

One of the most loveable, funny and always optimist hero Spider-Man is always there to help out. To deliver true justice to anyone in need of it. It doesn't matter to him whether they are good or evil he equaly serves justice as in to quote his uncle "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility." This is a story of a Person who reincarnated into the Body of Peter Parker. He doesn't have any clue what kind of universe he was born into. He has watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and Light Novels and Even Fanfiction. He has some expectations that this might turn out to be a not so normal world. But due to some mishap during his transfer to a new body something unexpected happens that changes our Protagonist's thought process. So we get to watch a new Peter Parker that has experienced a life before, which might just change his whole prospective on his uncle's saying " With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. " [ First Volume Is Strictly MCU with slight changes. Like some of the Marvel comics characters that have a role to play in Peter Parker's or in Spider-Man's lives. ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Many people will be put out by the mc being able to turn from guy to a girl. I think people just don't specifically go looking for guy on guy or Guy turned girl with a guy action. But i just did this cause look how many lesbians or bisexual girls there are in Marvel. Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy and i think i read one where even Mary Jane was so hot and bothered for gwen but had to hold herself back cause she was with Harry at that time. Even when he turns into a girl , its just so the girls who just don't like guys will be comfortable with him around. So i'm saying right now No gay stuff with our mc guys.] [ People will be mad i added an A.I. system that doesn't get along with the MC, I wanted to say this now i hate those tropes that have a system making MC's life miserable so don't worry . I just want a lot of character development in this fic thats why i added that. I don't want a M.C that just goes " I wish i could be a superhero too, and because the system is his bi*ch it goes "Oh sure here you go be the hero" and I find monotone systems a lot more boring than one with personality. Like the one of solo leveling. Think of it like his inner voice, he is the good angel and system is his bad angel.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note. This is my first time writing anything for the public so please bare with me on the grammatical errors or the loop holes in the story. I wanted to read a good spiderman fanfic but the one's i really enjoyed reading well let's just say those stories author's went out to get milk. I have a lot of ideas for this story enough to like write 100 chapters easy but i don't have enough time in my day to do so , But i will try my best. I'm going to use a lot of different plots from a lot of different fics and original stories so please don't get offended . This Peter Parker's powers are going to be OP but he would never be able to wield his powers to his full potential because of different limitations. And there's gonna be a lot of time and space travel in the story. (I'mma use it to cover plot hole's , like when a smart person does'nt use a weapon or some op abilities that can insta k.o. pete so yeah.) _________________________________________________ Neither the cover pic nor are any of the characters are mine they belong to there original CREATORS.

Reality_warper004 · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Progress and Lucky

-10 August 2002 New York, Queens.

-Parker Residence, Peter's Room

Today is the day i turn 8 years old. I have stopped using my skills subconsciously. It was dampening my emotions permanently. I had to stop otherwise i would have become emotionless forever. From the moment i started to show my emotions to ben and may, Things have returned to my same routine.

Anyways it was my birthday today. But i wasnt that eager about it. I knew ben was getting me some Biology books i had seen him trying to hide and may was giving me a Laptop. It was a new Laptop too,. not a second hand one. I was grateful to them, The laptop will speed up some of my plans a bit.

I had noticed already that this world was a lot different than my own one. Some of the rules of science were a lot more flexible. History was diffrent. This world had a Superhero, an actual superhero that fought in the WW2 although born out of a Chemical bottle, he was a success alright.

And the technology was a lot forward in this world due to their being a lot of genius in this world. Tony Stark and Hank Pym being some of the big names.

Now the Super Soldier Serum, If a person from 90's with their technology could do it then, Maybe i could do it now. Apparently a lot of companies were already researching it. It will be a good boost to gain if the research was completed. Plus due to the Crafting skill i didn't even need to understand how it was made, i just needed some notes written by this Erkestine guy.

Even though i was not that exited about my birthday i was exited about something else.

I had just entered my room after taking a shower.

Today's daily exercise was completed as well.

*DING. . .Skill [Enhanced Mind] has been unlocked.*

' Finally, After all this time of waiting for it .'

" System, How long do you think my brain can sustain using this skill now. " I asked the system. I should really think about naming it something.

* Host can withstand using the skill for 5 seconds before your brain shuts down and starts leaking out of your ears.*

" Oh..Um Ok. I guess i'll get my Mind points up a bit first. " I knew i had to be very careful with using that skill. I was getting a grip on using two skills together. And i could sometimes even activate a skill in 0.2 seconds.

" Ok, System spin my weekly reward ticket. " I said as i take out a chocolate bar from inventory and move towards my desk to start packing my bag for school.

