
Story Of The Girl In Villa 225

Hi, I am James Williams, and my life is fucked. I hate my current job and my girlfriend just dump me for other dude. Ah, the beautiful Amelia, Amelia came from Alaska, She and her family is protestant, and di i tell you my family is a bit well traditional? Anyways, leave that. Amelia and I broke up four year ago. As a girl she quickly move on with other mate. But I didn't. I drank every night to forget her and the memories we had together. I always used to watch her whatsapp dp . I always called her, messaged, and stalked her on social media. She always ignored me. However, It was dark night , that night, on the eve of her birthday. Amelia called me. She called me over, like old times, to her villa 225 on Milton avenue. I shouldn't have gone, bu I did.......... and my life changed forever after that night. ----------------------------------------- lets go on journey into his life.

Love_VVD · 现实
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting Amelia

Half year ago

'Stop, bro, stop,' John said, snatching away my scotch glass.

'I am not drunk,' I said. We were in a corner of the drawing room, near the makeshift bar. The rest of the coaching class faculty had gathered around Boss Steven. They would never miss a chance to suck up to him.

We had come to the Orchard street, house of Elias Steven, owner of SAT preparation classes and our boss.

'You swore on me you wouldn't have more than two drinks; John said.

I smiled at him, ' But did I quantify the size of the drinks? How much scotch per drink? Half a bottle?' My words slurred. I was finding it hard to balance myself.

'You need fresh air. Let's go to the balcony,' John said.

'I need fresh scotch,' I said.

John dragged me to the balcony by my arm. When had this fatso become so strong?

'It is freezing here.' I said, shivering. I rubbed my hands together to keep myself warm.

'You can't drink so much, brother.'

'It's New Year's Eve. You know what that does to me.'

'It's history. Four years ago. It's going to be 2014.'

'Feel like four seconds ago' I said.

I took out a cigarette packet, which John promptly grabbed and hid in his pocket. I pulled out my phone. I opened the contact details of my next intoxicant, Amelia.

'What did she say that night?' I said. staring at Amelia's Instagram profile picture. 'We are done, that's she said, What did she mean done? How can she say we? I am not done.'

'Leave the phone alone, bro. You may accidentally call her,' John said. He lunged for my phone. I dodged to avoid him.

'Look at her,' I said, turning the screen towards John. She had put up her selfie as he DP - Pouting, hand on waist, the black sleeveless one piece dress a dramatic contrast to her fair, almost pink, face.

She didn't always have her picture as her DP, Often, she would put up quotes. The ' Life is never ending journey , live happily' kinds, statements that sound profound but actually mean nothing.

He Instagram display picture was the only connect I had left with her. It was how I knew what was happening in her life.

'Who wears black one piece? She doesn't look that great,' John said. He always did his best to help me get over her. I love John - My best friend, colleague, and fellow misfit in this crazy drive called life. He's from Arvin, not far from my hometown Lancaster. His father works as junior Engineer in Government. Like me, he too didn't get placed after campus drive. Both of us worked our asses off at SAT preparation classes, even as we hoped to get out of there ASAP.

'It's Amelia. She always looks great,' I put it plainly.

John shrugged. 'That's part of the tragedy.'

'You think I am mad about her because of her looks?'

'I think you should shut you phone.'

'More than three years, dude. three crazy years.'

'I know, brother. If you promise not t o drink anymore, we can go back in. It is cold here.'

'What do you know?'

'That you dated Amelia for three years. Want dinner?'

'Screw dinner. More than three year. Three years, five months and two weeks to be precise.'

'You told me. Flashing 2010 to New Year's Eve 2014.'

'Yes, Flashing debate. That's when we met. Did I tell you how we met?' I said. My feet were finding it harder to find the floor. John held me tight to prevent me from falling.

'Yes, you told me. Fifty times,' John muttered.

'There was a debating competition. She was in the finals.'

'Bro, You have told this story a billion time,' He said. I didn't care. He could hear it a billion times plus one.


A little over seven years ago

Dare Devils, debate finals, Flashing Fest, MIT Cambridge, October 2010

She stood on the left podium. Her upright posture made her look taller than her five feet five inches. She wore white top and jeans with silver piping. I should have focused on her debating skill rather than her attire. However, even her debate opponent paused for a few seconds to take in Amelia's stunning, model-like looks.

The Seminar Hall stage had a banner with the debate topic: Should public be banned the excessive use of diesel vehicle ?

