
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · 漫画同人
295 Chs

Chapter 7.

E/N: Wassup pepol. Hope ya'll having a good time. And if not... well try to have good time. Hehe.

So, I have been meaning to say that from now onwards you might expect even better translation and even some modifications as I have recently started giving more time to it coz of... well getting fired from the job.

And if you can, please comment and leave a review to show some support.

So, yeah. Enjoy.

Your Allfather Author - Primordious. Peace Out✌.



In such a dangerous situation, Wang Feng remained calm, merely counting the stones that's going to hit him in his heart. 

"One, two, three... twenty-seven... This should be one of the hidden weapon throwing technique from the Tang clan [Mysterious Heaven Treasured Record],right?"

Wang Feng thought to himself, "Little San'er hasn't made a hidden weapon to match it with this technique. Using just stones, he's looking down on me too much." 

Having spent time reading the Douluo Dalu, he naturally recognized this stone technique. It's the hidden weapon technique from [Mysterious Heaven Treasured Record]: Sky Filling Flower Rain!

However, Tang San was only six years old at the time and his Mysterious Heaven Technique was only at the first level. It was evident that he couldn't execute the various hidden weapon techniques from the [Mysterious Heaven Treasured Record] perfectly.


Looking at brother Feng, who stood motionless as if being stunned, Tang San faintly smiled.

Since being reborn in this Douluo Continent, he has devoted most of his time practicing various techniques from the [Mysterious Heaven Treasured Record], such as Mysterious Heaven Technique, Purple Demon Eye and Mysterious Jade Hand. Though many hidden weapons fascinated him, he only practiced them occasionally due to his young age and not having resources to make those hidden weapons.

But, it was enough for him to defeat even adults!

Tang San was naturally very proficient in these hidden weapon technique and with the increasing proficiency of various techniques like Mysterious Heaven Technique and Mysterous Jade Hands, combined with hidden weapons of different materials, his skills would gradually grow stronger.

"Although I haven't practiced for some days, using pebbles to simulate Sky Filling Flower Rain seems to be enough to defeat brother Feng."

Tang San thought to himself, "Although brother Feng is extremely smart and guessed that I would try to use some kind of hidden weapon, he couldn't possibly know that I didn't just throw stones casually and has used some kind of technique!"

"I will win this challenge!"

With the experience of two lifetimes, Tang San couldn't help but feel an unspeakable sense of pride.

Perhaps Feng'ge is putting too much pressure on himself.

'But defeating brother Feng wouldn't give me a sense of accomplishment!' Tang San secretly thought.

'Feng'ge is still truly formidable for his age! Far beyond my imagination! It's a pity that I have too many cards up my sleeve.' 

Tang San remembered Feng'ge's power from earlier and couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation from the previous hit. 

'Not only did I have to employ Mysterious Heaven Technique but I also had to resort to hidden weapons technique like the Sky Filling Flower Rain!'

Tang San quietly gazed at Feng'ge, who was still in the distance and started imagining him with a blue nose and a swollen face.

In that moment, Tang San was ready to take out the ointment, ready to apply it as soon as brother Feng admitted defeat.

However, it was at this precise moment!

Twenty-seven stones that were thrown, resembling rays of light as they struck toward Wang Feng! 

Wang Feng sprang into action, extending his hands with utmost graceful precision. 

The speed of his hands moving was so fast that countless afterimages appeared and his hands seems to have blurred for a moment! With both palms, each waving in mid-air caught a few pebbles, perfectly in the gaps between his fingertips!And in less than a second, when Tang San had just been taking out the ointment, was left utterly stunned! 


Because he saw that Feng'ge was still standing in the same spot, both palms raised. Between his slender fingers were all the 27 stones that had been previously thrown by him! 


Tang San couldn't believe it, Feng'ge had managed to catch all the stones within his hands!!

Tang San was in disbelief! He knew the speed and power of the stones he threw were very extraordinary! Even at wooden stake, thrown at such close distance, would leave a hole or in the worst case scenario imprints, one by one! 

The naked eye of an adult wouldn't even be able to track such small pebbles as they moved at incredible speeds! Tang San couldn't fathom how Feng'ge had managed to catch all of them in an instant!

"Haha. Xiao San, experience my own move, the Fairy Scatters Flowers!"

Wang Feng laughed, suddenly leaped up and flung the stones from his palm towards Tang San. However, Wang Feng was unaware of the rainstorm effect.

He had just thrown them out in a disorderly manner, not creating a dense net with the stones like with Tang San's technique but their speed and power were not inferior at all compared to Tang San's! 

Tang San was astonished and even his eyed twitched at the name, the Fairy Scatters Flowers? Did Feng'ge know about his hidden weapon technique? But that should be impossible.

Could there also be hidden weapons used on the Douluo Continent that rival those of his Tang Sect? 

However, as Tang San observed the thrown stones, he realized that it was just a ruse!

Being a grandmaster-level figure of the Tang Sect's Hidden Weapon, Tang San could tell at a glance that the stones were thrown randomly by Feng'ge, without any particular technique used!


