
Star Wars: The New Force

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The force has been tainted, corrupted, and perverted over the Millenium. Now, a man known only as The Emporer has decided to enter this universe and continue his 'Vacation' [Non-regular updates]

6 標籤
Chapter 1The Emperor

In the middle of a dense evergreen forest, a flash of light quickly flashed and an amorphous blob of blue light appeared. A feeling of oppression would have assaulted any in the area if there were sentient creatures on this planet. Soon after appearing the glob of blue light began stretching and contorting as a booming voice originated from it, "I wonder...What form should I take this time? Ah! I know..." in another flash of light, accompanied by a shockwave that knocked over a few innocent trees, a man of around seven-foot 2 and roughly 300 pounds of muscle slowly lowered to the ground. The man hummed to himself before making a noise of slight agreement as if talking with an unseen person and his body shrunk to around six foot 5 and more reasonable, but still an amazing physique, of 220 pounds. The man chuckled before a robe covered his body and mumbled, "Now then, what do I have to work with, Alpha?"

"Now then, what do I have to work with, Alpha?" I mused to the A.I. known as Alpha, I had created Alpha a few million years ago while traveling between different realities, ever since awakening my powers, of nigh uncontainable power, I had been hopping between realities, serious at first, I formed multiple empires, but now, I wanted to just relax, as such I took to reading and watching some entertainment from different realities, then entering them an living a few thousand years as a vacation.

"Well, according to my most amazing reasoning abilities I have put us here, just as the Queen Amidala is en route to Tatooine, I have taken it upon myself to put a limiter on your power, leaving you with 3% I've also established contact with the entity they call the "Force" in this universe and they have granted you use of the force and free reign as long as you reset the universe when we leave. Also, I've managed to take over the AI of the following entities, The droids of the Eternal fleet, The Foundery, The star forge, and Gravestone. The foundry and gravestone are en route here, the foundry is currently producing Skytroopers, and will assemble a Star fortress above this planet. The star forge is currently producing a larger, more fear-inducing star destroyer with your preferred Gothic architecture, ah good ol' 40K. Also, I designed you two lightsabers and a nice little suit of armor, along with a cute droid made to look like the Empress, fully functional ;)."

I see alpha is hard at work as always.."How did you verbally express a winky face?"

"Well, Master, you made me."

"Fair enough...Ha. Well, let's see the sabers and armor, also give me an ETA on the gravestones arrival, I'm curious as to how it will be like."

"Okay... ETA for the Gravestone is T-minus Now" A distortion appeared in orbit as the giant gun looking space ship appeared in orbit. "The sabers are identical, minus the blades, the first is blue, the second is red. Long shaft ;) with blue and red embellishments and the Empires Golden Aquila, They can also be linked together to make it a double saber. The armor, shamelessly based of of this (h****://i.pinimg.com/736x/9a/45/25/9a4525ef1de3cfaaeb2d28f8598fd071.jpg) with a replica old republic energy shield, also, I made sure to not make it invulnerable this time, since I know you want a challenge."

"Nice, I like it, go ahead and bring the sabers out and also pull up that link so I can see it, don't want to agree to it before I see it."

"Sure thing, here you go." Two sabers appeared, slowly floating mid-air after being created using the currently limited power of the Emperor and a google tab with a picture of the armor appeared in the Emperor's vision, nodding his head in confirmation, his robes quickly turned into a bodysuit and then the bulky power armor appeared over his frame.

"Oh yeah, Alpha, I want a blaster that looks like a Desert Eagle with two barrels, one for the blaster and one for slugthrowers, you'll know which one I want shooting, I don't care about the internals working just make it 'work', also limit the slugthrower to 10 shots every 30 seconds and the blaster to 500 before needing a 10 second reload. Oh and make sure it's got the same color scheme as the sabers." Nodding to himself as the bulky, black and red armor also became blue and red with a golden Aquila on his chest. Now, using the force expertly like he had been using it his whole life, he called the two sabers and now floating blaster Deagle to his magically appearing holsters and teleporting himself to the orbiting Gravestone.

"Alright, one last thing before we leave, I need a cloak and a name... What do you think of.... Wolfe, you know, like that big ass wolf from Odin's place?" The Emperor mused to himself as a black cloak covered his body to his feet and the hood pointed downward in the middle as an ode to a certain universe.

"Sir, your naming sense once again amazes me, I hate it, but yeah, it will suffice. Not like it could be worse." Sarcastic AI strikes again.

"Ah, I knew you would like it, now tell the droids to set hyperdrive to Tatooine, I want to get there before Miss Plot Armor."

"Roger, Roger." Came a very good imitation of your friendly neighborhood clanker. Light soon bent around the Gravestone as it entered hyperspace towards the Dustball planet and his first two apprentices.



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