
Spark with Professor and Mafia (Romance)

Loveta school professor is obsessed with her he always gives her special extra classes after school but this extra classes is only for her. But wait now who is this person who blocks her way and kiss her forcefully. No she can't be with two person she will definitely say no to them tomorrow but will they agree. 1 daily chapter.-- ----------------- 100 Powerstones = 1 bonus chapter, 200 Powerstones = 2 bonus chapters, 300 Powerstones = 3 bonus chapters, 400 Powerstones = 4 bonus chapters, 500 Powerstones = 5 bonus chapters, =============================

KissKriya · 奇幻言情
23 Chs

Making Dinner For His Princess

"Relax Princess you have worked hard and it's late also you rest on the sofa or can come in the kitchen to me, I was going to make dinner for us. You had worked hard today"

He winked at Loveta as he said these words while carrying Loveta from the door.

"No Professor you don't have I will make my dinner after I reach and it's not late" Loveta was trying really hard to get out of this room she really didn't what happening to her why are things are changing so fast?

"Alexander, you will call me Alexander all my friends and family call me Alexander so you should also change your address to me, Princess."

'Alexander Loveta mumbled to herself she really can't call Professor Alexander this is really new and awkward for her.

"No Professor Alexander how can I call you Alexander you are my professor.." "Shhh" Loveta was still trying to say something when Alexander put his finger on her lips

"Princess, do you really think we still have the relationship of Professor and student? When did you ever see me treating my other students like this and when did you see that I spanked them with naked bottom on my lap? Princess not everyone gets this treatment"

Alexander whispered these words in Loveta's ears and at the end of these words he bite Loveta's ear lightly.

"Then why me" She really wanted to know the answer to these questions why out of so many students Professor Alexander had only chosen her?

"You will know this and have enough questions for today princess so relax wait for me here I will make dinner for you" He gently placed Loveta on the sofa before he went kitchen.

Loveta who was left behind with more questions was confused but she was distracted hurriedly when he smelt the chicken she really didn't know when was the last time someone had cooked food for her after her parents passed away she was the only one left behind and it was very rare for her to cook food.

By following the smell of food she reached the kitchen, the size of the kitchen is small but it has all the things that should have been in a kitchen a small microwave, a mini fridge, and other necessary things.

But the most attractive thing about the kitchen was the man who was working in it, the buttons of his shirt were already open and with the folded shirt he was really who could kill the hearts of girls with his only one stare.

His waist is narrow, his hips are really perky. Loveta was so immersed in looking at him that she even forgot that she was staring at a man in a locked room and how dangerous it could be for her.

"Princess you looked very satisfied with my figure it was not a waste for me to spend hours in the gym,"

Alexander said while hugging her he had embraced her with both arms around her waist. He really didn't want to disturb his princess by admiring his figure but it was already late and his princess needed to do her homework and other things after reaching home it was already six thirty he didn't want to disturb her resting time, it was very important for a growing girl to have proper rest at the proper time.