
Story Of The Girl In Villa 225

Hi, I am James Williams, and my life is fucked. I hate my current job and my girlfriend just dump me for other dude. Ah, the beautiful Amelia, Amelia came from Alaska, She and her family is protestant, and di i tell you my family is a bit well traditional? Anyways, leave that. Amelia and I broke up four year ago. As a girl she quickly move on with other mate. But I didn't. I drank every night to forget her and the memories we had together. I always used to watch her whatsapp dp . I always called her, messaged, and stalked her on social media. She always ignored me. However, It was dark night , that night, on the eve of her birthday. Amelia called me. She called me over, like old times, to her villa 225 on Milton avenue. I shouldn't have gone, bu I did.......... and my life changed forever after that night. ----------------------------------------- lets go on journey into his life.

Love_VVD · 现实
8 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

.... On board American Airlines flight 5E738 SYE-USA ...

Turbulence hit the plan in air

'Fasten your seatbelts, please. we are passing through turbulence,' the flight attendant announced.

still sleepy, hand went under seat searching for the belt. but I couldn't.

'Fasten your seatbelt, sir,' the flight attendant personally reminded me. She looked at me like I was one of those dumb passengers who couldn't follow simple instructions.

'Sorry, sorry, but I think my seatbelt is missing, unable to find.' I said. Where was the best anyways.

Flight attendant move towards his direction, 'You are sitting on your belt, sir'

'Oh, stupid me!' I said, finally clicking my belt shut. My eyes still refused to open.

Person next to me observe all the interaction, 'Tough flight, itn't it?' he said.

'Tell me about it,' I said. ' I need a Tea.'

'No service at the moment - because of the turbulence.' he said. 'Going for an event?'

'Returning from one,' I said, somewhat surprised. How did he know?

'Sorry I saw you boarding pass. you seems to me pretty famous author, right?'

'Right now sleepy' I said

'Hi, I am James Williams.'

An awkward handshake followed.

We pass through cloud safely, cloud didn't like this metal bird disturbing them. This tin metal bird rattled like a pebble in cloud. but somehow it passed through it.

'Nasty, eh?' James said.

I ignore him, decided to go back to sleep.

'Isn't it amazing? This metal bird can fly so high in sky, but a strong gust of wind could rip this plane apart' James said with calm voice.

'That relaxing words James' I said.

After coming out of the turbulence weather calm down, flight attendant resume there cabin service. I ordered a full jug of tea for myself.

'Would you like one, too?' I said.

'No, tea. perhaps coffee.' he said to flight attendant.

Flight attendant gave it to them and resume there duty. after drinking tea, I feel much better.

'You look much better now' James commented.

I turned towards him for the first time to see what he looks like. a handsome face with beautiful brown eyes. his eyes look like they had experience more life than his age, he only look in his mid twenties.

'I am addicted to this stuff,' I said point towards by empty cup.

'There are worse things to be addicted to,' James said.

'Cigarettes? Alcohol?' I said.

'Even worse.'

'What?' I said confused.

'Love.' he said in low whispering voice.

I laughed so hard, Second cup of Tea spilled on my hand.

'Deep,' I said. patted his hand. 'that's deep, mister. I guess my Tea isn't bad then.'

'What do you do for living, James?' I said.

'I teach. I am also from your college, MIT, class of 2013.'

'Oh, you just reminded me how old I am' I said. Both of us laughed.

'I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.' I said.

'It's fine, I would like you to hear my story, If you feel good, then perhaps you can do something about it.' James said.

'Look James, you said Love. That means its a love story, and this days nobody really fall in love, I don't want to write another love story.' I said.

'Its not a love story.' James said.

'Really, then let me here it. but no promises.' I said.

'But you have to listen to my full story first and then decide whether it is good or not. This is the only condition. ' He said.

' Okay, tell me then , I might write it too. ' I said.

he started narrating the story.


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