
Shadow Fight

87 years after the third world war, or the Gray War as it came to be known, the world as we know it has changed. Fauna and flora are no longer our friends, and our shadows are and will be our weapons. What a chaotic world, isn't it? It is in this world that we will follow young Lucas Ícaro on his journey, facing two of his greatest struggles to date: overcoming the fear of not being strong enough to protect those he loves and the sudden and mysterious faun villain and his gang who plan much more than mere deaths. On this journey, we will encounter monsters, talking trees, shadows blossoming and becoming weapons, friendships, losses, action, and a lot of mystery...

celomarques99 · 武侠
8 Chs

Chapter #3 - The Blades' Contract

Lucas headed out for a morning run alongside Miguel, his companion during the testing periods for the most assertive possible manifestation of Lucas's shadow.

- I'm thinking you guys made a big fuss over a small spark, you know? – Lucas said during a slow jog.

- It's the protocol, you know? Many of us in the New Force wanted to be ordinary civilians, but tough times don't allow us. – Miguel explained as he sprinted, with Lucas trying to catch up.

In the last three weeks, Lucas had undergone a series of exams and exercise routines. Everything was part of a protocol for monitoring and basic training for people who manifested their shadows.

- I'm your witness, and I'm still a soldier. If it weren't for me, someone might have given in to the emotions of your guardian. – Miguel said while doing sit-ups, with Lucas following suit.

- So, there's a protocol so that if someone manifests the shadow, you can surround them and encourage them to join the New Force?

- Not exactly encourage, but show the importance and give the person a sense of duty and responsibility.

Now, Miguel was doing push-ups while Lucas imitated him.

- Look, I know this as encouraging, persuading, and other things.

- Alright, maybe we do encourage people a bit, but it's because the government hasn't been speaking openly. But currently, casualties are increasing, and since much of the Brazilian contingent is entering retirement, we're in that kind of moment waiting for new recruits.

Lucas already knew where that conversation would lead, so he decided to go for a run on his own and sped away at a moderate pace.

"This guy really doesn't want to follow this path; it's like something mentally prevents him from accepting the current scenario, but I don't blame him either."

Lucas was isolated from Lourdes, from Rafaela, from college, and from his internship. All of it annoyed him for some reason. Every day during those weeks, Lucas longed to return to his routine. The only thing that pleased him was the fact that he could sleep peacefully. Since the almost-awakening, Lucas had nights of peaceful sleep like never before.

"I'm uncomfortable already! To be honest, I'm frustrated. I had to be away for three weeks to test some damn thing that maybe I don't even have. It was just a quick thing because I hadn't taken a damn vaccine, and there's all this fuss. It's pathetic, bordering on funny."

Lucas was convinced that it was unnecessary. He never liked common changes in his routine, and now he was faced with an uncomfortable situation—being stuck in that place.

Later that same day, Lucas stopped to talk to Miguel, who was meditating. Lucas interrupted him, saying: 

- Could I pursue a life as a developer like a member of the New Force?

- It depends on the extent of your proficiency in each aspect. There is a test for the area you will pursue, and there is a secret test to assess your strength and mastery in combat.

- Let me guess, I can't choose which path I'll take, right?

Raising his eyebrow, Miguel stared at Lucas, questioning the young man's concern about going into combat, even though he hadn't manifested yet.

- Let's say that in the current scenario, only if you are extremely incompetent in combat will you be assigned to your area, and that's if you pass in your area - explained Miguel.

- So, know that I'm no longer willing to cooperate with your protocols, and I'll be leaving at dawn.

Miguel took a deep breath and, standing up, asked Lucas.

- Why do you want to be a developer so badly?

- To be able to repay the good that the same world that harmed me has given. To help Lourdes, to create something that aids humans in the fight against diseases, things that perhaps a soldier wouldn't understand. - Retorted Lucas.

Miguel then thought of something and acted quickly.

- So, let's say you're close to all of this, dreams, goals, joy with Mrs. Lourdes, and you and your girlfriend happy.

