
Soul Manuever

This story is all about superpowers and supernatural events which is fictional and fantasy. There was a man by the name of Dean Massacre who possess such a dangerous superpowers like grabbing everyone's soul and make it as his own weapon to defeat his enemies. He can also turn the souls of every living creature into a capsule then he will drink it to boost his strength and stamina. He can also summon a powerful familiars which is called the "demons" by sacrificing another's soul to aid his side. By pointing his whole hands in his front on every living creature, he can grab their souls as many as he likes and he was also the dominating one. But sadly, there is a certain group who oppose him and trying to take him down by making a tactics by using super powers as well. Dean Massacre live in the Super Human World which is every people has an ability to do such supernatural things but there were people that their power was seemingly inactive and they appeared as normal human being. But how unlucky to those powerless! They must have a power to reign and to lead. The world they living only has one principle! "The Weak Should Die and Strong Should live"

Jromarph · 奇幻
1 Chs

The Fresh Beginning

There was a riot outside and it seems like the war of the super humans would likely to begin.

Dean Massacre and his companions are patrolling and looking for a trouble when suddenly they came across with the certain individuals.

"Hey little fellas! Can I take you all for a walk?" the person asked them with a grin in it face

Dean and his companions just ignoring them and continuing their walk.

"Are you mocking me? When I'm asking a question you should answer it!" the person looked so triggered but Dean and his companions are just observing them and they are preparing for the battle about to begin.

"Master Dean, I think it's time that we prove our loyalty to you." One of his companions.

"I see, it can't be help." Dean response.

Dean suddenly he aim his right hand while his left hand grabbing his chest to where the heart is. He starting to absorb his companions soul and each one of them lay on the ground one by one after such event.

" Wha-what did you do to your comrades? Are you betraying them?" the person asked him.

"They are unfortunate human anyway. They were useless when it comes to battle. But don't worry, you can be the next to be devour and be added in to my collections" Dean speak with a serious face.

The enemies are about to attack them when suddenly Dean summon a familiar a demon to fight in his aid.

"What is that thing?! It is so ugly and spooky!! Are you siding to the devil's?!!" they asked him.

"Yeah! And I'm about to send you all to hell!!"

The fight is over and the body of those people who's challenging Dean was shattered into pieces and their souls was considerably in his hands. He makes three capsules of souls to replenish his stamina after releasing such powerful attacks. He takes back his familiar and then walk away like nothing happens. Dean never pays attention in his surroundings but the people there are watching and celebrating after they watch the fight.

The fight was quite enjoyable huh? That's number one dominator for you. - the audience