
Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter

A generational tale of the moderately naughty adventures of a young bounty hunter (and his family) in the star wars universe with beautiful Alien women. Why? because lets be honest, human girls are boring... The ORIGINAL story Straight from Hentai Foundry and Questionable Questing

SnowWolf35 · 电影同人
259 Chs

The Jedi and The Wolf

I don't own Star Wars.

I woke up to an unexpected smell… it wasn't Oriana who was sleeping in my arms as we flew to Min-nos… the woman I was holding onto was at least blue and soft… also furry.

"Mmmngh…" my arms tightened around Nerri as she rubbed her naked back against my chest… almost makes me wonder what I did last night other than Oriana. Her soft rear wrapped around my length as it hardened between them.

I remember Lala telling me to get some sleep once we had taken off, and I remember Oriana coming to my room… not a lot after that apart from her rapturous looks of pleasure as I mated her HARD… so waking up with Nerri in my arms was surprising but not unwelcomed.

…I didn't want to get out of bed. I still felt tired… how hard did I go at it with Oriana last night?

"hmmn…" Nerri moaned again, squirming in my embrace as I smelled her dark hair, normally tied back in a ponytail for management purposes but it was loose around her canine head like a curtain, her ears twitching as I smelled her scent… "Mmngh?" she shifted as my erection throbbed between her cheeks. "Mmgn…" her dark eyes flickered open as she glanced over her shoulder at me. "…Good morning to you too…"

Her tongue slid from her muzzle and flicked playfully across my cheek… I returned the lick, she giggled girlishly as I tasted her fur. "Hmm-hmm!" she laughed, and suddenly I was… not myself. "Ah!" I rolled her beneath me, getting on top of her as I held her tight. "Oh… OH!" she hissed as I immediately pierced into her tight welcoming insides as her womanhood welcomed me with a tight embrace. "NNGh!" her legs tensed against mine as I kept our body tight together. "You-hA-ah-aah-nngh!" I covered her muzzle and pounded her into my bed.

"MGh! mNGh!! mMNGNh!! Oooooh…" she howled, dark eyes rolling up into her head as I licked her cheek. "NNGH!" her body tightened around my shaft as she clawed at my arms. Pumping in and out of her body as she tensed up quickly. "Haaa!" her muzzle opening as I pinned her down and pumped her full of seed. "HAaa! NNgh…" she squirmed adorably in my grip as I held her tight. Her dark eyes rolling beautifully up into her head as her body went limp. "Haa… haaa… was… that necessary… mmngh!"

I nuzzled her soft body, sighing contentedly before replying, perfectly candid. "Yes."

"…Mmmn…" she sighed contentedly, "…I suppose the biggest surprise is you're quite the cuddler…" she mumbled as I continued to hold her. I wasn't going to deny it… she felt good to squeeze. Her fur was soft, her body was tight and warm… questions as to why I went to sleep with Oriana but woke up with Nerri can be answered after it stopped feeling so good.

"Kallus we-Oh my force." Lidia entered my quarters only to quickly turn around. "Have… arrived on Min-Nos…" she faced outside my room and fidgeted, "…I did not mean to interrupt." She added quickly taking a breath.

"I believe he's done-oh!" gasped Nerri as I hugged her tighter. "…Or… maybe not…" she whimpered, "Are you done Kal?" she breathed as I inhaled her scent and sighed. I probably had to be done. I let go of the beautiful nelvaanian and pushed off my bed, grabbing under clothes as Nerri covered herself modestly with my blanket. Look rather satisfied if I do say so myself.

"Are you decent?" Lidia asked.

"Yes." I replied grabbing my clothes as she turned around, blushed and turned around again.

"You are NOT decent!" she replied abruptly as I glanced down at my tight boxers.

"…I am wearing pants." I said, pulling my shirt down as she groaned exasperatedly. Nerri chuckled softly.

"He wasn't giving you an eyeful Jedi." She added helpfully as I pulled on my actual pants and began strapping on my armor and claws.

"Just… a little more decently dressed than 'skintight' please?" she asked as Lala scoffed, leaning on the doorway.

"Says the lady in a bodysuit…" she elbowed Lidia who glared at her.

"This is a tactical robe. I modified it for maximum efficiency." Lidia replied.

"And it is GREAT on your figure!" Lala complimented as I unlatched and relatched my claws to make sure they functioned properly.

"I'm ready. Let's go." I replied following them out as we headed to the lower floor, Oriana walking out of the pilot's cabin to join us on the elevator.