- She's not my...

- Quiet! - Exclaimed Miguel as he assumed a combat pose and manifested his scythe. - What would you do if a Tezek invaded your neighborhood right now? What would happen if you were facing him, and behind you was your girlfriend? ANSWER!

Miguel jumped towards Lucas, ready to cut the young man in half, but in surprise, Lucas threw himself to the ground, and the blade stopped at his back without hitting him.

- Is that it? Dodging is your trick? - Miguel exclaimed.

- Are you crazy? - Shouted Lucas, getting up from the floor and quickly being struck in the face by the staff of the scythe.

- Do you think your utopian world will last? Do you think nothing can happen to you?

Miguel, displaying extreme mastery of his shadow, spun it from right to left, using his back as a base for the rotation, resulting in a fierce cut. If Lucas hadn't jumped behind the sofa in the hall where they were, a small figurine wouldn't be the only thing cut there.

"Come on, boy..."

Lucas ran to the door of the room, but Miguel was faster and was already there, so Lucas confronted him, saying:

- Mr. Miguel, what are you doing? Are you crazy?

Miguel stepped forward toward Lucas, who was starting to get scared, disbelieving in any kind of test or joke.

- Prove to me that you can live a normal life knowing your responsibilities, knowing that you could save people, and in the end, people will die because of your negligence. Use your programming now! - exclaimed Miguel in the air in front of Lucas. 

Quickly came the next blow, which was a kick with the right leg, and Lucas defended it, but Miguel's strength was greater, after all, he was about to be promoted to class S for outstanding combat skills.

- Enough already! - Gasped Lucas, running aimlessly around the room with Miguel calmly and coldly pursuing him.

- Is that it? Seriously, is that what you're going to say to the corpses of the people you love? Haven't you thought of anything better?

Miguel grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him against a wall. Lucas looked from side to side for a solution, but there was nothing.

"Run? Yes, but how? Underneath him? No, I'll stay within reach of his scythe swing. Maybe cut him at a medium distance? I don't...!"

Miguel took advantage of Lucas's train of thought to deliver a straight downward vertical blow. Suddenly, Lucas rolled to the side and faced Miguel, whose look was as cold as it was on that night he saved his life.

- Was it this, wasn't it? - Miguel asked, pointing the scythe at Lucas. - First, your parents didn't want you, so you grew up as a bitter young man with everyone, and with that, you think creating this utopia will help people? Spare me, you don't even know why you live and still want to take control of the situation?

- Shut up! - Exclaimed Lucas angrily - You don't know...

- "anything about me..." - Miguel completed - Isn't there a less cliché phrase than that?

Lucas felt pure rage rising within him and wanted to punch, kick, break, crush, make Miguel suffer. Miguel noticed the change in Lucas's gaze and attacked again while speaking:

- Don't get upset, weak civilian. Save your feelings for when Lourdes dies, and you're alone like when you were a baby.

Lucas stepped firmly on the ground and advanced toward Miguel faster than he had run until that moment and punched Miguel in the face with a force that dissipated the soldier's shadow and threw him back about 3 meters on the ground.

"It took a while, let's continue this game until it gives me a good warm-up for that mission to go after those rats and Lúcio."

While thinking, Lucas jumped toward Miguel and tried to replicate his kick, but Miguel manifested his scythe and hit the opposite side of the blades on Lucas's ribs, who was thrown back to the same wall. But getting up, Lucas no longer seemed afraid.

- Did you really think a poorly copied punch and kick would work? Man, Rafaela and Lourdes have to die! - Miguel cursed - Can you see their bodies on the floor, and you there crying and thinking about how lamentable your life was?

Lucas remained inert, and Miguel continued with a diagonal right cut at an angle aimed at the shoulder to tear Lucas in two. Still, the young man quickly moved to the right.