Amelia Scott was debating against Lander Swift, The reigning champion from Trinity college. Both has reached the finals of Dare Devils.

The packed hall was waiting for the duo to make their finals rebuttals.

Lander, with his nerdy appearance, curly hair and rimless glasses, looked like he had walked out of a Drama school, One of those where everyone waits for five seconds before the next dialogue.

'Last I heard, We are free country.' our constitution states freedom of choice. The state shall not discriminate or meddle in the rights of the people.'

Damn, people know about the laws in details? does a law like this even exist? I didn't even know the constitution had something called protective laws. I had no view on either side of the debate. I only wanted Amelia to win. I wanted to see her smile.

Amelia raised her hand to object. However, she had to wait her turn as Lander wouldn't stop.

He started stating the article of law, and said I quote, Lander said and paused, fumbling through his notes.

' All person are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and right to freely choose.' he paused again for us to digest that. ' Miss Amelia Scott, You are arguing not only against our choice, but also against the constitution. You not only want to take away our Freedom of choice to choose our own vehicle. you also want to break the law, too.'

He finished his speech nd tossed his notes aside in disgust; I could smell his pomposity from where I sat. Lander shook his head, as if to say, Why are we even debating this?

The crowd broke into applause. I had a sinking feelin. Would Amelia lose?

All eyes turned to Amelia. She waited for the applause to die down before she spoke.

'My opponent seems to have a good knowledge of the Constitution. I compliment him for that,' Amelia said. Lander smile.

'However, Ladies and gentlemen, We are here to discuss the right thing to do, not just quote Constitution clauses and law articles which can be google in two seconds.\

The audience sat up straight. This petite fireball was not going to give up so easily.

She continued, 'The Constitution is the foundation of our beloved republic, but it can be changed. Have we not made Constitutional amendments?'

Zero decibel silence in the hall.

' So the issue here is not what is written, but what needs to be written,' She said.

'Yes, superb, Well done,' I blurted out aloud. My voice echoed in the silent hall. Damn, I had thought more people would applaud. The entire audience, including Amelia Scott, looked at me.

'Thank you.' She smiled at me. 'But save it for later.'

The fie hundred-odd audience burst into laughter. The serious vibe thawed a little, even as I went stiff. I wanted a power cut, absolute darkness and complete invisibility so I could run our of the hall. Amelia went back to her argument.

'My Friend Lander only quoted laws and articles but what about our environment and climate which is degrading with every passing days, what about other species which suffering because of us humans.'

'So, if it bothers others and you, ' Lander said. Interrupting Amelia ' As a user of diesel and electric vehicle, would you stop using it to go out?'

'Yes, I would, I am currently using public transport '

The audience let out a collective gasp. talking is one thing but apply that on yourself is difficult task. Amelia add a lot of point into her debate. and lastly, ' I came here debating on this topic because I follow what I said, I care about environment. I will not talk about things which I cannot do it myself'

The applause was deafening. A few minutes later, One of the faculty members from the judging panel went up to the podium to announce the results.

'The debates were excellent today. However, to argue on this topic is difficult all over the world, let alone in USA. You had the hard side, Miss Amelia, and you defended it with logic and poise. Hence, the winner of this year is Miss Amelia Scott.'

A standing ovation followed. Zara came to accept the trophy. I clapped like a maniac. a Fellow dorm-mate egged me to whistle. Did I tell you I had the loudest whistle in MIT. I put my index finger and thumb in my mouth and made 'O' shape.

'Tweeet!' My whistle, loud and shrill, suited ta football stadium more than a debating contest. Many intellectual types turned to me again, wondering why such a crass person had been allowed in here.

My whistle caught Amelia's attention. She looked at me , trophy in hand, and smiled. I pulled out my finger from my mouth.

'Dude, easy. she is your girlfriend or what?' a guy next to me said.

No, she isn't, but she will be, I wanted to say. After all the universe had already decided it.

I stepped out of the hall and walked towards the foot canteen.

'Thanks for the cheering.' I froze on hearing her voice.

'Amelia?' I said. turning around.

'Yeah. Nice campus. Are you from here?'

'Yes, How about you?' I said.

"From Columbia University. Missed UG exam of MIT by some marks. Not smart enough.'

'You demolished Landor in there. You are definitely smarter than me.'

We walked out on to the main road, which was dotted with food kiosks due to the festival.