
Set Your Heart Ablaze!

Born the bastard child of the #2 flame hero Endeavor, Kyojuro Todoroki's upbringing was rough. The loss of a mother, the travesty of fatherhood that was Enji Todoroki, and the cold shoulder from his half siblings were things he could only push through with a smile. Possible small harem. no more than 4 girls.

Gold2109 · 漫画同人
5 Chs


3rd POV

*beep* *beep* *beep*

The sounds of numerous medical devices beeped in sync with one another. The only other sounds in the room were a mixture of soft sobbing, and raspy breaths of air.

In the stark white hospital bed, an extremely thin woman with long blonde hair lay almost perfectly still. If not for the hardly noticeable fall and rise of her chest, one would assume her to be dead. Her body was almost as pale as the sheets she lay on and she looked as if she hadn't eaten for days, maybe a week.

Beside her was a boy no older than 4. His hair resembled her long, wild blonde hair, with the addition of a loud red shading the tips. His eyes were impossible to see as he had them buried into his hands. Tears leaked from his eyes like a broken faucet, but he kept wiping away at them, trying to keep his eyes on his mother.

Outside of the hospital room, a Towering figure spoke with an elderly doctor. This was #2 hero, Enji Todoroki aka Endeavor. He had a sturdily muscular build and stood at 6'5, giving his flame covered uniform an intimidating presence.

The flames covering his beard and eyes threatened to set the hospital ablaze. "What do you mean there's nothing you can do?!" Endeavor shouted at the elder man. Not showing any reaction, the doctor replied in a calm tone. "We've tried everything Endeavor. Unfortunately her heart has been burned out beyond repair due to her quirk." He explained. "I'll.. I'll pay whatever price is necessary for a heart transplant!" Endeavor shouted once again, albeit quieter this time. The doctor felt a feeling of pity for the man, as he could hear the faint desperation in his voice.

With a small sigh, the doctor adjusted his glasses before he continued once again. "Money is not the issue here, sir. The blood vessels leading to her heart are also burned out." Looking up at the taller, younger man, the doctor put on a sympathetic face. "I suggest you say your goodbyes while there's still time.." He spoke in a soft tone before walking off to a neighboring room.

Enji stood in the hallway, shaking in a culmination of emotions. Anger, Sadness, and Fear. Angry at the fact that there was nothing he could do. Sad at the fact that he'd have to let her go. And fear of what life would be like without her. He clinched his fists as tears slowly fell from his eyes, only to immediately evaporate.

After a few minutes, he regained his bearings to the best of his abilities, and entered the room. Seeing all of the machines hooked up to the woman made his heart twist into knots. Her pale body only intensified the feeling. He looked down at the boy crying in the chair next to her, seemingly oblivious of his presence. 'This must be..' His thoughts trailed off as a gasp for air came from the woman.

"K-Kyo..juro.." She muttered softly, her eyes struggling to open. The boy's crying halted immediately as he shot up, as a smile crossed his face. "M-mommy! You're ok!" He shouted with a mixture of relief and happiness. She gave a weak smile, her bony hand reaching up to caress the boy's hair. "Not.. exactly, sweetie.." Her smile fell upon seeing his fall.

"But.. but why?" His small voice started to shake as tears threatened to spill out once again. "I.. don't have the time.. to tell you.." She spoke between deep, raspy breaths of air. "But.." She started, looking towards the door at Enji Todoroki. "I'm sure.. he'll tell you.. one day.." Her lips curled back up into a small smile.

Seeing her strain herself to smile at him made Endeavor feel disgusted with himself. He knew that he wasn't worth her putting the strain on herself. "What're you.. doin' over there, Enji?" She gestured weakly for him to come to her side. He complied without a word, kneeling down to the bed on the side next to her and opposite of the blonde boy.

"R-Ruka.. I-" His words got stuck in his throat. Being in such close proximity to the woman he truly loved was something that he wanted to do for so long, but felt that he had squandered his chances of doing so. "Stop with that.. Ridiculous fire beard.. and mascara.." A light giggle passed through her lips. Endeavor wordlessly dispersed the flames around his face, staring down at the ground. Seeing the woman he loved in such a state was hard to look at.

Her hand gently caressed his cheek, cupping it fondly. "There.. All that fire.. would've made.. this a chore.. for the current me ." Her words made Endeavor's expression of sadness deepen. "Oi." Her hands cupped both The young boy's, and Endeavor's cheeks. "Let me see.. Those smiles again. At least before I go.. ya' cry babies.." Her smile widened as her heartbeat monitor slowly began to decline. Those faces only grew worse, tears nearly spilling from Endeavor's eyes and the young boy already crying in his mother's hand. "You're really.. not gonna let me see.. those radiant smiles.. again?" The woman weakly pinched their cheeks, a slight joking tone in her voice.

Despite being the one crying, the boy was the first to comply. He may not have wanted to in the situation, but he had learned to obey his mother, no matter what. He put on his best smile as tears spilled from his eyes, holding his mother's hand with his small hands. "I-I love you mommy!" He shouted, cupping her hand against his cheek again.

Endeavor was next, and while his smile wasn't nearly as radiant, he still tried his best. "I.. love you.. Ruka.." He mumbled, a few tears escaping his eyes.

Her eyes fluttered and her smile grew weary. "That's.. better.. you two better.. not stop.. smiling.." Her words dragged on, until they were eventually followed by a flatline.


I ain't stopped writing that other BNHA story, I just thought this would be an interesting idea too though