
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · 青春言情
15 Chs


David Peterson's Pov:

After hours of working on the last chapter I was happy that atleast I don't need to worry about Economics anymore.

"Take these papers, it has some important questions in it", Isla gave me some papers.

"Nah, I don't need them", I replied as I packed my bag with my books.

"And why is that?", She asked me as she crossed her arms below her chest and raised her brow.

"Whenever I read the importants I get low marks", I said to her as I looked up.

"These are the papers made by ME so they won't let you score low as long as you read all of the questions thoroughly", she answered while she emphasised the word me.

"Nope, I am gonna learn everything", I replied to her.

"Boy, you won't be able to learn all the chapters in just 5 days so you better learn all this questions", she said to me with an obvious face.

"Let me learn both of them but thanks for offering the papers. I don't need them", I said to her.

"As you wish young boy", she said and sat on her bed.

I pulled out the chair from the studying table and sat facing the arm rest. She was doing something on her phone and I just placed my chin on the back rest.

Suddenly i thought about today and decided to ask her the question but at the same time I didn't want to spoil what we have.

I thought deeply about it and came to a conclusion. If I don't ask her then I won't be able to sleep in peace tonight. If I ask her then I might say something which will hurt her and won't be able to sleep for days.

"What are you thinking, David?", she asked me and I looked at her shooking my head.


"I can tell from your face that it is disturbing you a lot", she told me as she placed her phone on the nightstand giving me her full attention.

"Nope it's nothing", I said her as I smiled slightly boring my lips from nervousness.

"Something is disturbing you and I promise that I won't judge you or ask you anything till you finish", she said to me.

"Okay, it might sound stupid but I have been wondering from last few minutes that you said you went out with a friend", I said to her.

"But yesterday you told me that you didn't have friends except Lucas then since when did this new guy come?", I continued with confusion.

"As I said I met him at my cafe yesterday morning, but I didn't consider him as my friend, not yet", she answered.

"I know that I told that he was my friend but.... I said that only because i didn't want Lucas to worry about me. He was always there with me after my mom died. He always told me to socialize with people but I just pushed them away", she continued as she came to the end of the bed.

"Oh, where did this new guy took you?", I asked her with curiousness.

"He took me to his secret place, it had many trees but something about that place looked familiar to me", she answered as she furrowed her brows in the memory.

"like what?", I asked her as I grew more interested in it. 

"It looked like I have went there before but years ago and they were two children playing with me but I can't figure out their faces", she answered as she shrugged.

"does it have to do anything with your amnesia?", I asked her 

"Yes, because after I met into the accident, i practically forgot everything even the names of my parents which are still unknown to me. Lucas helped me with practically everything but even he doesn't know anything about my parents", she answered.

"I want to know everything about you so that I could help you", I said to her. Seeing her like this just hurts me so badly. She is really strong to handle all of this by herself. I wish I could stay here with her for a bit long but I have an appointment with my client. I mean, the same thing which I almost do everyday.

I stood up from my chair and went towards her. I hugged her like there was no tomorrow because she was there for me when I needed her that day and it is necessary for me to be by her side when she needs me. 

"Someday, you will get your memory's back and remember that I'm anyways there for you no matter what", I said to her so that she could hope for the best and not the other way round.

"I hope so too but I'm confused with mostly everything in my life", she sighed and broke the hug as she smiled at me.

Again, just like yesterday i was yearning for her touch, as soon as I hugged her I felt like I was getting touched by a beautiful flower which was so fragile that when it was in my hand, I was afraid that I might break its petals even before I get to admire them. Suddenly I got this feeling to protect it...... the flower which i was holding. 

There is something else when it comes to her, she is..... a whole lot of different person to the world but she is actually way more different than what she pretends to be. She just pretends to be different so that she won't get hurt. She out stands almost every women I've ever met. Not that.... the women I met were actually good.

I hope she feels what I feel too, i mean the feeling of your heart beating fast against your rib cage that it might come out of it safe zone, the concert of butterflies inside your stomach, the feeling of body almost... flying in the air. These were the things I felt when I just hugged her. Damn, these are stronger than me.

Those dark eyes of hers in which I always lost myself were staring right back at me. She stared into mine in the same way I stared at her. Without we both knowing, the distance between us was decreasing in a small gap.

Our faces were just inches away, making me to look into those lips which were covered in pink hue. I can feel her breath on my cheeks which made me realize how close we actually were. Those lips were something which i found familiar. I shrugged those thoughts of and placed my hand on her small waist and squeezed it. With reflex, she placed her palms on my chest.

And as always, this moment was to be ruined by my phone call, i swear the person who just called me should actually rot in hell

"Shit", i mumbled as she realized what was happening and gently pushed me away. I stood up from her bed as quickly as i could.

"I.... I should take this call", i said to her as she nodded. Her cheeks were tinted pink just like her lips and i just had to stop myself from kissing them.

"Y-yes Sure", she answered as she took her phone again from her nightstand and started mumbling something as she slightly slapped herself.

I smiled at her and went out to pick up the call. It was actually him who was calling me. I quickly answered it.

"Go to that hotel on time you dipshit, i don't like to keep the customers waiting", he said and ended the call before i could respond. Rude ass old  man.

I went inside the room again and looked at her, "I guess i have to leave now", i said to her as she stood up keeping jer phone inside her right pocket

"Okay, go safe and text me once after you reach there", she said to me as she came downstairs with me to send me off.

"Sure, take care", i said to her and went our of the gates. I quickly sat inside my car and made my way towards one of the expensive motel in Seoul. 

I can't help but to think about the moment we just shared in her bedroom. It was really hot in there when I was close to her. I just wanted to kiss those lips until they were swollen but everything was ruined because of that ass.