
Sors Mea Online (SMO) [Rough Version]

(The Cover and Story are in the "Early Stages", so this will be a "Template" of sorts for a possible future "Polished" version) Are you interested in the World that you currently live in? Do you love the way that the Animals live, and the way that the Atmosphere is slowly being tainted? Cool, then this might not be for you. This revolves around the Full Dive VR Game of "Sors Mea Online", or SMO. With the Advancements in Technology, Games have gone a Step Up in the world, and can now be experienced in 1st Person. SMO, however, was but a Step Higher than the rest. Made by One Person, who goes by the Nickname "LucXy" (Luck-z-y), the world has gone from Silence to an Uproar after they saw the advanced mechanics and AI in SMO. With over 30 Years in Development, it was finally released, with No Beta, No Alpha, and absolutely No Pay-to-Win Features involved. What was once thought to be a Lame game created by a Nobody Developer, was later all over the World. Nearly Every person on the Planet has heard of Sors Mea Online, and a bit over Half of the Earths Population played SMO. (By the way, the world of SMO is around 2x bigger that Earth) The words "Sors Mea" translate from Latin to "My Fate". So "My Fate" Online, was, in the Literal sense, "A Game where you can become Practically Anything." Farmer? Cultivation Skills Exist. Swordsman? Attack Skills Exist. Babysitter?! Buy some Land and build a Daycare or an Orphanage. When the acronym "NPC" is heard, you would usually think, Simple, Bland, and Repetitive. However, in this world, what some players only see as Lines of Code, many others see them as Nearly Human. With the Human-Like NPC's, the People of SMO live like normal. Farming, Building, Studying, Learning, Training, and even learning Skills or Magic. Like the Real World, the People of SMO can Feel Emotions, have Memories, Feel Pain and Delight, and even have Children, with both NPC or Player. Yup, players can raise a Virtual Family that feels too real to be fake. With the many types of Skills, Magics, Weapons, Items, and Creatures in this world, there are practically no such thing as having nothing to do. Craft, Train Skills, learn Magic, conquer Dungeons, or just Have a Shop, or Raise a Family, be an Adventurer and see new lands, fight Monsters, and be wary of the Unknown. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now the Story of SMO will revolve around an 18 Year old Kid who discovers a FDVR Headset by Accident while he, like any Cliche, was running from some of his Bullies that have been with him since Kindergarten. Upon Logging In to a New Account, he sets a Username : LacX. (Lack-z) When he logs into the game, he is told to allocate 100 Stat Points, and choose 1 Unique Skill, and 3 Normal Skills, as well as a Weapon. Since he doesn't like to fight very much, he decided to just let his Speed do the work, and put every Stat Point into Agility. When he finally steps into the starting Town, he is Immediately hit with a Message : {Acquired New Skills} With these New Skills, he was Immediately shocked at how fast he can really move with 1000 Agility. As he Levels Up, he starts to get a bit into Smithing and Jewel Cutting. With his new found Skills and his rediculous Speed, he will attempt to climb to the Top of the Central Tower, also known as The World's Greed. What's in the Tower? I don't know. Who is the Developer of SMO? Maybe save some questions for Later. How OP of an MC are we talking about? Read it, and maybe you'll find out. Other than that, there will be many other attributes to the Story, like Heroines, some cool Equipment, a Child, and many more Aspects of SMO. {MC Character Sheet} [Name : Suuco Tsukuyomi] [Age : 18 B-Day : Oct. 1] [Gender : Male] [SMO User : LacX] [Unique Skill : Copy] [Stats] {Level : 1} {0/100 Exp} {Str :1} : Physical Damage {End : 1} : Defence {Agi :1001} : Overall Speed {Sta : 1} : Used for Active Skills {Mag : 1} : Spell Strength {Wis : 1} : Mana

_LucXy · 游戏
38 Chs

SMO Chapter 3.1 : Hostile

"Here we go again."

With those words, Suuco goes into SMO, and logs in as LacX.

After logging in, he went for the Guild to get a quest to test his Skills.

. . .

Finally finding the Guild after a while of just roaming, since he still wasn't familiar with the Town yet, he walks inside.

Going to the front desk, he finds Lina sorting some papers in the front desk.

"Hello again, Lisa." Walking over to Lisa, he greets her.

"Ah, you're the newbie from a while back. Here to pick up a Quest?" Lisa finishes filing the papers, and faces LacX.

"I am, but I don't know which requests would be good for beginners like me. Any suggestions?"

"I can find one that can be simple for beginners. I might have one that can suit you, hold on for a moment." Lisa goes up to a Shelf and starts looking through the Quests.

'Maybe I should test the "Appraisal" Skill from yesterday.' LacX proceeds to activate "Appraisal", showing Lisa's Information.

[Name : Lisa]

[Race : Human]

[Job : Guild Receptionist]

[Guild Rank : C (Retired)]

[Class : Spirit Brawler]

{Level : 37}

{HP : 1450}

{MP : 1000}

{SP : 200}

[Unique Skill]

<Language Comprehension : Passive. Does not consume MP or SP. Allows the owner of the skill to understand different languages. Comprehension depends on Skill Rank>


? ? ?

Looking at her Stats, she was pretty strong!

'What's a "Spirit Brawler"? And why does she have so much HP?' Before LacX could finish his thought, a Window appears, making LacX surprised at what he was looking at.

<New Skill Acquired>

<Language Comprehension>

[Daily Copied Skills : 2/3]

In awe, he realized what he just did.

He just copied somebody's Skill. Not just any skill, but a "Unique Skill".