Lucas didn't know how, but he knew that was where he needed to move, but Miguel already foresaw such a movement, and with a swing of the scythe, it turned back to Lucas once again. It was a precise cut and a too short distance; Lucas had given up there. But suddenly, the tingling in his hand came with force; he looked quickly at it and understood. It had to be at that moment; it was an all-or-nothing situation.

Lucas went to meet Miguel's scythe, putting his arm in front of the scythe. A loud thud was heard, Lucas on his knees trying to hold back the overwhelming force of Miguel's scythe, who looked at the scene satisfied with what he was seeing.

Lucas held the attack with a shadow in the form of an Asian sword. Still, even with his newly emerged shadow, Miguel was stronger and more experienced. He ran, letting go and dissipating his scythe, making Lucas lose the balance of his legs. In an approach, Miguel manifested his shadow in a different position.

The staff up and the blade down; it was an attack maneuver from top to bottom, made to impale enemies on the blade and throw them up or to the sides. Lucas jumped up, turned his sword so that the horizontally bladed avoided damage from Miguel's scythe. The concept to avoid the cut was successful, but Lucas was thrown to the right; his shadow dissipated and hit the table with his back. In the room, a snap was heard, the winner of that frenetic clash was clear.

Miguel approached Lucas cautiously to see if he had overdone it, but suddenly, Lucas stood up and said:

- Thought I would fall just with that, you piece of shit soldier, coward, and idiot! – shouted Lucas, barely standing, but he insisted on keeping on fighting. 

- Now you think it's like that? "Oh, now I've let my little shadow bloom, I'm going to start hitting everyone..." – Lucas mocked once again.

Lucas thought and remembered what he was thinking when his shadow surfaced, and when he realized what it was, he smiled, letting it surface again and facing Miguel, who also let his shadow surface again to restart the conflict.

Both advanced without hesitation; Lucas's body felt heavy, and his head seemed like a bomb exploding. Nevertheless, he quickly cut to the left of Miguel, who stared at him. He restrained his movements, used his weight to reverse the turn he was already making with the scythe, making it grab Lucas's sword, which he didn't let go until the sword dissipated, and Miguel realized the reason. He made his shadow also dissipate and ran to Lucas, who had overloaded and passed out from such effort.

"This kid..."

Miguel thought, while in the midst of the mess, he laid the young man on what was left of the sofa.

- You can show up now, master! – Miguel exclaimed, looking to a corner of the room.

There was a bald, black man with noticeable dark circles under his eyes. He wore a trench coat similar to Miguel's.

- A real find, Miguel! – The man said.

- I don't think so; I think of him more like an untamable wild dog.

- What we think doesn't matter; look at what he did against a Class S candidate.

- Do you intend to integrate him into the Academy then, even if he doesn't want to? – Miguel asked, sitting on the floor and taking a deep breath.

- All this time with me, and you still don't understand how I work, huh? – The man who stood in front of the unconscious Lucas said. – This young man is just another one, like you and me in this gigantic gear called planet Earth. But this same planet is changing; did you see what happened in the mission with the twins? An Azek from a simple turtle attacked in broad daylight. Spare parts like him might help tip the balance of nature.

Miguel nodded to his master while leaning back.

- It might be, but Master Demétrio, don't assign me to his training. I believe that after what you told me to do, he wants to learn to use the shadow to kill me.

- Do you think I'll miss the chance to have such a weapon in my gallery of students?

I'm absolutely certain I won't!

Miguel had been ordered by Demétrio to awaken Lucas's shadow, and he had succeeded. However, without knowing why, Miguel felt uneasy about Lucas's integration into this military scenario.

Two days later...

Lucas had been moved that same night to the infirmary wing of the New Force West Academy, a campus larger than the one where Lucas had been studying before.

- Another place? – Lucas grumbled, waking up after two days of uninterrupted sleep due to the strain caused by the awakening of his shadow.

- I like to call this place the West Academy dump where we are. – Said a tall, strong figure emerging from the corner of the room.

Who are you?

