
Soulmates in the Meadows

Her life is not what it seems. What could happen when she finds old love, new destinies and a whole other world?

Irene23 · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

No Answers for the Wicked

I'm.. home?!

But how did I get here?! This must be a dream. This is only a dream. Matthew doesn't know that I like him. And I didn't just travel across the country in a matter of minutes.

Okay, when I pinch myself, I'll wake up. In my bedroom in California. I will remember exactly what I did this afternoon, and none of it will involve Matthew. Pinching in 3.. 2.. 1, now!

.. .. .. .. ..

..Ow. That hurt. And I feel cold. And I'm still in North Carolina. And I remember Matthew's soft lips on mine.. and the way his shaved chin felt on my cheeks- oh god. I'm not dreaming?!‌ How is this possible?!

Okay. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Maybe I fell and hit my head, and I'm lying unconscious somewhere, and this is my fucked up idea of heaven.


That has to be it. I'm just going to wake up in the hospital when someone finds me and takes me there. This is just me living in my head. Living the dream.

..But I'm hungry. Can thought people eat?

"SHELLEY?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

I recognized the voice yelling towards me.


She was running towards me in her track uniform, panting and looking confused.

"Why did you come back from California so soon?!"

Another voice joined her.

"Shelley?! Is that you?"

Jolie, also coming back from cheerleading practice, came running down the hill, with the same puzzled expression.

"Hold up. I'm missing something here. No one said anything about you flying back!"

"I didn't fly back! I was in California just a few minutes ago!"

Jolie scoffed, "Nice one.", she started laughing.

"I'm not lying!"

My head was spinning.

"Is this even real life?!‌ I swear! You two must just be figments of my imagination. Because there is no humanly way possible for me to make it across the country in ten minutes. No way in hell."

Jolie gave me an extremely concerned gaze.

"Shelley.. dear, are you okay? Of course this is real life! Frankly, you sound a little crazy right now. Did you.. take some substances on your way here? I know California has a lot more going on than here but-"

Bella finally regained her composure and cut her off.

"Jolie!‌ Shelley wouldn't do something like that. Maybe she's just pranking us.. right Shelley?"

She looked up hopefully at me but I could only manage to show a crazy shocked face and no response. Jolie asked,

"Okay, how did you get here? Don't you remember anything about a plane?"

Bella hesitantly said,

"Actually, Jolie.. I have to tell you something. I got here a bit earlier since you got held up back at school. Don't call me crazy! But when I was walking up the street after practice, I spotted Shelley."


"She just.. poof'ed out of nowhere! I swear I‌ saw it!"

Okay, at least it wasn't just me.

"That's what it felt like to me too! I was running and then all of a sudden.. I'm standing in front of the house!"

Jolie looked back and forth between us, gazing at us as if we'd grown two heads.

"I'm still not buying it.. I think you both are going nuts or this has to be the most elaborate prank ever."

"Why would we both lie right now?"

Bella sighed, "Okay I don't know what's going on, but let's just get inside before we discuss further."

I didn't particularly like the idea of facing Aunt Gianna right now.. what if she didn't let me go back to California? But I needed to know what the hell was going on, so I let them lead the way into the house.

And as suspected, she was just crossing the entrance and spotted Bella coming in.

"Sweetheart! I was just going to call. I assume practice took longer than usual?"

"Well, uh.. no."

I shyly stepped in through the doorframe, looking at all the interior decorations that I grew up with, and taking in the hint of cinnamon wafting through the air.

"Wow. I had no idea how much I missed home!"

"Shelley?! What the hell?"

Aunt Gianna was frozen in shock, and the girls laughed.

"If you're swearing, Mom, something must be wrong."

Suddenly she crossed the kitchen, walking briskly towards us and muttering something under her breath. There was a loud zapping noise that shocked all 3 of us and made us jump.

"Mom.. what was that?!"

An odd feeling overcame me, as though I‌ was frozen in place.

"Who are you?!", she questioned with more anger in her voice than I'd ever seen before in her calm, gentle personality.

"I'm Shelley! Your niece!"

"You could be Shelley.. but any shifter would also know that!"

I was terrified that Aunt Gianna had some sort of mental snap that caused her to act like this. I could hear Jolie and Bella quivering behind me, and Jolie pleaded,

"Mom, please stop! You're not making sense!"

Bella added, "And why can't we move? Why are our phones on the kitchen counter?"

"Dears.. I'll explain in a minute. I want you to remain calm as we attempt to find the true identity of this shifter.", Aunt Gianna said coldly.

"But I'm not a 'shifter' or whatever you call it! I'm Michelle Manzo! Your niece! Honest!"

Tears began to leak from my eyes. I saw her eyes soften, and her face looked pained. But then she closed her eyes, and resumed her stony facade.

"What was your mother's name?"

"It's Sienna Manzo!"