"Atmosphere is thin. So I had Rattletrap whip us up some rebreathers." She said as Rattletrap popped out of the floor next to T260.

"I got two done." He said, holding both out to me and Lidia, "I'll have the rest done in a couple of hours."

I took one, and handed Lidia the other as she examined it curiously before applying the mask-like device over her nose and mouth. "Can you hear me?" she asked as I did the same.


"Kallus, T260 and I will scout ahead, get a lay of the land before returning to regroup." Lidia said taking charge. "I don't expect much resistance outside the labyrinth, but be on your guard."

Oriana adjusted my mask, smiling at me as she patted my shoulder and we made our way outside. The ramp had dropped and quickly closed behind us as I gazed out onto the ruined planet. Dark craggy rocks and craters littered the landscape, with a semblance of buildings even farther away arranged in small communities and lone farms…

Both long destroyed as Lidia led on, T260 rolling behind her. We marched on for a few clicks, she checked her datapad over and over as if inspecting some invisible map… but I stopped paying attention to her and let my mind wander… A blasted wasteland with little to no vegetation…

…I didn't like it here. I had a bad feeling… and I let her know it.

"It smells weird." I declared as she hesitated, turned to me, and smiled jovially.

"I'm surprised you can smell anything in a rebreather." I sniffed, "…You're not disguised as a Shistavaanan anymore Kallus you can drop the act."

"…I'm half Shistavaanan." I declared as she looked at me legitimately surprised. "And by 'it smells weird', I mean I have a bad feeling."

She seemed to be inspecting me, gazing up and down at my red armored body before nodding. "…Are you force-sensitive Kal?"

"No." I replied, as she nodded.

"…I assure you that bad feeling is justified." She said, looking around. "…I feel it to. Through the force… this planet is broken and weeping." She added softly, slipping the datapad into her robes. "If even a non-force sensitive like you is feeling it imagine what it's like for me."

"Bwoooo." Moaned out T260 as she nodded.

"Yes. Get a scan…" she said as we stood in a crater with high towering rocks above us like a gaping maw. "It wouldn't hurt."

T260's head spun completely around, his eye flicking a blue wave around us before he "Beep-boop-boop! Bwow!" It wobbled tellingly, apparently he/it found something. Speeding ahead as Lidia smiled and dashed after him, with me close behind…

We entered some sort of courtyard… with a distinctive road or path beneath my feet as I eyed it curiously. Lidia however seemed to be thrilled. "Fascinating! Even after thousands of years the structures still stand!"

…If you can call it standing. Gaping holes, blasted roofs, missing walls. Still, she seemed pleased.

"…What actually happened here? Do you know?" I asked, eyeing what looked suspiciously like a fountain… but I doubt the sith would be so whimsical. None of the sith I've ever met would appreciate a fountain. Then again the only one I had to go on for reference never said anything… verbally at least she always tapped on a bracer to 'speak' to my Aunt Tolara.

She eyed me curiously, but her eyes lit up and I could almost… feel the excitement radiating off her. Apparently, the opportunity to teach was something of a joy to her.

"Master Knox was distinctly vague on the subject. Only able to give me 'myths and legends!'" she began excitedly, taking a curious glance into one of the nearby 'buildings' letting T260 light it up for her. "Supposedly this was once a Sith training ground, or it was a planet of sith leaning force users…" she walked away with T260 following her like a camera droid recording her every word for some holo-show on the net. "Master Knox says that during a tumultuous age of Sith rule under the rule of a Sith Lord only now known as The Voice, was struck down by one of his advisors… sending the rest of his council into a maddening power grab."

…Sounds very sith-y… but I gave her my full attention as she stopped speaking, and stared back at me.

"…Is that it?" I asked as she blinked at me surprised.

"No. I just assumed you tuned me out." She kept walking, gesturing around. "The Voices, as they became known, delivered numerous ultimatums to the Sith's vast empire, fragmenting what was once a massive order of dark Jedi even further. Giving the Republic once again the opportunity to rise up against them…"

Sounds very republic-y.

"At least that's what the standard record of the time is." She noted thoughtfully, "However master believes that a few things have been embellished. Namely that the 'Voice' was always 'Voices'. And one did in fact turn on the others but it was during a great Republic pushback, and he believes that this 'traitor' or 'Liar' as he called him actually joined the growing republic.

She gestured around us. "THIS place however was a sith training ground."