* Host has used the item " Weekly Lottery Ticket ".*

* Item "Holographic Projecter" has been sloted into the inventory. *

* Host has gotten one of the top rewards from the weekly lottery. Host has been granted a new title [Lucky]*

* Lucky : +1 Luck Probability during unlucky situations *

" Holy Sh...!! " As i put a hand on my mouth before completing the word, I get up from my desk to close the door.

" What happened Peter!? Is everything okay? " Ask Aunt May as she probably heard me shouting.

" Everything fine Aunt May , I just stubbed my toe. "

I say and close the door.

I went back to the desk and took the new item out of my inventory.

It looked like a hemisphere the size of my palm.

It had ports for connection on the flat side and a few buttons on the edge of the spherical side.

I was fascinated by it. ' A free hologram projector, I could make one myself but it would require atleast 2000 dollars and a year of work. '

I place the device on the table and pressed one of the buttons.


The blue light was dazzling and the words floating in front of my face looked so real. I wave my hand through it and some parts of the words were cut in half and my hand was in between them.

' This is more fancy than i thought. Ok, I have decided. '

" System, Set the skill to stop in 2 seconds after activation. "

* Host has used the skill [Enhanced Mind] with a preset condition.*

In one second i was able to figure ote how the projecter worked, In the next second i had a great inspiration to make something deviated from the technology now in my hand.

* Skill [ Enhanced Mind] has been deactivated. *

I still had a little bit of migrane so i took out a can of hot coffee from my inventory and started using the skill Calm Mind to store all the information i just got.

" It didn't happen this time, Looks like my guess was correct. Last time i used the skill Enhanced Mind that being somehow interfered with my skill. Or it might be my skill didn't even activate then, he just showed me my parents death from some other means. " I thought while i drank the coffee i got from the lottery.

I knew after doing my workout everyday and learning some self-defense from internet i could take on 5-6 grown people in a fight, but i was powerless infront of someone with supernatural abilities let alone someone who himself gave me the system. So i let it go for now and focused on becoming strong first and this weeks reward will help out a lot.

This was just a projector but what it projected wasn't just anything. It projected light in a way that light was both contained and fluid in the air.

This was the basic concept of hard Light. Which until now was impossible but with this technology in hand i could make it. I could make a Haed Light Projector.

That alone brought a grin to my face and that was just an idea, not even the uses of this item to me now.

Just this hologram projector is a great time saving tool , It can run live time simulation and save me so much trial and error processing.

And even just this projector if i am able to make more of them and set them in a designated area, I can probably do combat simulations as well.

" Amazing, Lets test this thing out. " As i crush the empty can it disappears from my hand and i start to connect my laptop to the projector and start uploading all my schematics and blueprints on it.

Just for the sake of it, i even uploaded some songs and movies to it.

And after a couple of minutes it was done. I unplugged it and set it upright. As soon as i pressed the start button, I was face to face with a lot of blue screens the size of my laptop screen.

It was a lot different from my system interface, It was a lot more transparent and it followed simple commands only through my voice.

The commands right now were just to select files, start the simulation program i have been working on or to stop it. And same for the movies and songs.

" Open File Water Weapons "

As the file opened i was observing alot of palm sized spheres with a lot of details written next to each one.

Some were complete some looked like metalic pieces brought together in the shape of a ball.

These were the tools i was designing to complement my water production skill. Now i could even collect a water drop the size of a thumb in a 0.5 seconds.

The only ones complete right now were a smoke bomb and a bomb that instantly spreads a liquid on anything or anyone. The liquid then turns into solid in just a few moments. The names of these items were vapor bomb and solidifying vapor bomb.

" Select Vapor Bomb start running the program. "

I watched as it showed the creation of the bomb from the scratch and it atomatically stopped the process if the program showed any problems.

I was so engrossed on it that i didn't notice mays footsteps or the lamp flickering on and off. It was a modified table lamp that alerts me if someone was coming towards my room. I only got out of trance when the door was knocked on. I quickly shut of the projecter and acted like i was packing my bag.

The door opened a second after the knock and may was standing there.

" Peter, You are going to be late for school. Hurry and come have some breakfast. I made bacon and eggs. " She says to me . Her mood was good because of the promotion she got recently. Now she was a E.R. Nurse.

" Okay, I'll be there in a second. Just gotta find my books. " I answered pretending to look for a book under my table.

" Okay, But hurry i made too much bacon. I can't eat it all, Ben already had breakfast before going to work. Now its just your portion left. " She says and walks out of the room.

" Fuu, That was close. I won't be able to tell them how i got money to make this stuff. I seriously need to patent some of the snacks recipes. " I packed my bag , placed the projector into the inventory and walked out towards the kitchen.


"You think life takes more than it gives, but not today. Today it's giving us something. It is giving us a chance."

-Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy
