
Shameless One

"I'm not scared to dying, so why should I be scared of living" In the divine realm of Lordrixis, citizens are bestowed with an individualised "ethereal arm" on their fourteenth birthday, imbuing them with unique powers and societal roles. Young orphan Shun Xshasi's life had been nothing but a tragedy, the loss of his parents left him no place to stay in the world. with his childhood filled with fear, poverty and humiliation, Shun clings to a singular hope: that a formidable ethereal arm will alter his bleak fortunes. However, when the fateful day arrives, not a thing showed up, unlike every other citizen in Lordrixis, Shun stands bereft of any ethereal arm. Just when Shun was about to put an end to this misery, he recognises something that changed him forever, Despite the absence of an ethereal arm, Shun possesses something far more profound and singular. Shun has nothing else to lose, his life couldn't get any worse, but that might just be his biggest asset after all. As Shun pursues his avenging journey, he gradually discovers the truths of the kingdom, the truths of history, and most significant of all, the truths of himself.

kimjonglei · 奇幻
62 Chs

Champions And Rewards

In a time where surprises had become routine, the King and the other complete ethereal warriors sat quietly, their emotions dulled by the relentless twists of the Interacademy Ethereal Combat Tournament. The constant revelations no longer shocked them; instead, they simply attempted to absorb the information, already structuring the desired future of the risen stars.

King Eldran sighed softly, his decision made in the silent moments following Ray's defeat. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had settled over the arena, and announced with a commanding voice, "The champion of the 71st Interacademy Ethereal Combat Tournament is SIGMA Academy."

Old Enwyld Lorthus trembled, his body shaking as he struggled to believe that this wasn't a dream. Instructor Lumiel's eyes shimmered with tears, the weight of the moment nearly overwhelming her. This was the first tournament they had won in two decades, the last victory belonging to the legendary generation of Ricklan Armous.

Yet, she was acutely aware that this victory marked the end of their journey as a team. The students, now champions of the kingdom's most prestigious tournament, no longer needed her guidance. They would soon embark on their own paths, whether alone, with companions, or under the tutelage of another instructor. Aeon Lumiel understood that she had taken them as far as she could; the heights they now sought required more than she could offer.

The audience erupted in celebration, the memory of Gemini Iricson's decisive strike overshadowing any shortcomings of this year's tournament. The students of SIGMA Academy reveled in their triumph, their voices rising in a collective cheer that declared them the strongest of their generation. Amid the jubilation, Albert and Cloudy sat together, their shoulders and heads gently touching, their smiles serene and fulfilled.

Gemini Iricson had reverted to Silver Iricson, who now lay on the ground, gasping for breath. The power of the 9th complete ethereal warrior had proven too much for her to sustain. She turned her head with effort, her gaze seeking out Shun. "I'll explain everything later, alright?" she panted.

Shun nodded, a quiet smile playing on his lips. The tournament's outcome had never mattered to him. He had intended to acquire formidable ethereal arms from the other students through "incidents," but his plans had been thwarted by Norton Es's ability.

He gazed skyward, then shifted his focus to the king, his eyes brimming with determination and anticipation. Three sets of eyes met his: King Eldran's, filled with complexity and emotion; Violet Remoria's, radiating appreciation; and Glynn Belkarn's, sparkling with joy and exhilaration.

Glynn knew this was not the end of their journey, not even close. 

King Eldran allowed the audience's excitement to ebb before speaking again. "Students of SIGMA Academy, I will forgo any praises or compliments, as the title of champion speaks for itself."

He paused, his tone becoming more serious. "However, due to the complexities and unexpected occurrences throughout this tournament, the rewards must be adjusted."

Unlike the stern Crusader King Nathaniel Heaven, Alfred Eldran had always been more casual and approachable, a remnant of his past as the first complete ethereal warrior.

"Each of you will receive 100 Lordrixis complete coins, along with permanent noble residency within the realm of Haven."

Albert Eldran did not know the profound impacts of his decision. 

A silent smile crept across Shun's face. The outcome couldn't have been more perfect. 100 Lordrixis complete coins were no trifling matter—one Lordrixis ascended coin was sufficient to support a family of three for a year, and a complete coin was worth ten ascended ones.

For students like Albert Eldran, Rayden Asher, and Emilia Cylus, this sum might not have seemed significant, given their privileged backgrounds. But for Shun, who had never seen such wealth in his life as an orphan, luxury had always been a distant dream.

Yet, Shun found no comfort in this moment. The fire within him, the wrath that urged him to burn everything to ashes, still raged fiercely. Despite the life he now had—a life filled with people who cared for and respected him—the hatred in his heart remained, as if it was part of his very essence, imprinted on his soul the moment he was born.

Haven, the gathering place for the complete ethereal warriors. One day, all their ethereal arms would converge in the hands of one.

King Eldran continued, "Tomorrow, the top ten ethereal warriors, along with other influential organizations, will select from among you potential apprentices or subordinates. However, the decision to accept these offers will be entirely yours."

Glynn Belkarn and Vesanze Fortune exchanged knowing glances, their smiles strained and unnatural.

"There is, however, one position that is non-negotiable," King Eldran declared, his voice taking on a grave tone. "Silver Iricson, from this day forward, you will hold the position of the 9th complete ethereal warrior and engage in the meetings of the central royal palace."

The audience held their breath, their excitement at witnessing the might of the 9th ethereal warrior tempered by their desire not to interrupt the king.

Silver nodded solemnly, her voice equally serious. "It would be an honor, Your Majesty."

"But it's crucial to understand that I am not the 9th complete ethereal warrior," she added. "Gemini Iricson, the true wielder of the Blade of Harmony, is a fusion of me and my deceased twin brother, Grey Iricson, who now lives within my mind."

"This fusion is extraordinarily taxing and requires extensive preparation under most circumstances."

The audience's expressions tightened with confusion, their minds grappling with the extraordinary and inexplicable nature of Silver's situation.

If Grey Iricson had died, then who was the white-haired boy they had seen fighting? This revelation only deepened the enigma surrounding Silver Iricson.

Glynn Belkarn slowly shook his head, likely the only one besides Silver who truly understood the truth.

After a moment of contemplation, King Eldran replied, "That is acceptable. You will still bear the responsibility of this title. However, aside from the meetings, the personal lives of complete ethereal warriors are entirely their own. You are free to participate in any organization or event, provided you do not harm the kingdom."

In truth, the specifics of the 9th complete ethereal warrior's abilities and indentity mattered little to the king and others. What mattered was that someone occupied the position. To many, the absence of the 9th complete ethereal warrior left the kingdom incomplete, and Silver Iricson was merely a brick to fill the last gap.

Silver understood this, but she saw no reason to refuse when a simple action could bring satisfaction to so many. She bowed gracefully to the king.

"Your Majesty," came a cold voice from Shun, his eyes gleaming with intent, "I apologize for my interruption, but I have a humble request."

"If possible, I wish to know the truth of Sirius Xshasi—my ancestor's identity, betrayal and death."

I'm extremely sorry I didn't update yesterday, this was a decision I made but forgot to annouce.

For this week only, I planned to shift the break on Thursday to Wednesday, because we have a day off school on Friday and I have plenty of time to write on the night before.

But I forgot to say...

Anyways, this chapter signals the conclusion of the academy/tournament section within the story.

The true plot begins now.

kimjongleicreators' thoughts