'Wait, is this even allowed? Isn't this cheating? How is this even reasonable? I just started Yesterday!' LacX was having a bit of a hard time wrapping his head around what he just did. After a few moments, he decided to worry about it later, since a different question popped into his mind.

'2/3? But I didn't copy anything else today.' After thinking about it, he opens his System and looks at the Time.

[10:27 PM]

'Maybe it's because I copied the "Appraisal" skill after Midnight, registering it to Today instead of Yesterday.'

As soon as he was finished, so was Lisa, who slapped 2 Quest Posters in front of him.

"Sorry for the wait. Everything needs to be reorganized later. Anyways these are the Quests that are suitable for F-Ranks."

[Herb Gathering]


[Request - Gather "Menti Herbs" from the Plains just outside of Town]

[Reward - 1 Copper/3 Herbs]

[Horned Rabbit Hunting]


[Request - Hunt 5 Horned Rabbits]

[Reward - 3 Copper/Rabbit]

[Bonus - 10 Copper/Rabbit's Foot]

"Rabbit's Foot?"

"All Creatures have a "Drop" that appears Seperate from the Corpse. Every Creature, including the Rabbits, have a Singular "Rare Drop" that has a small chance of Dropping. The "Rabbits Foot" is the "Rare Drop" from the "Horned Rabbits", which increases the chance of a "Rare Drop" by 1%." Lisa Explains how the Drops work, and LacX got pretty much all of it memorized.

"Ok, then I will take these requests. Anything else that I should know?" LacX puts the requests in his pocket.

"Well, you should probably get geared up first. The weapon seems fine, but your Armor doesn't increase "Defence"."

'So theres a Defence Stat?'

"I recommend looking through some Shops first. Some of the Armors can come at a pretty low price." Lisa gives LacX some directions, and hands him a small map with the layout of the Town.

"Thank you. I'll go check it out. See ya later." LacX walks out, waving to Lisa, who waves back.

"Aww, he's gonna get eaten alive." Which were Lisa's last words before she continued her work.

. . .

As LacX follows the directions, he begins to notice an increase in Stalls and Shops as he walks by.

After looking around for a bit, he finds one shop that catches his eye.

[Mana Hoodie]

'Mana Hoodie? Surely it couldn't be...'

Walking into the store, he notices immediately.

"The shop is filled with nothing but Hoodies." LacX looks around, and begins to "Appraise" some of the Hoodies, which, surprisingly, had no "Skills" attached to them.

"Find anything you like?" A small figure walks up to LacX, which startled him a bit.

The little figure was a small girl, who wore a Hoodie that had Cat Ears and a Cat Tail attached to it.

"Sorry, I was just wondering what the 'Mana' part of the sign meant."

"Well then, let me tell you. The "Mana" on the sign means that the Materials used to make these Hoodies was "Magic String" from a Mana Spider. The Mana Spider is a E-Rank Creature that is commonly found in Caves that have a lot of "Mana Crystals", which is what they feed on. Does that answer your question?" LacX was surprised once again. The girl seemed to know exactly what she was talking about.

"Yes, thank you. My name is LacX. Nice to meet you." He extends his hand for a handshake.

"Howdy, the name's Mill. I own the "Mana Hoodie" and make Magic Protected Hoodies." Taking his handshake, she gives her name and profession.

"By the way, are all the hoodies here the same?" LacX takes a quick look around the Shop.

"Oh ho, as a matter of fact, almost all of them are the same, since they only Grow with the User." Mill looks at LacX with dark eyes, which almost made LacX take a step back.

"Wait, they Grow with the User? What does that mean?"

"These Hoodies are made with "Magic String", which can also be imbued with other Magic. I happen to be very proficient in Magic, since I can make Magic Equipment like these."

'Wait, she's proficient in Magic?'


[Name : Mill]

[Race : Human]

[Job : Shop Owner/Magic Tool Maker]

[Class : ? ? ?]

{Level : ?}

{HP : ?}

{MP : ?}

{SP : ?}

'No information? Who is she?'

"Boy, were you looking at something just now?" Mill gives a sharp Glare.

'Uh oh, I'm doomed'

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take a peek without permission. I was just curious."

"Hmm, well, did you see much?"

"Surprisingly, no. I was only able to see your Name, Race, and Job."

"Oh? Then that much is fine. Just don't go using it all willy nilly on people. Instead, here." Mill grabs one of the Hoodies from the racket and tosses it at LacX.

"You can have this, but you gotta do me a favor when you're Stronger. So get to about Level 10, then we can talk buisness. Got it?" Accepting the proposal, he puts on the Sweater, which made another Window open.

[Registered User : LacX]

[Registering Level : 1]

[Defence : 1]

"One Defence?"

"As I said, it Grows with the User. The Defence will be equal to your current Level. So Leveling Up might be beneficial to you."

"Thank you. I'll make sure to Level Up as fast as I can to accept your request."

Thanking Mill, LacX leaves the store, and towards the Gate to leave the Town.

"Appraisal, huh?" Milly walks up to one of the other Hoodies.


[Name : Mana Hoodie]


<A Magic Hoodie that Grows with the Registered User. When the Player reaches Level 10, the Magic Hoodie obtains an "Ego">

"Well, aren't I just amazing."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ooh, an Ego Hoodie :0

It's like an Ego Sword, but it's Armor.

Anyways, this Chapter will be in 2 PARTS

I wanted to do a bit more, but I figured that I should split it into 2 instead of Seperate Chapters. If I didn't, then I would run out of Names. ._.

Anyways, stay tuned for part 2.

This was a really fun chapter to write :D

Thank you for reading!