
Star Wars: Senator

A man in transmigrated into the Senator Thalron Veridian. While simultaneously being the King of Thyferra. Watch as he fights for his homeplanet and form factions in the Senate, while at the same time preparing for the Clone Wars.

L0rds2278 · 电影同人
74 Chs

First Starfighter Battle

"All right Tytos, you're in command of the Battle Group." I said to him directly through the coms. The starfighter formations were as follows; Section = 2 men, a lead and a wingman, Flight, anything above 2 men and under 12, Squadron; 12 men or 6 sections, Group, 48 men or 4 squadrons, Wing, 96 men or 2 groups. Battle group; 192 fighters or 2 Wing's. And lastly, we have Battle Wing which is anything between 193 to 768. And then at last we have the Battle Corp which is anything above 768.


Honestly, the Navy hadn't truly set up a good Starfighter system. Till now we just had the Vice Admiral and Admiral lead them. I planned on changing that soon.


The highest-ranking pilot we have is a Captain, whom is Tytos. The highest unit we have is a Battle Wing. Which should be led by a Rear Admiral, however currently the highest-ranking starfighter assigned officer is Flint, who is a Commodore. Anything the size of a battle group or higher is supposed to have a Naval Officer above the rank of Captain to organize them. And he cannot be flying.


The highest-ranking actual pilot is capped at Commodore, where a Commodore can lead a Battle Wing+ and a Captain can lead a Wing. So the current situation works. But we need to get a Commodore, I'll likely promote Tytos.


However, that is not all. The Starfighter Corp is meant to be led by a Vice Admiral and co-led by a Rear Admiral, going to have to get Jaime to get a few more command positions.


Ignoring that I went back to the battle.


"Orion Squadron, this is Orion-0, form up on Orion-1 in a wedge formation," I said and they quickly formed up, they were the elite of the elite and spent very little time forming up.


They formed up with Fenn in the middle and 5 in each wing. I then placed myself in the middle alongside Orion-11.


Tytos's voice then rang over the universal comms.


"All fighters be aware, expected clash in 20 seconds. Stay with your squadron and stay calm. This is not a practice." He said as we flew.


The 100 men would seem like a swarm to everyone else, but truly we were in a strict formation.


The second-best formation, called Ember was at point, everyone was flying in the wedge formation. Ember also had 2 wedge formations just behind them on their left and right. There was also a wedge formation above ember but in the middle of the 2 other formations. And there was one under too. That was the first clash formation, 5 squadrons. There were then 2 squadrons spread out at the frontal units flanks, a few milliseconds behind the first-clash formation. And lastly, we had the support squadron staying in the back and ready to assist any formation struggling.


Orion usually formed up the support squadron. If one side was weakening on our side Orion would come and temporarily push them back until the previous formation could regain their strengths and numbers.


At the same time if an enemy side was falling Orion would assist.


However, we usually did the 2nd thing. Admiral Jaime had come up with the pincer focus. Essentially we put our top 4, 3, and 2 in the middle with 2 at point and 3 and 4 on his sides. Then the 5th and 6th were above to hold their enemies off.


While the hardest job was for the flank and support squadrons. They had one task.


Hold them off, stay alive. We usually had our weakest squadrons on the sides. They would usually endure 2-1 odds during fighting. However, in return, the weaker squadrons got support from the strongest. It was this delicate balance that formed our attack strategy.


If the morale of the flank squadrons falls before Orion can arrive then we are pushed backwards with Orion not being able to help. But if they hold on then Orion can deal a damaging blow.


We relied on the center to break through piercing their center and attacking their flanks completely surrounding them.


However, the flanks also got more support. The standard issue was to have the support frigates on the flanks.


We currently have 10 Corellian Gunships or DP20 Frigates supporting us in the battle. We sent 5 to each flank.


The DP20s gave much-needed closure to pilots being hunted down. The DP20 had some crazy point-defense laser cannons and a lot, and I mean a lot of missiles. Magnetic lock missiles, heat-seeking, torpedo missiles.


