

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

30 Chs


<p>He stopped and glared at her, "After 4 hours of straight sword practice, I dropped my weapon. I have not dropped a weapon in practice since my 7th year of apprenticeship and even then, I was being hit with a cane pole at random angles.Of course, I also do not normally go for 4 hours without stopping. I was frustrated by the wait, by dropping my weapon, and the thugs wanting to rob me blind. I unleashed my frustration in one swing."He started walking again as he thought about the impact of his actions, "We are targets here now as is your sister because the 2 of you look alike. Best to get our gear and get moving soon. Did you come to a decision?"<br/><br/>She shook her head, "We stopped talking after you jumped the fence. I had to get my clothes on but I could see you walking away from her house. I came after you and that was the scariest thing I had ever seen. That wall looked like screaming grotesque heads falling into the water to be replaced by more."<br/><br/>They arrived back at her sister's house and she was still naked; the spitting image of Charlemagne without the scars and with a different outlook of the world. He looked at Annette, "How bad is the Underhill gang?"<br/><br/>She shrugged, "A fairly miserable lot, cause a lot of trouble in this part of town why?"<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Annette looked into his mind again and saw what happened. She knew she was unintentionally responsible for his frustration and the dropping of his weapon but she could tell him nothing. At least yet. Gods, what did she just set in motion.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Eldar looked at her, "You need to pack up everything you want to take from this place. We can get it on the wagon when we leave."<br/><br/>She looked at Eldar, "What do you mean pack everything?!"<br/><br/>He looked at her, "Six of them tried to attack me. I sent a 40-foot wide wall of purple and blue flame 50 feet down the road and those bodies are mostly ash. Charlemagne arrived within seconds along with the city guards. Anyone who saw me also saw Charlemagne, are you safe here as you 2 are identical?"<br/><br/>She looked around and knew he was right. She would have to go home now with little to her name, "I better get dressed to start packing."<br/><br/>He looked to Charlemagne, "Will the wagons be full for the return trip?" She nodded. He sighed, "Is the cargo time-sensitive, will this create an issue for our wedding plans?"<br/><br/>Charlamagne shook her head, "No."<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head, "We need to get to the rest of our team. Do you know where they stay?"<br/><br/>Charlamagne sighed, "A place called the 5 aces."<br/><br/>Annette sputtered, "That is no proper inn, it is a gambling and whore house!"<br/><br/>Eldar sighed, "Here is the plan. Annette keeps packing and bars the doors. Only open it if your sister is back. We swing by the stables and get another rig setup for all of her stuff. We go and get our group. We go to the stable, pick up the rig, and take it back to the docks once we have all her stuff loaded we split into 2 teams.<br/><br/>Guys in one, ladies in the other. Ladies, dresses or pants with blouses. You decide what you want the ladies of our team and your sister to wear. I will take the guys either in all silver outfits or silver and black for them. We will find an Elven shop to outfit us. Once you find clothes and shoes we will meet back at the stables.<br/><br/>The guys will take our packs and we will get another room for the 3 of us. Then, first thing in the morning we head out with a 4-wagon caravan. We will work on dividing people and setting up placement. I think the new wagon should be in front to not interfere with our other setup. Thoughts, Charlemagne?"<br/><br/>She nodded, "Get our weapons and armor on before we go would be a good idea."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Annette, "Have any questions and thoughts?"<br/><br/>Annette could feel Eldar's genuine worry and his guilt about doing this to her. The guilt she knew was not his, but hers from poking around in his mind. She started to move. Annette rushed and struggled to breathe, "How much do you trust your guys?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne and Eldar spoke in unison, "With our lives!"<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Annette as they moved back into the bedroom. He stripped to put on his armor underneath his clothes and he noticed Annette watched him, "Anyone watching your home will see us leave and should assume it is you but bar the door just to be safe. We will go with hoods down so they can see us leave together."<br/><br/>Annette nodded.<br/><br/>Everything went as planned. Two new draft horses, tack, tarps, more rope, a 12-foot wagon, and everyone loaded her stuff into the wagon. Once they got back to the loading dock, they found they were loading the 3rd wagon of supplies. It was ahead of schedule. They pulled the new wagon into the front of the normal caravan.<br/><br/>Eldar gave Charlemagne 2 diamonds and the emeralds for her dress and outfitting the others. The Elven Taylor shop the males went to had a Gold Elf whose nose was so high in the air if it rained, he would drown.