The stones flew with greater speed and force than ever before! Tang San's eyes widened in horror as he swiftly tried dodging all the pebbles.

Twenty-seven stones rained down upon him and he managed to expertly evade 23 of them in time!

Yet, there were still four that found their mark, hitting him with a painful impact.

"Truly, brother Feng's power is astonishing! Even a stone thrown randomly without use of any technique packs more punch than I imagined!" Tang San's face shifted in response to the pain he felt in his left shoulder, right side of the waist, front chest and at the calf.

His reddened complexion glistened with perspiration, a testament to the intense physical strain he had endured.

In that very moment, Tang San realized it.

He had lost the battle! He was inferior in both speeds and strength in comparison to brother Feng. And in a battle where opponents speed is significantly higher than himself, continuing to fight will be a foolish decision. 

Taking several steps backward, he leaned on a sturdy tree, barely managing to stay on his feet as he looked at brother Feng.

Mixed emotions filled his heart and bitter feelings surged within him.

It had been a while since he had tasted the bitterness of failure, even if it's a mere contest between children.

Tang San's gaze locked onto brother Feng, who approached from the distance. The young boy's face showed no sign of exhaustion. A smile involuntarily tugged at Tang San's lips as he spoke:

"Brother Feng, I admit defeat. You've proven to be better than me."

Tang San couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment at himself.

But just then, Wang Feng arrived near him, patting Tang San on the shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"Little San, be confident, it's just a single fight. You shouldn't doubt yourself, if it was anyone other than me they would've surely lost against you." Wang Feng encouraged.

The words caught Tang San off guard, somewhat dispelling his inner turmoil and insecurities.

Yes…What was there to fear in a single defeat?

'Brother Feng is right, I should not be discouraged just by a single defeat. 

There's always a higher mountain and one should always strive to conquer it no matter how many times should one fail, what matters is standing back up and not giving up.

As a genius of Tang Sect, he should not be disheartened by a single failure. Instead, he should embrace it as an opportunity to grow stronger.'

This realization washed over Tang San and he looked at his brother Feng in a newfound admiration.

Feng'ge's sportsmanship was commendable, he didn't boast about his victory but instead offered words of comfort.

However, just as Tang San was about to thank Wang Feng, he heard Wang Feng laughing and saying:

"Be confident but never against me, hehehehHahahaha!"

Tang San's mouth twitched in annoyance.

In that moment, Wang Feng playfully picked up an ointment from the ground, expressing amazement at Tang San's foresight.

"Little San, I must compliment you. You seem to have anticipated the need for this ointment and prepared it for yourself." Wang Feng said, his admiration evident in his tone.

Wang Feng truly believed that the ointment was for Tang San himself because he feared that he might get injured during their contest.

Tang San's mouth twitched again, this time once again in annoyance.

Brother Feng likes to play too much!

Wang Feng's laughter filled the air, bringing a sense of ease to the atmosphere. 

"I will give you the medicine." Wang Feng said, offering the ointment to Tang San.

Tang San smiled and nodded, as a sense of calm washed over him.

His body ached in several places from the recent predicament, dodging the stones had also drained him of quite a bit of energy and getting hit by the four pebbles did really hurt.

Wang Feng gently rubbed the medicine onto Tang San's bruises and the young boy began to feel a slight recovery.

"Brother Feng, did you use all your strength during the fight?" Tang San asked, curiosity tingling within him.

"No, only about spent about 80%," Wang Feng replied casually.

In reality, he had only used 40%, but he didn't wanted to dampen Tang San mood even further.

Tang San was taken aback.

Eighty percent of brother Feng strength overpowered him to such an extent... what if he had gone all out?

A surge of fighting spirit coursed through Tang San.

Brother Feng was undeniably strong!

But this also made him question his own strength.

After more than ten years of training in the Tang Sect and a few years after rebirth, Tang San had experienced a smooth journey without facing failure.

Now, brother Feng's reminded him that there were greater challenges and formidable opponents beyond what he had encountered so far.

This realization ignited a newfound determination within him.

Tang San made a vow to himself.

He must become stronger! 

Wang Feng, unaware of Tang San's inner thoughts, helped him get back to the Holy Soul Village.

"To defeat Tang San, I inherently have to be full of soul power, ensuring my stability." Wang Feng thought to himself, planning for the next encounter.

As the two parted ways, Tang San hobbled back to the forge.

Upon his return, he heard his father's voice:

"You are back? Take a good rest, today you don't need to practice hammering the raw iron."

Tang San was a little surprised that his father had stayed awake despite the early morning hour. It seemed as though Tang Hao had anticipated his return and waited for him.

Clang clang clang!

Tang Hao swung the giant hammer, striking the raw iron without even sparing a glance at Tang San.

"Father..." Tang San began solemnly, "I lost. Brother Feng is much stronger than I thought..."

"Hmm.." Tang Hao responded with just a word, his eyes still focused on his work.

Glancing at the piece of raw iron that was sent back, he thought to himself,

'He can refine a piece of raw iron in a single day, way faster than Tang San's ten days.'

It was no surprise to him that Tang San lost.

"This Xiao Feng is not an easy kid."


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