Therefore, the flank pilots were taught to head to the DP20s if they were hunted by too many fighters.


Often the fighters would back off when their prey closed in on DP20s, attacking a Corellian Gunship in a Starfighter not heavily shielded was a death sentence. You also needed missiles to penetrate the DP20 shield before they penetrated yours.


So, essentially the Corellian Gunships were the true saviors of the flanks. And the machines that helped keep casualties to a minimum.


If your shield is low, head to DP20 to remove attackers, then Munificent to repair.


Out of ammo, head to DP20 for relief and then Munificent.


Being attacked? Head to DP20.


DP20 was basically a flying relief. This combined with the support of the best pilot is what kept the newer squadrons morale and calm at the max.


And there is of course going to be someone saying something along the lines of. "Erm, what the sigma. The flanks have the secret potential to end a battle."


Well, let me tell you something, you are not Napoleon with his speed, there is no cavalry in space. There is never a total victory. Sure the fight against the pirates was, but like…. That doesn't count.


Basically, unless you outnumber your enemies 2-1 or have 3 times the skilled pilots then it's just a shit ton of 1v1's. This is what makes Jedi Pilots dangerous. It is for this reason that unless you outclass them, someone will die. Someone will fall.


The flanks are the secondary battle, so when the main battle falls, they give up because they can't beat a force 3 times their size. That is essentially what space warfare is.


Done with the technical part I turned my mind back towards the battle at hand.


"Intercept anticipated in 10 seconds." Tytos said.


"This is Orion-1, follow my lead. You know the drill. Orion-0 you're my wingman." Fenn said as I nodded, and we began slowing down. Falling behind the main force, soon enough even the DP20's caught up. Not that shocking though as they were just barely slower than Starfighters.


"Ember squad! Push forward!" I heard Tytos shout as the first line clashed on both sides.


"All right, Orion. Green squadron on the right flank is fighting 3 enemy squadrons, you'll go there." I heard Tytos say as we sped away towards the right flank. It was barely 10 seconds away.


"All right, penetrate the battle and then split up into sections." Fenn said as we closed in.


As soon as we entered the range the 11 Alpha-3s launched a wave of laser fire, killing 5 entire fighters. I also launched 2 missiles, both hitting their intended target. Missiles are meant for the first clash, there is no situation where they are more effective.


We penetrated deep into the middle of the battle and we then broke off. I clearly saw Fenn heading to the right so I joined him.


Unleashing waves of fire while flying behind him, hitting anyone flying between us.


By the time I reached him I had already killed 2 fighters.


"Hello Fenn, guess we're back at it." I said as I dodged a laser shot from the side. The enemy fighter quickly died against one of the Orion pilots. Though I didn't order it, all 12 of them were homing closely around me, protecting me silently.


And like that me and Fenn continued flying around, demolishing pilots all around us. It went from 1-3 to 1-1 again.


"All right, Orion Squadron. Fall out. The right flank is secure for now and the left flank is under pressure." I heard Tytos say. He was flying around with 3 other guys staying in the back protecting the flank while leading the team.


With that, me and Fenn turned around as we began flying back.


That's when disaster struck.


I heard my astromech, R1, also known as R1-D2 the predecessor to the R2-D2 model, however, he had been customized to be best at dogfights.


"Beep, boop, beep, biip! ( 24 fighters closing in! )" He signaled in his beeping tone.


"WHAT!?" I exclaimed as I looked at the scanners. There were indeed 24 and they were closing in from behind.


"Fenn! 24 fighters closing in from above, less than 2 seconds behind us, and closing in fast!" I exclaimed.


"Fuck, they must have recognized you." He exclaimed.


"Tytos! The Lord is in danger, 2 squadrons closing in." He said as he turned on to the squadron comms.


"ALL FIGHTERS! Hone in on my position, 2 squadrons incoming. The Lord is in danger." He shouted as he slowed down.


"Speed up ahead, Count!" he shouted as I zoomed past him and he hurried after me.