- I am Demetrio Rodrigues, a Class S soldier of the New Force, and currently, I am in charge of your training - explained the soldier.

- I didn't agree to any of this, and you don't expect me to be thrilled about joining this thing with you or any other soldier, especially after that crazy guy with the scythe (Miguel) got me involved! - Lucas said.

Lucas was sitting on the bed when the soldier approached and said:

- Given your current situation, you don't have much of a choice. I didn't want to say anything, but you assaulted a soldier who was on duty. - Lucas widened his eyes and already felt anger towards the guy in front of him.

- Current situation? Are you kidding me? - exclaimed Lucas, fiercely gesturing with his arms - The guy just attacked me, and when I started defending myself, I became a criminal? Go buy a donut or something.

Lucas stood up from the bed and noticed someone else nearby watching him, which unnerved him.

- Listen well, young Lucas Ícaro. You have a somewhat common shadow, and the standard protocol of testing your strengths worked, resulting in a C grade. Even if you attacked and semi-seriously injured him, he was carrying out a direct order from me, so he was on duty. That makes you a person with a reason to join the West Academy.

- Was it all a show for you? The guy could have killed me, and this was all just a damn test to see if I'm fit to become a little soldier like you guys? 

Lucas displayed anger, and Demetrio smiled as if that was exactly what he wanted. Lucas caught on to what was happening and recalled what he had read before talking to Miguel.

- According to the law and its protocols, even if a person passes the test, they can choose between studying at the military academy or staying in formation at a regular college or school and only going to the New Force space for training until they graduate. - Lucas repeated from the New Force constitution.

This drew a surprised look from Demetrio, who took a deep breath and continued listening to the young man.

- If you want to accuse me of anything, go ahead, because if I'm arrested for the crime you suggested, I'll be in prison, and I'll soon continue outside your honorable contingent. Am I wrong, soldier?

- Not. As I told Miguel, you're quite a find. I won't risk losing a potential soldier. - retorted Demetrio, opening the door of the room and gesturing to clear the way.

As Lourdes entered the room with slow steps, looking at Lucas with eyes full of longing and genuine love, Rafaela ran out and hugged Lucas, who was taken aback by the scene. It was a hug of longing and the purest relief of seeing a friend, and Lucas had never felt that from anyone other than Lourdes.

- Do you want to get rid of me that much, Annoying Thing? - exclaimed Rafaela as she squeezed Lucas with her bear hug.

- Ouch! - Lucas exclaimed in pain, as his body still felt the effects of the fight. - You talk loud, you know that, Rafaela?

Rafaela apologized for her strength and made room for Lourdes to talk to Lucas. The elderly woman also hugged Lucas, and he was happy to see her again, experiencing some strange joy at seeing a freshman he barely knew.

- You've been here for two days, my child. I was getting worried that you...

Lucas interrupted her by putting his hand on her tear-filled face and gave a sincere smile to Lourdes, who could only see the baby who smiled when he took his first steps, the child who smiled while playing around the house.

- I'm fine, Mom! - Lucas said.

- Did you just call me Mom? - Lourdes shed her happiest tears after so long. Lucas had called her Mom, something that hadn't happened since his childhood.

Rafaela smiled at the scene and Demetrio looked on with serenity, understanding the reasons behind the young man's actions.

"This kid doesn't know how much I wished he could be a regular civilian, without shadows, without fights, able to leverage his own life and pursue a peaceful path. But that world is no longer possible since his awakening. At least I can train him to protect them, and maybe I can keep him out of the field as much as I can."

- But you are that to me, my mother! - Lucas emphasized.

- And you are that to me, my little and grumpy Lucas. - said Lourdes, putting her hands on Lucas's head and tousling his black hair.

Rafaela laughed at the scene and teased Lucas.

- Even she knows you're annoying, hahahahahahaha.

- You bother me, but studying, that's not your thing, huh...

- Hey! I've already read almost three of the books you told me to read, and I'm currently a great student in the class, mister fainter.