"You mentioned that." I said as she smiled almost playfully.

"…Just making sure you're paying attention." She said as T260 bwooed softly. "But not just any training ground… it was also a VAULT." She said, tapping her foot on the road as I watched her feet. "…What are you looking at?"

"I don't know I expected something to happen… a door opening or something."

"Oh. No that's over there… with the broken statue." She said accurately pointing to a destroyed statue of some robed figure several yards away, only its upper body was smashed and its plaque was worn away to nothing. She smiled at me and gestured for me to follow her.

"…It's a vault?" I asked as she continued.

"It's a vault. Treasures, weapons, knowledge, holocrons, secrets… if you survive the labyrinth, you're entitled to whatever you can retrieve." She said, "…Normally multiple sith apprentices would enter…" she hesitated, "…Possibly from multiple entry points…" she glanced around apparently looking for one to just jump out, before feeling the feet of the statue. "…And then kill each other." She noted sadly. "…Barbaric." She sighed under her breath. "Sith don't take multiple apprentices… they only take one." she added, looking at me.

I stared back, but she said nothing, feeling the statue again as she sighed. "…There should be something… T260?"

"Beep bwoooooo." He replied sadly.

"…Yes the mechanism must have been on the upper part of the statue…" she heaved against it. "It! Moves! A little!" she stopped straining, and took a step back… closing her eyes, and raising her hand towards it…

…I watched her pose at the statue… and realized she must be using the force. It eventually wobbled and wiggled… scrapping across the ground slightly as she gasped and dropped her hand. "…It's… force resistant?!" she suddenly looked excitedly, "That's… fascinating! But annoying… how are we going to get it out of the way?" she asked to herself.

"…You need it to move?"

"Yes." She said as I put my hand on it, "But it's heavy. And-Ah!" I slammed my body against it, heaving with all my might as something ripped from the ground… the statue toppled over… revealing a set of stairs and a dark, dark descent. She stared at me as I growled, rolling my shoulder. "…You are VERY strong." She declared as I rotated my shoulder.

"… It's lighter than it looks." I replied as she studied me.

"…I suppose a Sith might want someone with a little more menial backbone than the use of the force." She smiled at me, "I suppose you either get a manipulative backstabber or a brutish grunt."

"…Or they had slaves move the statue," I replied as she nodded and glanced into the tunnel before pulling something thin like a needle from her robe, snapping it, and tossing it down into the tunnel as it glowed…

Tink. Tink… tink.... Tink… a faint glow about the size of a marble flickered up back at us. "…That's a deep hole." I noted as she nodded slowly.

"Y-Yes…" she said, rubbing her chin. "…I'm not going to lie Kallus I expected we could've handled this together but… perhaps we should be more thoroughly prepared… I'm certain there will be traps, but there IS the matter of us just getting lost…"

"…Let's ask Rattletrap." I replied as our eyes met. "I'm sure we have something to help with that."

"Bwoo!" T260 wobbled excitedly as Lidia smiled.

"That does sound like a good idea! But you better ask him nicely!" she added as she turned and started to head back to the ship. I followed after her.

"What did he say?"

"He thinks he and Rattletrap can devise a radar that can map our journey into the labyrinth." She replied, "It's not a bad idea."

I nodded. "No it is a good idea…" we walked in relative quiet, as the sky above began to darken. I frowned up at it. "…Night already?"

"It comes quickly here… don't worry, I'll protect you." She smiled playfully, before holding her lightsaber.

"…Hmph…" I grunted, eyeing it hesitantly as we reached the crater with the protruding 'teeth'

"…Your father was a Shistavaanan?" she asked suddenly as I stared at her. She looked legitimately curious… not a lot of people outside my family and friends respond well to this knowledge.

"Yes… he was a gladiatorial slave my mother employed as her bodyguard… one thing led to another, apparently." I replied. "…I didn't know him." I added as she nodded, slowly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." She said sincerely, as I shrugged.

"…It is what it is… mother told me tales of him. He died protecting her from a republic… attack." It occurs to me that I'm talking TO a member of the Republic.

"Ah… so a war hero then?" she asked teasingly as I snorted. "…Come now Kallus, we can be civil… you're a self-employed mercenary now. Not republic or Imperial."

"Not so much a war hero…" I replied, "…Just a wolf protecting his master." I replied… but stopped. Holding out my hand to stop her…

"…What?" she asked as T260

"Boooooo~!" he wobbled nervously, spinning on his treads and resting behind Lidia.

