
Stellar Rekindled

Roland finds himself reincarnated in a universe vastly different from his beloved Cambridge, a place where the thirst for scientific knowledge is a forgotten pursuit. Gifted with a powerful materializer, a tool capable of manifesting objects from energy, he discovers a society ensnared under the utopian rule of 40 council members, where technological wonders have overshadowed the beauty of natural science. As Roland explores this enigmatic world, he senses an unsettling void, a glaring contrast to his dream of a universe blossomed through scientific curiosity. What will Roland's journey unveil, and how will the rediscovery of Earth's long-lost science stir the established celestial order?

Takodachi6969 · 科幻
8 Chs

Chapter 2.1: Brave new world

A jarring gasp echoed through the serene street, piercing the melodious atmosphere that engulfed Roland. His eyes snapped open, the vivid nightmare that had preceded this moment still fresh in his mind. Panic initially surged within him as his hands darted to his head, expecting to find wounds, but he found none; his skin was unmarred.

He inspected himself further, noting his somewhat torn but inexplicably clean clothing. A surge of awe and surrealism engulfed him as he fully immersed himself in his surroundings, a Ring World of staggering grandeur and complexity. It was as if he had stepped into a living tapestry woven from the pure essence of art and science, transcending the boundaries of imagination and reality.

The world curved in an exquisite arc where the horizon tenderly embraced itself, forming an eternal loop of beauty and marvel. It was a place where architecture was not merely construction but a form of poetry crystallized in time, an intricate dance between form and function that seemed to defy the very principles of physics and geometry.

The buildings soared rather than stood, their structures entwining with ethereal tendrils that reached upwards as if longing to caress the synthetic sky, a mesmerizing canvas of ever-changing hues and luminous spheres orchestrating a celestial symphony. Streets, not paved with mere stones, thrived as vibrant rivers of light, pulsating harmoniously with the heartbeat of the ring itself, guiding entities that glided silently with grace and fluidity.

Suddenly, a rush of dreadful memories threatened to engulf Roland's newfound wonderment. His heart ached at the loss of Merlin, Lily, and Matt. 

"Am I...am I being reincarnated?" 

he whispered, a mixture of hope and despair intertwining in his tone.

Before Roland could fully absorb the grandiose and awe-inspiring reality enveloping him, his contemplation was interrupted by an unexpected presence. From the interplay of lights and shadows emerged a humanoid robot, a being that seemed to harmonize with the fluid geometry of the world. It moved with a grace that echoed the flowing rivers of light that crisscrossed the vibrant streets, becoming part of the living poetry that surrounded them.

The robot initiated a conversation, but to Roland, the words were an incomprehensible symphony, an abstract painting of sounds that defied the confines of language. It was as though the entity was speaking in a musical language, where notes replaced words.

Overwhelmed and grappling to find stability in this sensory overload, Roland furrowed his brows, a clear indication of his confusion and inability to understand. The frustration built as the robot continued its lyrical dialogue.

He finally broke, shaking his head fervently, his hands gesturing in a universal sign of misunderstanding. Taking a deep breath to steady himself amidst the bewildering experience, he managed to voice his perplexity. 

"I can't understand you."

His voice, though tinged with irritation, also held a note of desperate plea, a call for connection in a place where everything seemed to defy his understanding of the cosmos.

The robot persisted, its verbal symphony escalating to a crescendo of frantic, unpredictable harmonies that further drowned Roland in a sea of incomprehensibility. Its attempts at communication seemed increasingly desperate, yet paradoxically more alien and disjointed, creating a chaotic symphony that grappled with Roland's sanity.

Driven to bridge the gaping chasm of understanding, Roland instinctively reached for his phone, hoping to perhaps sketch or type a message that could be conveyed. But as his hand ventured into his pocket, instead of the familiar rectangular slab of metal and glass, it met with an object of unparalleled beauty and complexity.

It wasn't just a device; it seemed to be a fragment of the cosmos itself, encapsulated in a form that fit perfectly within his grasp. It pulsated gently, a rhythmic heartbeat that seemed to resonate with the celestial energy pervading this new dimension. The device embodied an elegance that was almost poetic, its surface a canvas of intertwining constellations and nebulas, all softly glowing with a luminescent hue that seemed to fluctuate between the softest blues and purples, as if echoing the ever-changing sky of the Ring World.

Stifling a gasp, he said, 

"Okay, listen... I have no idea what you're saying, and I need some sort of translator, but I don't have one!" 

No sooner had he voiced this complaint than a mechanism within the device sprung to life, materializing an earpiece with an ethereal glow.

"What in the bloody hell..." 

Roland mumbled, staring at the earpiece with a mix of trepidation and awe. The robot's chatter had escalated to an almost deafening level. With a resigned sigh, he inserted the earpiece, his eyes widening in shock as the garbled noises transformed into fluent English.

"Oh, great maker! It is an honor to witness your presence. Would you like to be escorted to your dwellings?" 

the robot asked, its tone brimming with reverence.

Roland stumbled on his words, the reality of the situation struggling to take hold in his mind. 

"I- I'm not your maker. I'm not from here, I don't know what to do!"

"Every council member is a creator in their own right, and there is no requirement for a creator to know everything, being a creator you are entitled to everything here, so you can do anything." 

the robot replied, its voice echoing with a strange, harmonic resonance.

Roland felt a whirlwind of confusion and frustration swirling within him. He shot back, half-expecting his demands to go unfulfilled, 

"Well, if I am a council member, I'd like to know where I am, first of all, and maybe a grand mansion and a fancy car while you're at it! You said I can have anything right?"

"You are currently in the vibrant heart of Virelia Nexus, councilor. Your requests have been noted: a residence at No. 10 Grand Avenue and the Apex Model V vehicle have been registered to you," 

the robot responded without missing a beat.

Roland could only roll his eyes at the absurdity of the conversation. But as his skepticism reached its peak, a grandiose vehicle materialized before him, a manifestation of the celestial beauty that permeated this Ring World. Its exterior bore a mesmerizing dance of colors that seemed borrowed from the sky itself, shifting subtly and echoing the dynamic hues of the overhead canopy in a seamless display of artistry and technology.

Its lines were sleek, yet bold, hinting at a form that had been carved by winds that knew no earthly bounds. The entire structure held a fluid grace, a harmonious blend of strength and elegance that promised both speed and comfort. As Roland stood there, transfixed by the wonder before him, his heartbeat seemed to find a new rhythm, resonating with a growing excitement that pushed away the fog of confusion and fear, nurturing a budding anticipation.

"Had to keep a councilor waiting, didn't you?" 

he teased, his voice tinged with disbelief. The robot remained unfazed, reiterating its offer to escort him to his new address.

Roland's skepticism was slowly giving way to wonder and a budding joy. As he beheld the surreal beauty around him, a daring question escaped his lips, 

"Is this... could this be a Utopia world?"

"One might certainly describe it as such, councilor," 

the robot replied, its voice holding a note of pride.

As he stepped towards the awaiting vehicle, a glimmer of hope sparkled in Roland's eyes, a chance for a new beginning in a world that promised wonders beyond his imagination.