
So I'm A Pokemon, So What?

This is a pokemon fanfic where the main character is reincarnated as a pokemon. It's a story more about gaining strength and a bit of slice of life. This novel is more laid back and doesn't have tons of action. So if you want something like that, then go find a different book since this is not it. This novel also won't follow the plot of the anime or games that much. The story is set on the past, so the technology won't be that advance in this timeline. If you are all ok on this, start reading and I hope you enjoy. Note: I can drop this anytime like my other book. You've been warned so don't expect much from me.

Remoon · 游戏衍生
4 Chs

Chapter 1

"What is this slimy feeling?" I asked as I try to open my eyes. With a bit of difficulty, I successfully opened my eyelids to only see darkness.

"What the hell!?" I shouted but no sound came out of my mouth. I tried to move my head and looked around but found myself having a hard time doing so.

Hopeless, I stopped trying and just sigh.

"What happened to me? Am I getting kidnapped?" I asked in my head as I tried to move my hands and feet, and discovered that I'm unable to do so.

"This situation are liked those isekai mangas and novels I've read. Don't tell me I'm getting reborn and a fetus now?"

"Strangely, I can't remember my name and other specific things like my family, relatives, or friends. I only remember some things like what my hobbies are and the like." I shook my head mentally and just sigh again as I failed to remember what I looked like.

"This is weird. Don't tell me, I have a system-" And behold a blue screen appeared in my head.

[Name: None

Species: Azurill

Gender: Female

Type: Normal/Fairy

Abilities: Huge Power, Thick Fat, Sap Sipper

Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Belly Drum]

"Of all the things to be reincarnated, why does it have to be a Azurill!?" I shouted hysterically and calmed down after a few seconds.

"Ugh, nevermind. Since it has come to this, I just have to look at the bright side of things and try to find other solutions along the way." I shook my head mentally and nodded as I say this.

"I mean at least this type of Pokemon evolves fast. I just need to bond with someone and reach a high friendship with them. From the anime, the friendship bond doesn't need to be a human and pokemon. It can also be done with pokemon and another pokemon. Once, I evolve to Marill then I just need to reach level 18 and evolve again." I nodded as I ponder.

"Besides, looking at my status window. I have all the three abilities of Azurill which is unbelievable but something I surely won't complain about. All of Azurill's abilities are amazing in my opinion. Huge Power which doubles my Attack stat. Thick Fat which makes Fire and Ice Type moves weaker against me. Lastly, Sap Sipper which I like the most. An ability which makes me immune to Grass type moves and even increase my attack stats when hit by one." My imaginary smile grew bigger as I imagined the Grass type pokemon getting surprised when they attack me with grass type moves.

"As for my moves, I'm satisfied with it. Though I need to learn a Attack based Move so I can fully utilize my Belly Drum move and Huge Power ability." I thought as I plan the things I need to do once I'm born.

"The pokemon world is dangerous and there are many pokemon out there that can easily destroy things like Groudon, Kyogre and other such pokemon." I shivered as I think about the powers those pokemon has.

As I ponder about this, soon I saw a small crack of light coming out which I immediately noticed.

"Finally, I'm getting born!"

As time passes, the crack soon enlarged until I got momentarily blinded by the lights for a few seconds. Once I opened my eyes, I noticed that I'm in forest that is close to an edge of a huge lake.

"Our third and youngest child is a girl, my dear." A soft voice said to which the new born Azurill looked at.

As soon as I turn my head, I saw two Azumarill and two other Azurill around them. One of the Azumarill is bigger around 2.7 inches and the other being 2.5 inches. As for the Azurill they're both around the same height of 0.8 inches.

"Hello, I'm your father Azumarill and this is your mother Azumarill. And these two are your big brothers Azurill and Azurill." The big Azumarill said to the new born Azurill.

'What a dumb way of naming! Ugh, I guess I just have to name myself and them first.' I thought as I name myself Milly.

"I'll call you Paps and Mom. While I call my brothers Filly and Silly." I said as I use my tail to point at them.

My father and mother frowned at this, but nodded as they see my brothers Filly and Silly happy about being named.

"Here eat some oran berries I got around the forest." Paps said as he gave me, Filly, and Silly one berry each.

"Thanks, Paps!" Filly and Silly shouted as they immediately munched on it. I followed them and starting to eat it too since I'm curious what it taste like.

'It's sweet and a little tangy.' I thought as I eat and finish it after a few seconds.

"Listen kids, from here on out. You have to always stay with your Mom all the time. If you ever stray away, some scary pokemon might eat you up." Mom said as she make a scary face scaring both Filly and Silly. We three nod which made my Mom satisfied.

"Every morning, we'll be training around here while your Paps will go out and get some food." Mom continued making the three of us nod. Afterwards, the day continued with us being told by Paps and Mom the things we can do and not.

A week passed and I started my training with my Paps and Mom every morning and also learned how to swim and dive. Learning to dive deep in the waters didn't made me learn the move dive which made me curious why but didn't think about it much. I also asked my father and mother to teach me a physical move but they declined as they said my body isn't ready yet. They only let me practice Water Gun and Tail Whip at the moment and by my progress I learned that I'm extremely talented compared to my siblings.

My Water Gun and Tail Whip is already at the standard level of a month old Azurill which shocked my parents.


"We won't be doing our normal training routine today. For now, I'll introduce to you the guardian of this lake. Let's go." Paps said as he jumps at the lake followed by my Mom and two brothers.

We swim for a few minutes and arrived at a small land where I saw a Slowking is meditating. It opened it's eyes once it felt the presence of my family.

"Hello, Azumarill family." Slowking said as he smiles at us.

"Nothing really, Slowking. I just want to introduce my children to you."


[Name: Milly (Self Named)

Species: Azurill

Gender: Female

Level: 3

Type: Normal/Fairy

Abilities: Huge Power, Thick Fat, Sap Sipper

Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Belly Drum]