"1 second behind Fenn!" I said as I looked at the scanners. I was going at the max speed, and so was Fenn. It seems they have introduced advanced speeding on their fighters, probably to hunt them down.


"We're within range!" I shouted as I began flying sideways, rolling, everything. However, it didn't matter.


"Shit! I'm hit! Shield integrity at 70%!" I said as I looked back for a quick second. 20 of their fighters were focusing on me and 4 on Fenn.


Yeah, they knew it was me.


I continued dodging as I spotted 3 DP20 Frigates and 10 fighters heading towards me. However, they were far out.


Hundreds of laser bolts were shot out, and I somehow dodged 90% of them, but it was too little.


"Hit again! Shield integrity at 50%!" I said over the Orion comms.


I dodged another round, but I got hit a third time.


"Shield integrity at 35%!"


3 seconds later I got hit a fourth time.


"Shield integrity at 25%!"


And 5 seconds later a fifth time.


"Shield integrity at 5%!"


And right after I got hit a sixth time.


"Shield are down, hull integrity at 50%!" I shouted desperately. I couldn't meet my end this way.


"Hull integrity at 10%!" The fuck I was one shot.


I looked behind me to see 4 guided missiles being shot. How the fuck do they have missiles.


They locked on and came closer and closer.


15 meters


10 meters


5 meters


2 meters


I can't dodge! Fuck! I had been trying to throw them off swinging and turning and everything.


However, that's when time slowed down and I saw the future. Where the bombs would hit, their precise calculations. I knew


I knew how to fucking dodge!


I screamed internally as I pushed my joystick upwards going straight up as the missiles followed me.


My speed began falling. The missiles got closer.


Until I reached my goal and I cut the engines. The ship then turned 180 degrees by falling backward. As I hit 140 degrees I started the engines and blasted forward hitting perfectly at 180 degrees.


I then overheated both my blasters as I sprayed down on the missiles.


The first was down, the closest.


The second was 2 meters away.


I lasered that as well, killing it at 1 meter away.


The third and fourth were both at 4 meters. I launched both my missiles on the third missile and focused the remaining of my overheating laser cannons could take on the fourth. Just as my cannons overheated and stopped working the fourth was down.


I then watched in slow motion as my missiles headed to the remaining locked-on missiles.


Shit! The first missed.


And as the 2nd hit an almost perfect line on the missiles, something changed in the missiles.


At the last second, it directed its direction slightly towards the right side of me dodging the missiles.


"WHAT!?" I exclaimed out loud as the missile headed straight towards me.


There was nothing I could do. My lasers were overheated, my engine wasn't fast enough and lastly, my missiles were gone.


I watched as it honed in.


1 meter.


0.5 meters.


And I closed my eyes. In the end, I would die by some insignificant missile. Without helping the trillions of people in the Galaxy, those who trusted me.


Maybe I didn't deserve a second life after all.


However 2 seconds passed, and no explosion.


I slowly opened my eyes to see Fenn zoom by and no missile in sight.


"Ya didn't think I was gone did you." He said over the comms with a chuckle and playful tone. I swear to god I almost just died. Fucking Mandalorian.


That's when the 3 DP20s and 10 Orion Pilots flew straight into the clusterfuck of newly arrived hunters fighting them off and sending them packing.


Just in time for the entire fucking starfighter fleet to flee.


"Vice Admiral. Shoot the engines and hyperdrives of that fucking destroyer down. And prepare the boarding parties. They are not getting away." I said in a direct commlink between us. I then turned around and headed back to the Munificent.


I had enough of fighting for today.


Now what the fuck was that future-seeing. Am I force-sensitive? But that doesn't make sense. My father did a Midi-chlorians and I had 5000 which means I'm not force sensitive. Well, let's take a test when I get back. And maybe I got some news when I transmigrated, or I can just use force sense.


Well, let's check that out later, right now I'd rather just chill. I said as I flew back home. Watching the engines of the destroyer get destroyed, how fitting.


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