

Being forced to give up your dreams and hopes just to get married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, especially Emma Xavier, who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 16 after her family's company went bankrupt, her parents forced her get married to one of the most successful and ruthless businessman in the world for money. This is a story of how Emma's life changed drastically after she married Maynard and how she develops feelings for him knowing full well that she shouldn't because that would be against the contract. But unknown to her the marriage contract isn't the only thing that is not letting him allow her to fall in love with there is something else.

Kaulifla42699 · 现代言情
41 Chs

Chapter 16

I sat on the bed. Looking at he double doors that led to the walk in closet, waiting for that son of a bitch Maynard to come out. What exactly was I going to do when he comes out, I don't know.

After 30 minutes of waiting I saw Maynard walking out. He was wearing a blue suit with a black tie. "Do you really have to look perfect in everything." I asked him. "I just can't help myself. God took his time making me, unlike you." He said with a smile on his face. "Are you sure that God created you?" I asked him. "Yes, only God can create someone as perfect as me, who do you think created me?" He asked me. "Uhm the devil of course duh." I said. "I'm too precious to be a creation of the devil." He said. This guy is so full of himself, how I wish that someone could come and destroy that precious face of his. "Who told you that you are too precious?" I asked him. "I don't need anyone to tell me, I know that I'm precious and perfect." He said. "Really? You really do love lying to yourself and others don't you?" I asked him. "I don't need you to tell me if I'm precious or not,anyway I have to go, you better get dressed and go downstairs to your parents company maybe you might be able to clear things out with them." He said walking out of the room.

After putting on a dress I went to the living room. I found my parents sitting the whispering to each other about who knows what. "OH Emma dear cone sit with us."My mom said with a smile on her face. What a pretentious woman. I sat down on the sofa that was opposite to them. "What were you and Maynard doing in the room, you've been gone for so long, and you seemed to have changed your clothes." My mom said wiggling her eyebrows. "That is non of your concern." I said. "Emma, how can you say that to your own parents? After everything that we've done for you." My dad said. Well I'm not surprised that he decided to stick his nose into my business too. "Parents? I don't remember having you two as my parents. My parents are loving and kind. And they wouldn't sell me off to a random man just for money." I said. "Emma we did this for your own good." My dad said. "How is selling me off for my own good?" I asked them. "If we didn't then we would have ended up in the streets. So we didn't want you to end up in the streets." My mother said. "Why would I end up in the streets? Besides the company was doing so well, how did you end up owing so much money to the banks." I asked them. "That's non of your business." My dad said. "Of course it is my business. Because I am also affected by this."I said."It doesn't matter whether it affects you or not. What our company is going through and what it has been through it's non of your business, so just do what we tell you to do and you will live a happy and peaceful life." My dad said. "How do you expect me to leave a happy and peaceful life knowing that my own parents are willing to do anything for money, even sell their only child for it." I said. I could feel tears threatening to leave my eyes. "Who told you that you are our only child?" My dad asked. And I was confused. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know why he was asking me this question. Everybody knew that I am their only child and that there is nobody else. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Hubby this isn't the right time." I heard my mom say to my dad. "This insolent child has to know. She keeps thinking that she is the only child and that she can do whatever it is that she wants." My dad said. "No no no. Not now, maybe some other time but not now." My mom begged my dad. What were this two talking about. "No, I have to tell her, I'm so sick and tired of her, maybe if she knows she'll stop acting like the whole world belongs to her."My dad said to my mom. "Hubby let us go inside and talk first okay." My mom said to dad and they both stood up leaving me alone in the living room. I didn't what exactly was happening. I wanted to follow them but my body just sat still, I couldn't move. So I thought that it was better for me to wait for them to come back.

After 30 minutes of waiting I saw my parents walking back into the living room. My dad looked like he was still angry and my mom was still trying to calm him down. They sat down on the sofa. "Sweetheart your father would like to apologise fir what he Saud to you earlier, he just said it out if anger." My mom said. "Why apologise? A person tells the truth when they are angry or drunk, so what he said to me probably came from his cold heart." I said. "Sweetie your father didn't mean it you have to understand." My mom said. "Well if he didn't mean what he said and he wants to apologize to me, shouldn't he do it himself instead of you doing it." I asked her. "Eloise I told you this girl will never listen, we tried being nice to her but she just keeps on disrespecting us like we are nothing. I'm so done with this child." My dad shouted. "Thank you." I said running out of the living room going up to the bedroom. My eyes were filled with tears. I thought that I could tell them what was in my heart but they keep on making it difficult for me to do it. I just want them to disappear forever. Maybe Maynard is right, it's better to wipe them off of the face of the earth like they deserve to.