"That was correct. But I don't trust that you're Shelley yet."

"But who else can I be?", I said still thoroughly confused.

Without missing a beat, she continued, "Next question!"

"What is your dream?"

"To find a cure for cancer..?"

"That's also correct.. but I just have to be certain you are who you say you are with one last question.", she pressed. "Who is your.. hmm, what do the kids call them these days?‌ Oh right. Crush. Who's your crush?"

Oh, thank god this one was easy.

"Matthew Ruscuiti!", I stated embarrassingly, but I couldn't risk what she would or wouldn't do otherwise if I‌ didn't answer.

"That's correct.. Oh.. my dear! I'm so sorry, Shelley.. I'm so sorry that I was mistaken!"

She put her hand up and muttered the same strange phrases from before, and I felt whatever effect that was on us break. I was already feeling drowsy.

"I feel awful! And I'm so confused."

"I had to be sure you weren't an impostor.. Oh, sweetheart.."

"What just happened?"

Aunt Gianna was deep in thought. "You should be in California."

"Mom.. what was that?!"

Jolie and Bella also finally recovered.

"What were those sounds?! And why were we all frozen?"

"I'll answer that at the end, sweetie. Right now let's find out what Shelley's doing here.. What brings you here sweetheart?"

I couldn't tell Aunt Gianna that Matthew and I had an argument, if that's what I‌ can even call THAT train-wreck. If I told her that, then she would find out that we made out, which was embarrassing in and of itself, but even worse was the fact that she and Uncle Georgio would tell me "I told you so..". I was not in the mood to hear that, so I decided to make up an excuse of why I wanted to be here.

"I got a little homesick.. and so I‌ went out for a run. I missed Jolie and Bella and I wished I could see them. As I was running..", I rambled on, not even knowing how to explain myself properly. "..when all of a sudden, I was met with a view of our home! And that's when Jolie and Bella saw me."

"Is that all that really happened?"

Damn adults and their x-ray vision again.

"Well.. Matthew and I got into a little argument and that's why I went out for a run." I sighed, "That's also why I wanted to talk to Jolie and Bella."

"Alright, Shelley. Why don't you lie down for a bit? I'll bring you some hot cocoa and then the four of us can have a chat?"

We nodded at that, and just as we were turning around to go to the living room, I was overcome with that strange sensation again.. and then my mind went blank.


"Memoriae Alterum.

Bella and Jolie, you will forget the events of this night. You will go to bed in 20 minutes and not remember seeing Michelle or Shelley or Shells today.

Reverto Praeteritum.

Michelle will return to Ruscuiti Manor, shrouded by the darkness and under no watchful eyes.

Memoriae Alterum.

Michelle, you will not remember coming to North Carolina today, but you will retain memories of what happened immediately before emerging here.

Magia Sileo.

Michelle, your powers will remain dormant."

Now, how did they resurface? I can't read her mind because she's blocking the events of this afternoon. Oh my.. she erected a very strong mental block.. it must be the argument with her love interest that she is trying to hide.. I suppose it isn't important anyway as long as I ensure her powers are dormant.

"Eo Ire Itum!"


The next thing I knew..

I lifted myself up from the grass on the front lawn of the manor. What happened? I was running in the Main Quad at Stanford.. and then I must have gotten a ride and passed out here in front of the manor.. Why do I feel so dizzy? I supposed I should go inside.



Teresa's screaming caught me off-guard when I opened the front door.

"Do you have any idea how special that girl is to me?"

"Look, I'm sorry Mom. I couldn't find her anywhere. She just ran off."

"'Just ran off', bullshit! You upset her! You said so yourself just a minute ago."

I could see Matthew's disgruntled face from the foyer, and felt a tinge of shame.



Damn.. I thought she might have come home somehow! How am I supposed to know why she isn't here yet? I knew I shouldn't have come home without finding her during my search. I hope she's okay.. if something happened to her and it's my fault.. man. I don't want that on my conscience.


"If anything has happened to her, I will never forgive you, young man! That child is like a daughter to me, do you hear me?!"

Wow, this was embarrassing. Matthew is getting heat from Teresa because of me. I had to make my presence known so that she can stop worrying.

"If she doesn't step foot in this room within the next five minutes, I am calling the police!"

I stepped into the room hastily, and as soon as I glanced at Matthew, my stomach did a backflip. I had to look away and take a deep breath. Because immediately as I glanced at his tall, athletic frame, I remembered everything.

I remembered his hands, how they burned my flesh as he held my waist against his, and how they cupped my face as our lips connected. I remembered his eyes, dark and intense.. smoldering but twinkling green. I remembered his lips, soft but cold, tickling my neck, cheeks and ears. I remembered his hair, falling from his face and brushing against my cheekbone.

What a kiss it was. It felt so good, so invigorating and so real.. All of the feelings, the sensations, the foreign sounds and images of the kiss assaulted my memory.