<br/><br/>Eldar looked at him, "I was looking for dress shirt-blouses suitable for a wedding party. Silver is the primary color. We would look at the pants as well but we may opt to go with black leather. Soft sole shoes for everyone. Priest robes for Doc as he represented the Lady of Dreams."<br/><br/>He shows everything he had. They found pants in black leather and shoes for everyone, the robes for Doc and they went through the formal shirts. He kept steering them away from one area of the store with really nice shirts. Eldar stopped and asked him, "What do you have there?"<br/><br/>He commented, "You cannot afford those."<br/><br/>Eldar asked him. "What are the price ranges?"<br/><br/>Again, "More than you can afford if you have to ask."<br/><br/>Eldar looked him in the eyes, "You give me numbers or they will not find enough of you to bury, you own this store?"<br/><br/>The Gold Elf did not like the threat and this Impure Elf seemed to be very serious. He shook his head, "No, I do not own it, and if you must know they are 600-1,200 gold pieces each. More than you could afford."<br/><br/>Eldar warned him, "Start showing us those now or get the owner and I will tell him you are trying to blow a major sale."<br/><br/>He smirked, "I will need a name to give the Owner."<br/><br/>Eldar glare at him, "The name is Eldar Silvertree."<br/><br/>He looked back at Eldar, "Did you have a run-in with the guard early this morning?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled at him, "No I had a run-in with 6 thugs who thought a Master Blade Singer could not kill them with a flick of the wrist. They ran into a 40-foot wall of moving purple and blue flames. The guards came later to pick up the ashes and they looted the corpses after they examined their warped weapons caused by the heat!"<br/><br/>Eldar took a breath, "Yes, my day started early when they interrupted my sword practice and wanted to rob me. Get the owner I am done dealing with you!"<br/><br/>Hunter glared at Eldar, "You kidding?"<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head, "That is the reason we are pulling Charlemagne's sister out of town with us."<br/><br/>The owner showed up and looks him over, "You look Wood Elf. No, you are of mixed blood?"<br/><br/>Eldar sighed, "Half Wood Elf and Half Moon Elf. You want another name Heliar'vasius Silvertree, I am his eldest son. We are looking for blouses, suitable for the groom and my men. In Silver Ornate. The reason we are going with the leather shoes and pants in this combo as we will be packing weapons.<br/><br/>The location is remote wilderness near a lovely waterfall. If I had time to go back to the Capital first I would but we are supporting supply shipments! Probably even some of the stuff we brought you to sell here."<br/><br/>The owner showed Eldar what he wanted to see as he knew the diplomat. Eldar chose a very ornate shirt. The others were also very nice. Eldar asked, "How much for 4 of these. The 4th sized the same at Tranosa as he is the biggest elf in our group. Total everything up and give me the number then your people can start wrapping."<br/><br/>He glared, "Just under 6,000 gold pieces."<br/><br/>Eldar smirked at him, "Start wrapping." He pulled out a diamond; He looked at it, "5,200 gold pieces for the diamond."<br/><br/>Eldar pulled out 60 platinum and 200 gold pieces.<br/><br/>Eldar asked his team, "Thoughts on the look?"<br/><br/>They all nodded Tranosa smiled, "Perfect mix of formal and informal given the location and mix of the guests coming. Excellent taste."<br/><br/>He looked at Sharlo, "Good for the Lady of Dreams, Doc?"<br/><br/>Doc smiled, "Like the twin moons across a dark sky! It will be a lovely tribute to the Goddess!"<br/><br/>Eldar looked at them all as the packages were all marked and ready, "I think we are done here."<br/><br/>He asked Hunter and Tranosa to head to the stables and meet up with the ladies. While Skinner and Sharlo helped him with the packages back to the 5 Aces. They secured an additional room for the night. Good timing on their part as Eldar got one of the last 'suites' they had available for 10 gold pieces. It had a large four-post bed.<br/><br/>Eldar ordered mid-day meal specials for 3, 3 glasses, and 2 bottles of elven wine, and 4 water skins. To be brought up to the room. As the food arrived so did everyone else. Charlemagne and Annette were pointed to their room. They sat down the packages and Charlemagne gave him 4 emeralds back and 50 platinum pieces. He put that with the other money.<br/><br/>He commented, "Been an expensive trip."<br/><br/>He started stripping out of his clothes. Annette asked, "What are you doing? It's the middle of the day?"<br/><br/>He told her, "Our day is not over with yet, I have not made love to you with the aid of my soon-to-be wife. To fulfill my promises to you both. If you have come to a decision hold and if you have not you have one more factor to consider."<br/><br/>Charlemagne nodded while she smiled, "He works to keep his promises."<br/><br/>Eldar smiled, "With the edge already taken off I could probably go a very long time."