
Steins;Gate— The Singularity

Ruka Urushibara, that's my name. Today is New Years Eve but I never expected this day to be more extraordinary than usual. I remembered the memories of my past life and how this world is from an anime. "Why do I have to be a trap though?"

VerzVerx · 漫画同人
15 Chs

C10 Undercurrents

A/N: Thank you for your support! Here is another chapter, I hope you're enjoying this fanfic. Bye!


Inside a dark messy room with only the computer screens lighting the room up, a young man with a messy hair can be seen to be typing nonstop like there's no tomorrow.

"My life is shit and so is this world."

Sounds of clicking of the mouse and clicking of keyboard can be heard throughout the room.

"What are we gonna do, nii-chan?" A cute girl's voice sounded and the young man looked towards the source of the voice.

A young girl can be seen to be sitting in the bed holding a tablet in her hands. She seems to be busy as she was also tapping at her tablet's screen nonstop.

"Tsk! I did not expect this to be that absurd world. This is the worst next to Tensura and Attack on Titan World. Better than Marvel but it also sucks as much as fucking Rick and Morty!" The young man said in frustration.

"I don't understand what you're saying, nii-chan."

"You just need to understand that this is a dangerous world we're in, Shiro. But even though I don't wanna say this, we will still have fun games!" He said with excitement and anticipation.

The little girl then looked at her brother and said, "You've changed, nii-chan."

~ " . . . " ~

"FB, FB, FB, FB , FB, FB, FB, FB, FB, FB, FB..."

Disturbing muttering and whispers can be heard in the pitch black room. With only the moonlight that passed through the windows illuminating the room, a woman can be seen sprawled on the floor clutching her hair.


"Huh?!" The woman heard and saw her phone in the corner of the room light up. She then frantically crawled over and looked at her phone.

[ Find the IBN3800. Wait for further orders after you find it. ]

"IBN3800, I need to find it..."

~ " . . . " ~

"Sooooo... How's the progress of Project VALKYRIE?"

[{ The Project VALKYRIE is already near completion, master. The only thing left to do is to encode the specific genetic and DNA code. }]

Ruka sipped his coffee as he listened to Beta. He then put the coffee down on the table as he said, "Did you encrypt our servers?"

[{ Of course, master. You said so yourself to encrypt it for our safety. }]

"That's good. Don't let those bastards from the Council to know about us. That would make my plans useless then." Ruka said as he looked at the TV.

["The greatest hacking incident in the past decade took place yesterday. Countless banks across the neighboring southern tropical group of islands, Philippines, experienced the most fearsome digital heist ever in the history..."]

Ruka then stood up and went back to the Lab Control Room. He then took his lab coat off and began recreating the genetic code for Project VALKYRIE.

As he had already made this specific code at the last world line and already has experience, making the code only took a short 20 minutes time. With most of the time being used to check for errors.

"Prepare the nutrient solution tanks and the hibernation capsule. I won't tolerate any errors." Ruka ordered Beta.

[{ Affirmative. }]

Ruka thought about what happened yesterday. The Rounders came and searched his house yesterday due to SERN's suspicions. I think they were suspicious about where those suspiciously large amount of research equipment and other resources are going. I was impatient and earned their untimely attention.

Fortunately, they found nothing in my house. Cuz they're stupid and I'm smart. Like what kind of idiot I would be to just let my lab be out in the open. I'm not Okabe for God sake.

Though one thing I hated was that they reduced my treasures to hives of bullets. But the Rounders seemed to have replaced the 'treasures' they destroyed so I'm not that angry anymore.

Anyways, although they didn't find anything, they wouldn't drop their suspicions that easily. I bet they're currently observing my every move once I go out. I wouldn't even know who's the spy or what.

Also, due to them being suspicious of me and my former suppliers selling us out, my current resources are a bit low. I only have enough resources for only two Valkyries. So any mistakes or errors are intolerable.

[{ AGES has been injected to the nutrient solution... Accelerated Growth Process underway... }]

{ A/N: A.G.E.S is the acronym of Accelerated Growth Enhancement Serum }

Ruka looked towards the nutrient tank and saw a fetus growing at a fast pace noticable by the naked eye.

The fetus grew into a baby after 12 minutes passed. It was curled up in the nutrient tank, seemingly sleeping there peacefully.

After a long three hours and four minutes, the baby now grew into a young lady. But there was one thing that is extremely odd though.

That being the uncanny similarities between the young lady inside the nutrient tank and Ruka Urushibara. She looks like the perfect clone and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between their appearance, except that one had a sword and the other has a... ahem! You know what.

{ A/N: Don't be fucking be all shy. Just say the damn word. }

I'm a narrator for god's sake! I deserve better than reading this trashy fanfic of yours for you! Show me some respect! I could be narrating for that Stanley game but here I am narrating your trash fanfic.

{ A/N: Shut the fuck up. I pay you to narrate my fanfic, we're in a business relationship and you only need to do your part of the deal. Now go and read, the readers are waiting. }

Fine, you shitty author.

Ahem! Where was I? Right! So then as I was saying, the two looked so alike that you would not be able to tell who from whom if they stood next to each other.

[{ Accelerated Growth Process... successful }]

"Beta, can I ask you a question?" Ruka stared at the clone inside the tank.

[{ What is it, sir? }]

"Why is it a girl?" Ruka asked his AI assistant with a blank look as he stared at the clone inside the tank.