
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · 漫画同人
10 Chs


Jiryah took me to a training ground.

"Ok brat what do you know and why is your necklace glowing?"Jiraiya asked as he takes a notepad out.

Well, I know the academy basics tree walking and water walking. And im pretty skilled at using a spear. And I don't know why my necklace is glowing.

"That's it. That's all you know. No wonder you need a teacher. Ok, first things first so your chakra control is already pretty good so well skip past that for now. I'll assume you already know about your roommate. Can I check on his cell?

I mean sure I don't know what you hope to find though. I say while I lift my shirt.

Jriyhia then inspects my stomach. After a couple of seconds, he looks panicked. "Hey, kid what going on there is nothing here."

"Nothing what do you mean there's nothing there?" I asked confused

"Hold on kid follow me," he said walking towards a pond. So here's what I want you to do pay attention. He says as he puts his hands into the water. "Now you want to make your chakra spin like so," he says while Making a whirlpool in between his hands, and if you're really good you can do it like this. He says as he stands on the water and creates a whirlpool under him. "Now I have to go talk to the Hokage but when I get back I expect that you should be able to at least be able to at

At least make a small one in your hands!" he yells over the whirlpool. He then disappears.

------------------ Jiryah pov----------------------

I appear on the window seal of the Hokage's office and let myself in.

"Sensei is this room secure?"

"Of course it is," he says as he snaps his fingers causing four anbu to leave the room. "What is it?" he asks.

"It's naruto his seal is empty."

"What do you mean it's empty if the nine tails are out shouldn't he be dead?" Hiruzen asks worriedly

"Well that would be true but if my theory is right then he should be fine. There are only two things that could be happening right now. One when Minato made the seal in his notes he wrote that the seal would leak some of the fox's chakras into his system and would be absorbed into him making him more powerful.

"Now the other option is that Fox broke the seal and is currently controlling Naruto's body. But I don't see that as true or we would all be dead right now if it was."

"Jiryah if what you saying is true this changes everything. Since he's no longer the host of the fox you can take him with you like you always wanted to now. He can be your full-on apprentice. If he wants to of course. the old man says with a smile on his face.

Thank...I was cut off but a puff of smoke following a toad reverse summoning itself to him. "Jiryah quick there have been two earthquakes in the hidden stone village and your informant died in the latest one. The all-black toad said before he dismissed himself.

I looks at the Hokage for a second.

"I need to take care of that," l say seriously.

"Take the boy with you and teach him that jutsu. It would be nice to see it in action again." Hiruzen said nostalgically.

"I already have him on one of the beginning steps. Thank you Hiruzen." I says as he disappears again.

I appear in the training ground right next to the pond.

"What the hell!" I shout at the scene in front of me as Naruto is standing in the middle of the pond while the whole thing is spinning around him.


20 minutes ago. ....

"What he's just gonna leave me here alone. He could've at least explained it a bit more. Ok, how did he do it? He leads the chakra to his hands and made it spin somehow. Let's just try to move the chakra to my hands while they are in the water first."

As he does this the water immediately without any hassle starts spinning around his hands. 'Ok why did that happen. my chakra and my spiral energy must have mixed and my body accepted it because of spiral energy's natural evolutionary ability causing this spinning chakra effect. I'll call it spiral chakra.'

"But what caused this? The giant energy I absorbed. This must have been some time that was happening slowly. But the process was sped up exponentially because I absorbed that energy."

"If that what happens with a little to my hands. What happens with a lot to my whole damn body." I say as I water walk to the center of this pond. And let myself fall in. Once I'm at the bottom I start.

The water starts to move around me getting faster and faster eventually I'm there's no more water toughing me and I'm just standing on mud as around me beautifully the water moves a lesson the energy output and it slows I keep playing around with it until I hear. "What the hell!" It immediately made me lose focus. And all the water fell onto me….

After a couple of minutes of CPR I'm conscious again.

Hey man you training thing was cool and all but I think I finished it got any thing better. How about you pop this ballon only using your chakra.

'Ohh shit is he teaching me the rasengan?'

"Sure" I respond.

"As you do that go home to pack your bags." Jiryah says. "Why?" I ask because we're going on a road trip the Chunin exams is in a month and I need you more than ready that and I have some business in the hidden stone.

"Ok but what's next I popped the ballon" god damnit pack your bags.

After I head home I get my bags packed and we start to leave but before we do I take one last look at the village. "When I get back here I'm gonna be a completely different person I say.

"We're only gonna be gone a month not that much can change." Jiryah says as he rolls his eyes.

"Can't a guy get sentimental." I respond.