
Gacha System

You know... Life is full of surprises. One night, I'm just your regular office drone that tries to survive the capitalistic city where the rich, but it changes quickly. One night, I died. Yup, just like that. I died while sleeping. However, it was not the important thing. The most important thing is that I reincarnated into a fantasy world. That sounds good, right? No! I get reincarnated into the world where monster roams the land, and what makes matters worse is that I'm reincarnated as the son of a lord who defends the land from monsters. And that is not the worst of it all! I got a Gacha-based system! The bane of my existence!

LuxVonDeux · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 14: Monster Wave

|3rd POV|

While the other villages and small towns panic to take away their valuable items and take refuge in a bigger city, the people in Sol-Luna, Arma's village, are hopeful. Even the people who take refuge from other villages start to see hope when they see their lord, Armaah Krur-I Tilpun or Arma, working hard for them.

The sight of a lord doing manual labor is not something that happens in this world. Even a new lord will ask the others to do manual labor, but Arma decides to work alongside the other workers. He eats and drinks alongside them.

It gives them a sense of hope that their lord will not run away when the monster wave comes.

Not only that, they also see how their lord uses his gift to heal the commoner and restore their stamina to work even harder. They know that healing blessings are rare in the world, and instead of working for the church to get a lot of money and prestige, he decides to work and restore the village that was given to him by his father.

Instead of giving up, he stands his ground and helps the people under his care. That makes them respect Arma even more.

"With this, we are set."

Arma says as he sits on the ground while wiping his sweat away. They manage to create towers for archers.

"Congratulations, my lord."

Arma looks to the side and sees Sebastian smile at him with a cup of water in his hand. He takes the water and says.

"Why do you congratulate me? You guys are the ones creating this wall and tower."

Sebastian shakes his head and says.

"No. Without you and your blessing, we cannot create the wall and the tower, my lord. Take pride in your actions."

Arma sighs after he drinks all the water from the cup.

"Very well. How is the other doing? The refugee"

"They are doing great, my lord. They are working on another project at the moment."

"Which one?"

"The farm, my lord. They are creating another web of canals to water another wheat field."

Arma nods and says.

"That is good. However, sooner than later, we need to create another lake. I will tell the others when I get another Rain Blessing."

"Of course, my lord. The others will be happy to watch another miracle happening in front of them."

Arma can only sigh as the people call his power a miracle. Well, he cannot be blamed for thinking like that.

"Right. Anyway, has the scout team returned?"

"Not yet, my lord. I start to get worried as well. They have been scouting since this morning, and now the sun is already above us."

As if the gods listened to his words, one of the guards shouted.

"My lord! The scouts have arrived!"

Arma and Sebastian walk to the gate and see the five scouts already getting down from their horses. One of them runs toward Arma and says.

"My lord! They are here! The monster wave is here! They are coming from the Southwest! They will arrive in seven to ten minutes."

Arma nods his head and looks at Sebastian with a serious expression.

"Sebastian! Go and notify the others! We need to defend the village."

"Yes, my lord!"

"You five," Arma looks at the five scouts. "Go and have some rest for a minute or two before taking the bow and arrow."

"Yes, my lord!"

The five of them nod their heads and quickly run to the armory. Arma only sighs and opens his card inventory. He takes out two cards and rips them apart.

A second later, a hundred spears appeared on the ground, and sitting next to the spears were ten crates full of arrows. After Arma gets the arrows from his power, he asks the fletcher to create a bow instead. Lucky for him, he already bought the goods needed to create a bow from Oxpost Village.

After waiting for a minute, the people of Sol-Luna have already gathered together and taken the bow and arrows for the upcoming fight. There are a hundred people to defend the city. Arma and thirty people will defend the ground while the rest are shooting the monster from the tower and the wall.

When they are gathered together, Arma takes a deep breath and chants.

"O Light! Grant us protection! [Heavenly Armor]!"

After he is done with his chant, the people in a ten-meter radius have semi-transparent golden armor. This spell will reduce all physical damage taken by twenty percent. This spell lasts for half an hour.

"O Wicked one! Witness the power of light! [Heaven Wrath]"

The second spell creates a white flame surrounding the people around him. This white flame will induce a holy effect on any attack they do to the enemy. It works best with undead but still increases the attack by ten percent. This spell lasts for twenty minutes.

Arma takes a deep breath and shouts.

"Go to your position! We will defend this village and kill all the monsters!"


The people shout in agreement and quickly take their position in the tower and on the wall. Arma and the others take the spears and walk toward the gateless gate. Because they did not have any shield, they could not use a shield wall formation. Because of this, the first line will stab their spear into the ground to stop the charging monster, and the second line will support the first line while stabbing the monster in the face.

Arma will be on the third line to heal and watch over the formation. The other people alongside his line will support the second and the first line so as not to lose their ground.

When Arma hears the war horn get blown by one of the towers, he shouts.

"To formation!"

His men quickly follow his order and form a formation that they train for a short amount of time. They can see a small cloud of dust in the distance, getting bigger and bigger as the monster wave gets closer.

"This is it, people! This will be our stand! A stand against darkness that wants to destroy our home! We are the warriors who built this town from dust! We are the warriors of light that stand against darkness! We are the warriors of light that win against darkness! So raise your head, O Warriors! Look forward and fight! Fight for your family! Fight for your beliefs! And fight for yourself!"

After his speech, the monster is already in front of them, and Arma takes a deep breath and shouts one last thing.

"Brace for impact, and let's kill these monsters!"

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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