crazy. This world was crazy, in fact. There was so much going on that he didn't understand and so much that he wanted to know.

His only goal was to grow as strong as he could and get revenge against the god Khazotz who was responsible for all of this. Only then would be rest easy.

Before long, Lucian could feel himself drifting off to his own thoughts, and before he knew it, sleep took hold of him, letting him drift off into the night.