- You two are like a couple! I miss my old times! - exclaimed the cheerful Lourdes.

- WE'RE NOT A COUPLE! - Lucas and Rafaela said together.

Demetrio burst into laughter near the door, his demeanor entirely different from before. He addressed those present:

- This young man demonstrated immense strength in our test, but he also possesses exceptional technical ability, a result of an above-average academic life. Given his awakening, we will keep him in college so he can graduate and integrate into our technology squadron.

- Will I start training here from next week, right? - Lucas asked, gazing at Demetrio with a reluctant but accepting look.

- Exactly, but don't think that you won't receive your internship payment. New Force will cover your training expenses and compensate you for your studies. You can go home every day after training, and on Saturdays, you'll be here from 8 AM to 5 PM. Sundays are entirely free! - explained Demetrio.

Lucas could weigh both sides—his own and New Force's. However, he would do his best because what triggered the awakening of his shadow that day was fear—the fear of losing those he loved. Even though in a twisted way, Miguel had reminded Lucas that the world is cruel and always favors the strong. So, his goal changed; he wanted to become strong to protect himself, his dreams, and those he loved.

- So, starting next week, do we have a deal? - Demetrio asked.

- Yes, sir! - Lucas replied.

Lourdes didn't like the idea, but Lucas's gaze seemed firm and determined, so the right thing was to support him. Rafaela was happy with everything happening because she wanted to see her friend happy.

- It's good that I'll soon have a personal bodyguard, just for me. After all, I'll be an extremely famous botanist and will need protection! - Rafaela said, provoking laughter from everyone - So, train well, Annoying Recruit!

- Stop calling me that, Brat! - Lucas retorted with a nervous grimace.

A few moments later, the nurse brought Lucas a tray with his dinner. Elderly Lourdes was taken to eat in the facility's cafeteria, while Rafaela declined the invitation, as she had already eaten before visiting Lucas.

With Lucas and Rafaela alone in the room, silence filled the space for a few minutes. Then, while chewing, Lucas asked.

- Why have you been so worried about me? Normally, people don't care much.

Rafaela looked at him with a serene yet somewhat sad expression, a side of her Lucas hadn't seen until now. Her eyes mirrored the same look Lucas had when he looked in the mirror.

- Obviously, without my mentor, how will I conquer the world with my future discoveries? - the young woman said with a forced laugh.

- Wrong answer! Tell the truth.

- You're so annoying, you know that? - Rafaela left the companion chair, stood up, and gestured with her arms as she spoke - You were the first not to pressure me to be the perfect daughter, the heir, the Jr. CEO, this or that. When you accepted to be my mentor at college of your own free will, you believed in me and my dream. You didn't laugh or anything. You just believed and supported me. You were my first friend in college, and I like the calmness of being with someone who sees more in me than just an heiress.

Lucas understood that it was genuine and with the same purity he felt for Lourdes.

- So, know that I want to see you on the cover of a super famous book, understood, Brat?

- Got it, Grumpy Soldier!

Lucas and she shook hands, and there formed the first genuine friendship for both.

Lucas had finished eating when Lourdes returned and announced that she was going home since it was late. Rafaela asked to stay with her friend, but he requested both to rest, as he would be discharged tomorrow and would need their help to organize his life. Rafaela pouted but went home.

Moments later...

Demetrio was at the door of the room, and Lucas noticed him. Seizing the opportunity, Lucas asked about Miguel.

- He went on a very difficult mission, even for a Class S like me. He should return when he finishes it. - replied Demetrio, with a concerned look for his other apprentice.

- The fact that you say 'should return' doesn't comfort me much! - retorted Lucas, turning in bed.

- Kid, I'll do what I can to make you strong enough to protect what you love and try to get you into the technology sector, as I mentioned earlier. - said Demetrio, closing the door - I know what it's like to feel like you gained something and, because of this gift or curse, lose EVERYTHING!

The door closed, and Lucas felt the sadness in the soldier's words, who seemed more a friend than an enemy now.