
Chapter 191 The Moonlight Lily

“Today… is the sixth,” Cerina said. “The sixth of Wheat Month by the ancient calendar.”

My breath stuck in my throat, and I braced myself as tears rushed up my eyes.

“We have two days.”


Hanging against the cliff, I kept telling myself not to look down, to focus on going up. We were not far from the top. I could do this.

“I don’t understand.” Soren’s voice echoed from below me as he followed me up the cliff, finding holes for his hands and feet. “Why does the Moonshine Lotus have to make it impossible for people to get to it?”

“Moonlight Lily,” Georgia corrected him. “I know you lost to Behar, but did you also lose your mind?”

“Hey, Georgia, I didn’t lose to—” Soren pulled himself up, and when he finally stepped on a rock and could take a breather, he continued, “—Behar, okay? I wounded him severely. See, at least I am able to come on this trip. I bet Behar still can’t get out of bed.”

Georgia smirked, “You’re able to move around because of Rosalie’s blood.”