"…I heard something." I replied as she sighed exasperatedly.

"Come on Kallus. Afraid of the dark?"

"SHUSH" I hissed at her as she frowned back at me, but she went quiet…

But there it was, it was soft and slow… but it was a movement… she froze, and her lightsaber erupted from its hilt with green light as she gripped it tightly in both hands. "what was that?"

"Isn't this supposed to be a dead world?" I asked as my claws popped and I stood back to back with her as the footsteps increased and got louder. T260 hummed nervously between us as he lit up the crater, flashing his lights left and right to spot anything coming at us.

"Yes?" replied Lidia as numerous things began to appear between the 'teeth' of the crater.

Long vicious faces with needle-like teeth opened as thick barbed tongues flicked out… sunken red eyes and long snake-like bodies with six legs and leathery black skin. "Haaaaaaaasssssh!!" it hissed at us as more repeated the horrid hissing noise.


Like an order to charge they dashed at us, six or maybe seven they were quick and cat-like darting around, circling us like vultures before one lunged for me it's vicious maw spread wide to snap on my head!

"RAAARGH!!" whether the creatures were sentient enough to realize their mistake or not… they recoiled from us as I sunk my claws into my attacker. Ramming one clawed hand into its mouth and out the back of its long head as it died instantly before I ripped into it's chest with to other to make sure of the fact, and disemboweled it before hurling it back at the circling creatures.

The carcass barely hit the ground before the ravenous things descended upon it, tearing and snapping, devouring it quickly as Lidia cringed. "Great." When she wasn't looking another lunged at her only to be sent flying high with the force and crashing against another where they promptly recovered and began snapping and biting angrily at each other.


"I am aware T2! Thank you!" she replied sarcastically as another came up at her from behind, jaws wide.

I stretched my arm out and felt its fang snap around my armor. "RAAARGH!" with another furious roar I rammed my other claw into its head and ripped its jaw open. Tossing the carcass away.


"I'm fine!" I declared but more darted down on us. I may be proven wrong.

The hum of the lightsaber spun and flashed it's light around the crater as my claws ripped and tore, T260 darting around in a panic but he was clearly safe. He didn't have any meat on his bones for them to chew…

"RAAARGH!!" I hurtled myself into the pack as more and more scampered hungrily through the 'teeth' of the crater, I tore into more and more of them, rending my claws through their bodies and hurtling them away to the shrieking cries of the survivors. The smell of gore, burning flesh, and offal filled my sensitive shistivaanan nose as dozens of the creatures kept coming, but more started feasting on the dead ignoring us…

"Kal! Come on!" Lidia grabbed at my swinging arms to get my attention before force pushing us a path, sending several of the creatures flying into others as we ran for it. "T2! Light show!"

"BWOOO!!" T260 bringing up the rear wobbled and opened his 'head' revealing dozens of little reflectors in a circle.

"Shield your eyes and run!" she ordered as I did just that.

It didn't stop the massive FLASH that T260 gave off. I wasn't even facing him and I still saw spots.

The creatures shrieked and howled as he burned their sensitive retinas as we kept running. All the way back to the ship…

Exhausted, we finally stopped to catch our breaths outside. She leaned against the landing gear before glancing at me. "…Okay… a little unexpected but nothing we couldn't handle." She declared as T260 opened the ramp.

"BWOOO!" he replied angrily before speeding up the ramp with us behind him.

"…Some sort of nocturnal predators… and clearly cannibalistic…" she noted, "…I suppose you have to be on a 'not-so-dead' sith world…"

I rubbed the back of my neck and frowned. Pulling my hand back to find it covered in fresh blood… mine. "…Damn." I grunted, "…Am I bleeding?" I asked her as she stared at me, then gasped checking my back.

"Yes! You are! Nerri! Medkit!" she ordered "Sit Kal." She demanded, sitting me down as she yanked off my armor and claws, letting them clatter on the floor. "…They really bit into you." She said concernedly as Nerri tossed the medkit down from the second floor before Lala and Oriana soon joined us.

"…I hardly felt it." I replied as she began to apply bacta patches. "…Mgh…" the soothing feeling already warming me.

"…Well done Mr. Kane." She added as Lala, Oriana and Nerri began chattering with concern. "…Try not to let yourself get bitten for my sake, hmn?" she replied as my body relaxed, a soothing sensation flowing through me as I felt her hands on my body.

"… You're welcome." I added as she just smiled.