<br/><br/>Annette sighed and was resigned to her fate. He got a bottle of wine split between Annette and Charlemagne and he drank the other one. Eldar led Annette over to the top center of the big bed and he moved up the left side and asked Charlemagne to move up the right side. He whispered to Charlemagne, "Mirror me if you can, ears, neck, shoulders, arms meet again at her collarbone."<br/><br/>He slid up to face her. He told her, "Relax I won't do anything painful this is all about pleasure."<br/><br/>He kissed her on the lips then kissed her passionately. He had Charlemagne do the same. He moved up and kissed her eyes closed. He planted kisses along her cheek until they got to her ears. Slowly he worked his way behind her ear. Slowly he kissed and licked her neck. Charlemagne did the same to the other side. Annette seemed to be getting into it. They continued onto her shoulders kissing every inch of them.<br/><br/>They work their way down her arms outside, inside, and back again. Until they got to her hands. He straddled one leg and had Charlemagne bring the hands together. He gave the thumb and index finger to Charlemagne.<br/><br/>He whispered to Annette, "If you ever want to know what it would feel like with four people licking your body just close your eyes and feel what we do."<br/><br/>He pulled her hands slightly apart. He took her 3 fingers from each hand into his mouth and weaved between fingers and grazing the palms while Charlemagne took the index finger and thumb into her mouth. She was relaxed and breathed heavily. Eldar signaled to come up and he gave Charlemagne the middle finger while he just took on the smaller ones. He folded them slowly so they were interlocked.<br/><br/>He then licked up the edge of the palms while Charlemagne worked those 6 fingers like 6 cocks at once. They placed her hand back to her side and moved to kiss her collarbone. Charlemagne watched to mirror his activity as she got a kick out of how his mind worked. They kissed and licked their way down the sides of her stomach.<br/><br/>They started kissing toward each other and shared a passionate kiss against her stomach. They moved to lick their way to just below the curve of Annette's breasts. Annette worked to stay out of their minds and just enjoy herself as there were both being tentative lovers.<br/><br/>He signaled Charlemagne to do a kiss, lick, kiss, lick and we went along the outside of each breast. They spiraled in toward her nipples. They then sucked them into their mouths and ran their tongues over them in a random direction. They release the pressure, kissed the nipples lightly, nipping them, and then using their tongues on the very tips. Eldar could feel the heat flowing out of her at this point and decided it was time to switch it up.<br/><br/>He looked to both of them, "Time to sit up." He moved to sit with his back against the wall and on his knees. "Annette, sit in front of me. Between my knees and face your sister. Charlemagne moved to sit directly in front of your sister. Now, Charlemagne, your hands are to remain on her ass.<br/><br/>The only time you may approach her pussy is to lube it up to slide a finger or two in her nether-hole. I recommend pinkies from both hands because those hands are going to be busy lifting her ass up and back down. All the while your breasts will be pressed together. Your mouths must always be kissing unless you need to moan or cum.<br/><br/>Annette, you have free reign with your hand on her back and ass. The same rules, in regards to her cunt. Only from the back if you want to stick a finger in her nether-hole. You can also run your hand over her arms to her face and down her sides. At no time are either of you allowed to touch your breast, clits, or pussies; except to lube from the back. Any other part of the front of your bodies, those are my areas.<br/><br/>Charlemagne will slide Annette back toward me, lift her ass, and guide my cock into Annette's pussy. Then Charlemagne with help to lift and lower you on my cock. Meanwhile, I will be working your stomachs, breasts, arms, and kissing on Annette where I can reach without coming out of her. If I direct Annette's neck back then Charlemagne should lean forward to keep the kissing going. Now, does this sound like a fun game?"<br/><br/>They smiled at each other and nodded. "Very well, let's begin." Charlemagne helped slide her back to Eldar running her ass across his stomach as she lifted her up and guided his cock into Annette's pussy.<br/><br/>"Now, keep kissing and keep your hands on her ass, Charlemagne. Keep your hands to your areas. Make sure you are comfortable. I do not want you to have to lean forward too much. Keep your breasts touching. We will begin as soon as you two start a passionate kiss and Charlemagne controls the speed of your pumping on my cock."<br/><br/>They started their actions and Eldar could not keep an eye on everything. He did feel Charlemagne lube up her pinkies as she slowly fucked her sister with Eldar's cock. He moved his hands up the side of Annette. He played and rubbed their tits against each other. He felt Annette clench as Charlemagne started stretching her nether-hole with her pinkies. Annette got a little side-to-side swing going as Charlemagne went deeper with her digits.