
Sexensteins, MILF and Porn Adventures 18+

Pervert reincarnates as Bart Simpson in America with dreams of a career in the West Coast. ................................................ Hollywood. Porn Actor MC. Mixed real world and cartoons. AU. Casual sex, Casual relationships. Simpsons, Family Guy, Big Mouth, American Dad, bla bla Real world and animated world are mixed here.

Ash_Kettchup · 电视同人
5 Chs

Reese and Morgan 2

Morgan spun the wheel.

The wheel rotated, the white ball inside rocking between the orange and the pinkish spots. Until it stopped.

When it did, Reese was thrilled hearing the godlike Morgan chortle, "Transmigration it is, boy! Considering your previous life, I must say your luck probably turned around! Haha,"

"Fuck yeah!" Reese cheered. He jollied up, almost as if the Indiana Pacers made a buzzer beater in the playoffs.

... Well, that would be if he was still a sincere Pacers fan... He was a Lebron fan when he went to jail. And maybe a bit of a Lakers' fan as well.

He always enjoyed watching Kobe glide, dunk, make clutch three pointers with his mamba mentality, so it was okay... There was no shame in bandwagoning the Lakers. Or the Warriors...

... Or any other team from the west and golden coasts.

There never was. It was just business and entertainment.

Expressing joy too, Morgan reminded, "Let's not rejoice too early, though. We still need to spin for the age you'll transmigrate at. It's generally between four and twenty..."

In the lightened darkness, his countenance happy and serious, Reese nodded.

In the following minutes, he and Morgan spun with no stop--The wheel changing into a different one, with new colors each time they spun for something new.

At the end of the activity, only three pertinent cares were left to be spun.

Where Reese would transmigrate, (the world), who he would be, and what powers he would get.

Without wasting the country boy's time, Morgan, who seemed just as impatient to get answers to these questions, spun again… This time a dark blue and black wheel.

The two tints of colors had nothing to do with the number of options involved, apparently.

It more had to do with luck and bad luck. Morgan was just utilizing those to affect the lottery… With some kind of rules only he understood. He didn't want to interfere.

"Haha! Lucky again boy!"

"You're the most serendipitous inmate I've had in years..."

"... Hoho, let's see…"

When the ball landed in a black zone, instead of a blue one, Morgan got energized. Reese was more ready to think that the dark hue of blue represented luck… But it wasn't the case, obviously…

Opening a dark envelope, after he read with excitement in his eyes, Morgan smirked and stared at Reese.

With a pixilated stare, he announced, "You're going to a weak world."

"What world?" Reese inquired curiously, relieved. He didn't want to transmigrate and live in a constant danger zone. Anything close-knit to real world logic and safe was cool.

"You'll find out, it's basically average Earth, plus all the crackbrained television you can think of."

"TV close at hand to reality with its own twists and turns... Such as BoJack Horseman, American Dad, the Simpsons, Drama Island, Loud house… Anything of the same genre, really... You'll see…"

"Alright…" Reese shrugged. As long as it wasn't a non-stop war zone, he was fine. This was the real world now, so it was even better than what he thought.

Also, if cartoons were incorporated, physical exercise would be easy with a cartoon body, he guessed.

If that was even a thing. Only a few screwballs seemed to have one. When the plot needed it.

Because he knew Bojack Horseman and American Dad as well, he was questioning if animals and strange, talking creatures would be a natural event.

When he was pondering this point inside, in silence, not anxiously, Morgan spun the wheel again.

This time, the white ball stopped in a blue zone… Sadly…

When the name of the person that Reese was going to transmigrate as was announced, because he was somewhat familiar with the Simpsons, he scowled. Not from worry, but astonishment.

"Bart Simpson?!"

"How is that bad luck?" He asked a grinning Morgan.

Morgan replied, "Well, the kid's pretty smart and can pick more than a few things up quickly. But he got ADHD and pent-up depression…"

"You'll have to deal with that your own way. You could see a psychiatrist… Do drugs... Do some exercise, or you could just hope that the power you get in the next spin solves that for you…"

"Hum? What about my memories? I get the ADHD, but isn't depression mental?" Mistook, Reese asked.

"It's hormonal mostly. In Bart's case at least…" Morgan unveiled coolly. "So, it's physical."

"Fuck…" Reese mouthed. Passing judgement on, accepting his fate. If Morgan said it, it was naturally true.

He would have to resolve the foreseeable disturbs the regular way, he guessed… It was better than his own starting point in his previous life…

At least Bart was smart, and Homer--silly Homer aside--he had a loving family and siblings he could count on.

Reese was transmigrating as the fifteen-year-old Bart, too. He could do a lot of things.

"Are you okay?" Morgan asked with concern.

"Yes." Reese nodded.

"Shall we carry on, then?"

Reese gestured a yes again.

"Good, my boy. Breathe out for this draw. It's the only one that genuinely numbers." Morgan expressed unfeignedly.

At that moment, because he understood why Morgan said that, Reese asked, "Can I get hateful powers? I don't want to spin the wheel, if that's how it works." Thinking of something relevant, Reese stated.

"Hateful? As in?" Morgan asked. It seemed like he told the truth to Reese about the mind reading. He disliked the power.

"By hateful, I mean, can I get a bad, awful power? One that would actually make life worse than not having one?" Reese elaborated his thoughts.

"Yes. Of course." Morgan replied, amused. "But you don't have any choice but to spin right now."

"Right…" Reese immediately thought back to something.

If he didn't turn the wheel for all the rebirth checks, or gave up at the end, he would just get reborn in average Earth.

"Ready, my boy? I have a few more hours to squander if you're pressed..."

"We could finish this again tomorrow as well." Morgan said with patience. He didn't want to urge on his dead customer.

Reese shook his head and said, "Let's do it." He had nothing to lose. He wanted to know and didn't want to spend any more time in this odd darkness.

Not that he didn't trust Morgan to come back, but the solitary he thought of, was used to, wasn't as off-the-wall. As peaceful.There were unclean invertebrates--insects--and malodorous prison guards minding his substance there too. Each doing so their own way... To remind him how he wasn't solo, but just put behind bars in that plane of existence.