As the wild and uncontrollable Christopher leads the pack to their fight against the hunters that have began hunting their kind, the younger Pride has his hands full with carrying out his brothers orders, taking care of his new adopted gay son and his newly found omega mate. However when the secrets that revolve the pride family slowly come to light and those who they have wronged seek revenge, what will the sons of pride do and does the myth about the king of were-direwolves exist?
Chris sighed as he tried to reassure his mind that what his little brother was about to do was not dangerous. Well at least not dangerous for their kind. But his mind would not leave him to rest.
With a height of 5"3 feet and a fairly well built body, no one would believe that his younger brother was only eight. Even for were-dire wolves ,his progress was indeed beyond normal.
Helix Pride, the most persistent of the all the Pride's. Arrogant, self centred and full of nothing but persistence; the real definition of anyone from the Pride family. And also his younger brother. Well they are only two of them to be honest.
Helix's hands tightened around the handlebar grip. He was excited and the adrenaline in him had obviously gotten to his head. A wicked grin spread across his face which light up with the greatest glow Christopher had not seen for a while.
"Are you sure about this?" Chris asked as he looked at his brother trying to convince him not to continue with his death sentenced plan. Even Christopher who was infamously know for his recklessness thought that this was too reckless for an eight year old boy.
"Hell yes I am!" Helix declared as he got ready to set off.
"You know, you really don't have to do this." Chris pleaded once more.
His eyes wondered off to the rocky ,steep and curvy path. In Chris' eyes it was a one way ticket to broken bones. And no matter how fast they healed they would still give Helix pain for a few hours.
"Watch me dear brother ." Helix declared loud enough for Chris to hear before kicking off and speeding down the mountain path at a crazy speed. Chris, shocked stared down at the path Helix disappeared into before realising that Helix did it.
'I warned him.' Chris declared in his mind as he turned around and headed towards their mansion. But stopped in his tracks when guilt began to eat at him at a rapid pace. In an instant, he filled his lungs with air and raced down the mountain through the woods. He forced himself to pick up speed and soon he was running faster than his set record time during training. Faster than a fresh out racer car with then top of the tec engine in it.
When he thought that he was going to make it in time he heard a scream causing him to tumbled down through the woods falling in the middle of the path.
He groaned as he lay down looking at the sky. Boy was he lucky that he wasn't human and had a high pain resistance!
He turned to find a huffing Helix with a damaged bicycle looking at him without a hint of regret or anger in his eyes, just excitement.
"You failed."
"I know." Helix said as he helped Chris back on his feet.
"You are going to try this again aren't you?"
"I won't stop till I conquer this mountain. "
" Have I ever told you how persistent and annoying you are little brother?" Chris asked as he dusted the dust from his pants before placing his arm around Helix,"But that's what makes you a Pride!" He triumphantly declared before they both burst into laughter .
Christopher lay there debating whether he should cut short the little adventure he and little miss one-night-stand were having.
Her deep moans contrasted his faked ones as she road him. More like drove him like a truck at a speed of one hundred miles per hour running away from the cops that were chasing after it.
He hated it. Very much to the point of no return.
But he hated hurting girls more.
So he shut down his whining member and told it to bear the overly rough and uncomfortable moment.
After exhausting her self out she packed up ready to hit the road probably to go home and think about finding another one night stand for the next day.
"You were awesome." She complemented Chris before quickly pecking his cheek and strutting away to her car.
" I will drop by when I can!" She yelled before stepping on the accelerator and driving away through the road that disappeared back into the woods and somehow led out of it in the other end.
'No you won't.' Thought Chris.
They never do. And he knew why they didn't. It was simple, they could never remember how to get back. It was the enchantment around the forest that the witches had once granted his family.
Only Prides and their pack members could remember the way.
Chris erched back slightly and turned his gaze to the woods on his left.
"How long do you want to hide brother?" Chris asked the shadow figure which began to approach him. As the figure came into light Helix's demeanor along with his strong presence that had been concealed also burst out like water from a water balloon when popped.
The smell suddenly hit him. The strong smell of blood. Human blood. His eyes drifted down to where the smell was coming from. In Helix's right hand he was dragging a human boy on the hard forest ground. He was bleeding but breathing.
"What in the name of Grandma Sally have you done?" Chris asked as he let out a sigh. A sigh if defeat. He knew Helix was insane but not to this point. He would never kill a human being without any reason.
" DON'T DRAG HIM ACROSS THE STAIRS YOU IDIOT!" Chris yelled at Helix who went ahead to ignore him and dragged the poor boy by his foot like a piece of trash.
" Brother I present to you my new beta." Helix happily announced as he dropped the boy in front of Chris. In disbelief, Chris stared at Helix, waiting for some sort of sign that showed he was joking. Yet all he got was Helix pitch black eyes staring back at him with confidence.
Defeated Chris bent down , carried the boy and entered the mansion with him in his arms.
"Master who is that?" Clerk, Chris' beta asked. He was on his way to report the information he got about the hunters when he stumbled upon the sight of his master with a boy covered in blood in his arms. His eyes then wondered off to Helix before trailing back to his master.
" Only God can answer that for us as it seems like Helix is a lost cause." Chris muttered as he walked past Clerk and went into the only room that was on the ground floor.
He gently placed the boy on the bed. bewildered and on the verge of collapsing from shock , He starred hard at Helix. He couldn't call doctor neither could he treat or help the boy.
"Explain yourself. " Chris ordered in a rather strained voice.
" I ran him over with my car.He was dying and i wanted to save him immediately so I.."
" Bit him in order to turn him." Chris interrupted.
" You and I both know that it might not work. Not just anyone can survive the bite but those chosen by it. And those who survive end up serving us as our betas."
" I know that."
"Then why did u still do it?"
"My gut told me to do it."
"Of course." Chris muttered. What else did he expect from Helix. Wild and unpredictable, that was just how he was.
"If he survives what will you do with him?"
"Let's wait and see brother."
Although Chris had his fair share of slacking off he knew damn well that this distraction was something that Helix would be better off without. Helix was their packs frontline and last line of defence. And now that they were having an emergency of hunters realising the existence of were-direwolves and hunting them down, they needed Helix at his full power with nothing holding him back. Definitely not some kid he picked up on a wimp.
" He has to go." Chris declared as he looked at the boy on the bed.
Helix turned his face towards the window and watched the rain begin to pour down raising the dust on the ground.
"I said he has to go!" Chris sternly repeated. Helix turned his attention back at him and frowned.
"No he doesn't. "
"I am your pack leader. Your. Alpha." Chris reminded Helix who only smirked. He didn't give a shit and Chris knew this.
"I am my own alpha brother. And he," Helix pointed at the boy,"will be my beta. You have no authority over me and we both know this."
"Then what do I have from you?"
"Respect. Wouldn't it be better if you held on to it instead of trying to dominate me. I listen to you because I respect you. But you are not my alpha."
Chris bit his lower lip. However much he hated it he knew that it was true.
"Take care of him." Chris finally said.
"I will." Helix answered then sent a last glance at the boy before walking out of the room and the door shut after him.