<br/><br/>He took one hand and slid it down Annette's stomach and two fingers on either side of her clit without touching it. He kissed her on the shoulders and the back of her neck. He brought his hands up to tilt Annette's face on the left side and back toward him. He licked up her neck and returned to her earlobe. He moved his hands back over and ran one over each woman's stomach. Then placed one hand to cover a breast on each of them.<br/><br/>He held their breasts and rubbed the other nipples on the back of his hands. He felt Charlemagne jump as fingers went into her nether-hole. Meanwhile, they sat a little higher up due to the anal play the two ladies were having. He sat up a little more and kissed the back of Annette's neck. He felt Annette's cunt muscles clench and he whispered to Charlemagne, "Slowly speed up her movement."<br/><br/>Over the course of the next several minutes, Annette has her first vaginal orgasm on a man's cock. He kept going as he rubbed her belly and Charlemagne's stomach.<br/><br/>He then announced, "Alright, one rule change now you can stick fingers into each other's pussies. Lift Annette's ass higher and guide me into her nether-hole while you finger each other. I will use one hand to offset the one hand Charlemagne uses on your pussy."<br/><br/>They slowly slid his cock up and into her nether-hole until he was buried seven inches deep. He went back to rubbing their breasts with one free hand. He slid it down to grab honey and cinnamon and lifted Annette's ass up and coated his cock. They repeated that action 4 more times. He then told Annette, "You are now ready to get ass fucked while she fingers you. Charlemagne increase lift and drop speed as she has been lubed-up from both of you."<br/><br/>They started lifting her ass up and he fucked her in earnest. While their fingers flew and he kept his free hand on Annette's shoulder to keep her from coming out. Then he started flexing his hips. He increased the thrust into her ass and he could feel the walls constrict. Their breathing was getting faster and they climaxed together and by reflex, Annette's ass muscles clenched tight as she came hard.<br/><br/>He thrust faster and faster until he coated her bowels and groaned out his release. He sighed, "Now, sit up and keep kissing. Go down to your side..."<br/><br/>He pulled out of her ass and kissed her on the shoulder. "Go ahead and play how you would like. I am just going to spoon and cuddle up against Annette until you are finished. Then we will clean up and talk briefly. No decisions. Then both of you can spoon against me."<br/><br/>They played around for another 5 minutes and decided to sit up. They cleaned up and he kissed both of them passionately starting with Charlemagne and then Annette and back to Charlemagne. He looked at Annette, "This is how we like to play, no time, no numbers, just having fun exploring, and depriving each other of certain pleasures. Until things have built up enough.<br/><br/>The first night Charlemagne slid down my cock she squeezed the base of my cock to deprive me of being able to ejaculate until she came from riding me. She was the first woman I had vaginal sex with, she took that piece of my heart forever. She was also the first to blow me.<br/><br/>If you want to read about what happened before I left the city, I will show you those journal entries. Even though they are somewhat embarrassing. Tomorrow we will leave here. I will have Hunter ride with me on the new wagon and the two of you can ride and talk on the second quietly. That will give you another 15 to 16 hours to talk things over.<br/><br/>I do know you had one bad experience with some man and his cock. I found it very brave of you to trust us. Letting us show you how it can be. I believe that was the first time you came on a man's cock vaginally. The first time you made a man cum as you came while he was buried in your nether-hole. A couple of firsts for you correct?"<br/><br/>She nodded with an embarrassed look. "I was not fucking you. She was not fucking you. We made love to you. You know what love can be like if that is what you want in your life. Time to get some sleep."<br/><br/>They spooned together with Annette was behind him and Charlemagne in front of him. Charlemagne whispered to Eldar, "Thank you for that."<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Vexxor was not pleased. The Underhill Gang failed to Kill this Eldar Silvertree. He looked at their leader, "Try again before morning. Fail me again and there will not be another failure."<br/><br/>The leader simply nodded, "Alright, we will send a few men to kill him at the 5 Aces. They will attack him in his room tonight while he sleeps. We will kill his Half-Elf he was seen with as well for free."<br/><br/>The leader was not worried about this client, he was but one wizard, and his men could take him out if needed. Their reputation, on the other hand, was being called into question. He wanted this Half-Elf, that a few of his men had been protective of, gone.<br/><br/>She was a liability, a snoop who ruined a few of the jobs they had lined up, and he wanted her gone now as she had aligned with this Eldar Silvertree.<br/></p>