
She's That Black Cloak Woman (DROPPED)

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What is She's That Black Cloak Woman (DROPPED)

Read She's That Black Cloak Woman (DROPPED) novel written by the author VestigialPrincess on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Teen stories, covering adventure. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


She has a cold personality. Her eyes and body released an unapproachable aura. She talked less than anyone else. Her fashion neither old nor modern yet eye-catching. However, she's the only precious daughter of assassination master and only heiress of Collins's Family, the strongest assassin family in Underworld. One day, her grandfather was so anxious when he saw his granddaughter being cold to anyone. He wanted her to enjoy her youthful life and never regret anything behind when she got older. So, he decided to send her to Korea to live a normal life without any worries. However, with assassin's blood running in her veins, could fate let her live normally like other youngsters? Lets witness her changes in following chapters...with other guys?!

1 標籤

Kara Cahill (The White Wolf)

She had to keep her true identity hidden and trust only a few people. But some secrets are always meant to be revealed, some fates are not meant to be changed. Can Kara Cahill accept her fate and let the prophecy run its course? ■■■ Out of the woods, wolves emerged, snarling and growling. Kara sighed. "Without knowing who I am, she made this move. I wonder how it would be if she knew who I truly was." She whispered to Klaus and stepped out. The snarling wolves' sound covered whatever she was saying so she couldn't be heard.. "You will not treat me like a fragile glass." He nodded but grabbed her hand first and said, "I've seen what you can do. Changing into a wolf partly. You will teach me when this is over." Nodding she replied. "Okay. But you'll tell me about anybody who is a somebody in the pack and out." "Deal, now let's kick some wolf butts." He grinned and they were back-to-back. The first wolf attacked and Kara slammed her arm into its jaw. It bite her and drew blood. "No more nice new girl." Her eyes flashed white for a second and she attacked. Her speed could not be matched and the onlookers couldnt look away. She slammed jaws and her nails left marks on the faces of some of the wolves. She was a sight on the field. Careful not to kill anyone, Kara pushed the last person the the ground and stood snarling. Klaus howled and patted her on the back. "Mad skills you got." His smile was wide as his eyes twinkled. Mara clapped dramatically and narrowed her yes at Kara. She sneered. "I agree, you can move... against amateurs."

Darkstorm17 · 奇幻言情
41 Chs

My Sea, My Home ( BL )

An LGBTQ+ boys' love story revolving around Teo and Josh, who not only belong to different worlds, in addition they have to find their call in life to find out who they truly are. Teodoro Robbins, also known as Teo, a young man passionate about cooking joined his brother's crew to support him, in his new adventure on board of Victoria, Ramon's small cruise ship, where he even made friends he considers family. After a fortuitous incident he met a stunning man in uniform, Captain Joseph Johnson (Josh), who -to his luck- turned out to be the son of one of the toughest guests the embarkation have had ever since it sailed the first time. Fate brought them together so they could discover there is always hopes to find a brighter future even if the waters are turbulent. Survival is key, but could their hearts be strong enough to bear what's coming? Besides, some it contains some side stories within Get on board to find out more as a wonderful love story born deep in the sea anchors at home inland. Trigger warning: Male pregnancy. Use of harsh language in some parts. Adult scenes/Sexual tension, not the whole story just certain episodes. Disclaimer: It's a work of art portraying fictional characters created by the author, myself, so don't take them personal, if some words offend you they are part of the plot as certain scenes are taken from real life events the aithor has witnessed or experienced before, henceforth the use of certain expressions within the story. A/N: If you love messy boy love stories then give it a try, the ride will be fun at the end.

