
Aaron will you be my friend?

So as per the previous chapter we saw Valentina and chase asked Aaron a question "whether he wants to be the whole class friend or only Ariana's friend" so let's see what Aaron is gonna Respond to this question in this chapter.

Aaron again sees Ariana and says" I will choose both" and moves into the class.Everyone were shocked but Ari felt happy😄 when she heard this that she got a friend the boy who was her friend during her childhood(Aaron knows Ari from childhood she was staying next to her house they both were childhood friends but later Ari left the home and went to a new place due to family issues but Ari doesn't remember this as she was just 5 years that time and joined this school and now its a surprise to Aaron to meet her again after many years.Will Ari Remember there childhood friendship or will they create a new friendship or will they fall in love.let's wait and see)


Teacher gave notes to everyone and everyone started to write,in middle of the class chase's pen ink became empty so he he called Aaron who was sitting next to him and said"hey Aaron do u have an extra pen." Aaron said" No I don't have" Then Chase said "then call the girl who is sitting in front of u she would surely have an extra pen".Aaron was shocked when he heard this and asked "You said no one should talk to her and why do u need a pen from her" So cause replied "Ya we don't talk to her more often but still we talk to her when we need something because she always has what everyone in our class need" Aaron was shocked when he heard this and said "so u use her for ur need and throw her like a dustbin" And Valentina sitting next to chase said " Ya ur right she is like a dustbin for us" Aaron didn't say anything for that but thought to himself( she is really very I'll-treated in this class I should change this as soon as possible) Then chase said " OK leave it now ask her a pen I need to write" Aaron called Ariana and asked for a pen. Ariana didn't turn back nor see his face but lended him a pen just by stretching her hand where Aaron was sitting. Aaron asked "Even now u will not see my face a" Ariana nodded her head. Aaron smiled and gave the pen to chase.

Well guys I don't know whether u would like my chapters and the characters but I would try my best in each and every chapter I write



Daoist226508creators' thoughts