My heart raced as I saw the man that stole my heart look up at me through hooded eyes after his mother took a break from chastising him.

"Mom.. she's home.."

Oh, that honey rich voice. It still made my heart flutter. But it also drove tears into my eyes because I remembered the heartbreaking things that same voice had told me today.

"Oh!" Teresa gasped, "Thank the Lord! Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"I.. um, I-"

I didn't even know how to begin. I‌ struggled to form words due to the tightness of my throat. After clearing it, I spoke again,

"I feel a little dizzy, but I'm fine otherwise."

"What happened?! Why do you have flour on your clothes?"

I‌ blushed deeply.


How was I supposed to cover this?! 'Oh I just made out with your son in the cafeteria pantry, and we rolled against the wall for a bit..' Yeah, that would go over really well.

"Never mind, sweetheart. I just hope you're ok. How did you get home?"

That's when I realized I didn't actually know how I got home. Is it weird that I don't remember? But I can't say that, so I'll just have to make something up..

"I took a taxi."

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but you should have called us! Why weren't you picking up our calls?", she looked disappointed.

"I'm so sorry to make you all worry! Um.. my phone ran out. It's all my fault. I, um, well.. I just got a little upset and I ran away like a silly person."

I took a look at Matthew's exhausted stance and tired eyes.

"Please don't blame Matthew. It's not his fault."

Teresa wasn't taking one second of it though.

"I don't know what he did to upset you, but he WILL apologize."

"I'm so sorry, Shelley. I-"

The events from the afternoon kept drifting in front of my eyes. All of the emotions I felt.. the passion.. my euphoria.. and then the heartbreak. A forced apology could never undo all of the pain I felt because of what transpired today. I resisted the urge to let my tears break free. But I didn't want Matthew to get into any more trouble. He did look apologetic, tired and guilty, after all.

"Well.. I also have to apologize for being a reckless idiot."

"I was very worried about you, dear. And I'm sorry that you had to encounter such difficulties.", she ran a hand exasperatedly through her long dark hair. "Ultimately, I'm disappointed in both of you. I hope this doesn't happen again."

I said something about needing rest and said my goodnights to Teresa, pointedly leaving out Matthew's name and headed upstairs. Behind me, I heard Teresa still scolding him,

"She's such a remarkably sweet girl. I don't know what you did to hurt her, but she doesn't deserve that."

I quickly shut the door to my room before I heard anything else that would make me anxious. I tried my hardest to go to sleep, but there was no way for me to clear my thoughts.


I couldn't stop thinking about Matthew. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. I relived Matthew pushing me against the wall with his frame completely against my own, being surrounded by his scent, his strokes and nibbles and tickles. Tears kept falling unconsciously from my eyes..

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching my bed. I hastily wiped my cheeks, closed my eyes tightly and pretended to be asleep.

My intuition told me that it was Matthew standing next to my bed, making me stiffen. It was an unmistakable feeling, it was as though Matthew had a 'signature' that I‌ recognized. It was the same feeling that occurred to me when he arrived at the manor from the airport.

Even though I was covered by the sheets, I was suddenly so self-conscious of my short pajamas.. I hoped I wasn't blushing. My eyelashes helped me mask my sight as I very slightly opened one eye.

Matthew was standing next to my bed, one hand in his pocket, and his hunched posture suggested defeat. Wait.. no, was it really defeat? Or was it shame? Or humility, or vulnerability?

"I'm so sorry.."

My breath hitched when he started speaking softly under his breath.

"I.. I don't know what came over me. W-what was I trying to prove? What kind of person have I become? Just because I felt threatened? Ugh.. disgusting."

He paused and gazed down at me.

"It's weird.. it's strange to think that we knew each other only five years ago. It feels like a lifetime has passed."

He was now looking at me with an odd sort of smile. If I was any crazier and blinded by love, I would call it.. adoring? It was slightly crooked, but it had an element of confusion twisted in, not the usual scorn and tease. His eyes were still twinkling, but they looked tired and hooded. Whatever that smile was, it made my heart turn to mush. I closed my eyes tightly, my heart fluttering.

And then I felt some of my hair being curled around a finger. Before I could worry about him seeing me with my ugly unkempt curls, I felt Matthew tenderly brush some hair away from my face and I had to keep from gasping. He proceeded to glide the back of his long fingers along my cheeks, using a feather-like touch to draw circles. Even though his hands were cold, my face was burning where he touched me.

What was he doing?!

I tried to mask the pounding of my heart by pulling the covers tightly around me.

"Sleep well.."

I felt him glide out of the room and had to stay "asleep"‌ for a few long minutes before I‌ could release the breath I didn't know I was holding. I was more awake than ever, full of butterflies in my stomach, and more confused than ever.

Sigh.. it's going to be a very long night.