AdriLieben · 奇幻
68 Chs


TIERRA El planeta Tierra era visto como un planeta inútil, y fue desechado junto con quienes lo habitaban por su falta de energía de Maná. En ella habitan los "Humanos". Los humanos eran conocidos por ser la raza más débil de entre todas las razas, no obstante, también se les consideraba los más inteligentes de entre todas las razas. Los humanos eran seres normales que sólo se enfocaban en usar sus inteligencias con el objetivo de crear y evolucionar. Además, también utilizaban las artes marciales como medio de poder con el fin de volverse más fuertes. Los humanos estaban completamente sorprendidos cuando se enteraron de la existencia de otras razas como los Elfos, los Enanos, los Fees, los Demonios y muchos otros seres cuyas fuerzas y poderes superan las expectativas de ellos. Sin embargo, lo que más les sorprendió fue saber que existían humanos como ellos que poseían poderes incomparables como los de las otras razas. Esos humanos vivían en dos lugares diferentes la primera es el "Imperio de Azua" y la segunda "el planeta Juptier" y se autoproclamaban como descendientes de los dioses, ya que poseían poderes divinos y habilidades poderosas. Los humanos normales aún no podían creer que realmente existieran otros seres aparte de ellos, hasta que Aella, una joven hermosa y majestuosa llegó a la ciudad de Sion. Poco tiempo después de nacer, Aella May Scarlet, la hija legítima de la familia Pearls, quienes eran conocidos como una de las familias más influyentes, dominantes y multimillonarias en la ciudad de Sion fue intercambiada con la hija de la familia Zeiner para luego ser abandonada por ellos en uno de los bosques más peligrosos del "Reino Eclipse", un lugar lleno de criaturas místicas y monstruosas. Aella fue encontrada y criada por su maestro, padre Otiz Scarlet, quien es considerado como el hombre más fuerte que existe en el planeta tierra. Al cumplir los diez años de edad, Otiz procedió a entrenarla a Aella ya que se dio cuenta que ella poseía poderes y habilidades poderosas. En un lugar desierto se encontraban dos hombres, una señora de edad mayor y una niña, el hombre más alto quien era Otiz, de repente dejó escapar un largo suspiro y dijo "....Aella" "Mm" La niña respondió Otiz levantó la vista y miró el desastre que Aella había creado y volvió a decir. "No puedo creer que realmente hayas destrozado todo el reino." La niña recorrió con sus fríos ojos el lugar que parecía un desierto, luego miró a su maestro y dijo secamente. "Tu me dijiste que lo hiciera" ".....!¿Quee?" "YO" *** NOTA DEL AUTOR Hola a todos, soy Nedjyna la autora de esta novela. En primer lugar, MUCHAS GRACIAS a todos por leer mi novela En segundo lugar todavía estoy buscando a un editor, así que mientras tanto trataré de no cometer muchas faltas ortográficas, y espero que disfruten de mi novela o(^◇^)o

Nedjyna14 · 奇幻言情
55 Chs

After Father Went to Heaven (AFW2H)

This special forces squadron was in the retaking of Anchorage together, were sent to China together, and were frozen in Vault 111 together. The American forces in China during the Sino-American War fought through myriads of commies with the advent of mechanized infantry aka power armor. The horrors they faced made the wasteland a walk in the park but although war never changes, the men and women were never the same after what they faced. The psychological stress is clearest in Ruven Allen who had his wife killed in front of him. Then he found out that his son was leader of the Institute and did what he had to do. No one knows that his son was leader of the malevolent group. Set in the post-game, peace will be shattered by an old enemy. Battles will be fought between old friends. Campaigns will be won by old heroes. (A/N: Several Sole Survivors representing different S.P.E.C.I.A.L set ups. Inspired by builds by FudgeMuppet.) Ruven Allen: High INT/CHA Leader of the squad and recognized general. Power armor expert. (Likes Piper.) Samson Grimes: STR/LUCK ...mostly luck. Luckiest man in the wastes. He punches everything he kills. Some call him “The Idiot Savant” because he hallucinates about giggling, drum sets, guitar riffs and mysterious stranger chick. (Likes... the mysterious stranger?!) Richard Ryan: PER/AGI Aka “Howler”, feared combat assassin and scout so brutal it’s close to cannibalism. Blitzes into combat like a Kamikaze. (Likes Cait.) Roger Nix: PER/AGI Deadly up close with a pistol. He used to be the infiltrator before becoming The Silver Shroud. (Likes Magnolia.) George McFellan: STR/PER Set up machine gunner, he’s mainly a rather sane explosive and pyro expert. However, he likes pyro more. (Is romanced with Fahrenheit.) Alex Manning: INT/AGI The main hacker of the group, “Shades” is so talented he- [WARNING: REDACTED] (Likes [WARNING: REDACTED] aka The Mechanist) PS- Shades was here ;) Aella Clementine: PER/STR Carrying spotter gear and heavy snipers isn’t easy. Sometimes going from spot to spot can get rather close up and personal. Nathan Drew: PER/AGI The sniper of the group. His code name is “Gawd” for some reason. (Reference to the sniper from the 1990’s SEALS movie.) Any likenesses to real people is purely coincidence. War backstories, effects of PTSD and gore descriptions inspired by war biographies/autobiographies from various sources. If you look closely there may be several other references as well ;) While this synopsis is quite light hearted, PTSD, war, and other subjects are regularly talked about or described. Expect lots of angst and then the lovable dark and hilarious absurdity of Fallout’s other traits to even out the angst. Like my other books I’ll try to keep updates below: *9/15/21 Just waiting for more people to read! Kinda disappointed this didn’t pick up despite several 1K, 2K, and 3K chapters. I also have real life stuff going on but leave comments! I’m still around.*

xWandererx · 游戏衍生
8 Chs


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General Audiencesmature rating