
Spirit Fusion

While out hiking, Liz ran across a bunch of floating lights. Now she finds herself in another world, not quite the same as how she left...

Deamo · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

1. Fused?!

I'm not really sure how it happened, to be honest. I was walking in the woods one night, and I saw this faint... kaleidoscope of colors from deeper into the trees. They were beautiful and enchanting, and I decided to see where they were coming from.

I left the path and moved towards the lights, and I could just sort of hear this ethereal music at the edge of my hearing. As I moved closer the music got louder and the colors more vibrant, until I was in a clearing I had never seen before, surrounded by a rainbow of lights of different intensities shifting around. They swooped and almost danced through the air, and didn't seem to be coming from anywhere, just free-floating orbs of light all around me.

Eventually, a brighter one floated up to me, and stopped in front of my face. It was an icy blue, with darker swirls deep inside and almost pulsated. It was about the size of a pomelo, and seemed to radiate cold. Curiosity overwhelmed me, and I reached out and stuck my hand inside of it, and it was like putting my hand inside a refrigerator. That was when my entire world went dark.

I didn't lose consciousness, but all of a sudden the only thing I could see was this ball of light in front of me. Then whispers faded in all around me, from what sounded like children. Finally, one voice spoke. It seemed to be a small boy, but without a body to determine, I wasn't sure.

"Will you help us?" It asked. I frowned, not sure what they were saying.

"Help you? Who are you?"

"Our world needs you. Will you help us?" It asked and I was unsure how to respond. But the voices were growing excited, and the little boy sounded so sad, I made a decision that I prayed I wouldn't regret.

"Of course." I said simply. I heard all the voices whispering exclaim in what sounded like happiness, and then I felt the orb surrounding my hand grow much colder and sink into my palm. As the led sunk into my skin, the surroundings brightened, but I didn't notice at first. My skin, once a nice healthy tanned color, was now turning snowy white and spreading down my arm. Before I knew it, I had changed color, and my long brown hair was now a blueish white. I felt cold, too, but didn't have enough time to react. The lights around me hard started to swirl faster and faster, until the were all around me in what seemed to be a tornado. I felt the air whipping around me, ripping at my clothes and sending my hair flying in every direction. The lights got more intense, and then there was a bright white flash, and I felt the world fall out from under me. Then I was falling, but not very far as I seemed to land in something soft. It was odd and powdery, sticking to me. I brushed it off, and admired the sparkling white stuff. And as I looked around, I noticed that it was everywhere. And even falling from the sky. And that's when I realized what it was. It was snow. And it wasn't cold. What the hell was going on?