

We checked through the CCTV for the person who was wearing all black. In some areas, he had erased the cameras but in some areas, he couldn't erase the camera. Even though he couldn't erase it, we could not see him because he was dressed in black from head to toe.

"Theo did say there was a cleaner who came upstairs to bring the parcel in my office, let's try and look at it," I told Dominic as we scrolled through the cameras. 

"Argh," I heard Dominic groan while looking at something. I focused my eyes on the screen that he was looking at. There he was, this was not our cleaner. He was dressed in the normal sky blue uniform but the shoes were not ours. 

I wanted to blame Theo but there is no way I can blame her. Most of the time she has a lot on her plate to have her concentrate on who is bringing the parcel up. 

"Can we scan further, zoom on his face I would love to see him," I told Dominic. 

He zoomed on the camera but we couldn't get his face because he was very cautious when it comes to showing his face. 

When getting in some areas, he would use his back or place the cap over his face to avoid being captured by the Cameras.

Not even a skin could be seen. Just the forehead.  Maybe if we ask Theo he can remember her face and we could ask Pete to do some drawings. 

"Gotcha," shouted Dominic while focusing on the CCTV videos once more. 

I looked at the video he was talking about and the man was getting inside the back of Nissan. The number plates were easily seen. 

We run the plates on our screen and successfully got a match, but the match was not a snack, since it belonged to a car hiring company.

We decided to visit the company to get some information about who bought the car and when, or was it out for renting and when was it rented?

"Good morning Mr Jake, how are you doing?" Greeted inspector Daiz.

"Inspector, thank you for coming, I would love it if you don't share this information with the public because I love my privacy," I told him.

"No problem Jake but, what if he hurts someone else apart from you, I mean the other citizens?" He asked while scratching his forehead. 

"You can just tell them when it happened to someone else who is not me, my matters are mine and you don't share them," I told him.

"Okay, if you insist, so far, the only information we have is this," he said while handling a piece of paper that was enclosed inside the evidence bag.

I asked for a pair of gloves and opened the bag and took a look at the piece of paper.

        "She is mine, don't even think of touching her,

        You have nothing apart from the wealth that surrounds you, I will make sure that you and all you have down and I will take Dee back and complete what I started!" 

That was the information in the letter. I handed it back to The inspector before turning and following Dominic to find the car hiring company. 

I was stopped mid-track with inspector Daiz voice.

"Anything you know about this Dee and this person Jake? I don't want to be kept on the loop," he shouted but I was not in the mood to start telling him everything about Dee.

"Ciao inspector,"

We changed our dressing code. I always hated this when we are going out for a mission. It's either I get to dress up like some asshole I don't want to be and it is tiring a lot. "Here is the wig," said Dominic while handing my wig.

The way ladies survive in this I don't know. They are hot, and you can't even breathe in them. The first time I had to throw mine away and just go into our mission with our one. 

We took the normal Car to avoid creating attention at the company. I just prayed silently, what I rarely do, that I may find the person and give Dee the justice that she deserves. I don't want to feel like I have failed her, the way I failed Clare. 

In addition, I asked for Clare's guidance to lead me all the way through, till I make it. I hope when I get justice, the guilt of not fighting for Clare would be gone.

"Don't forget your badge, Mr Detective," I told Dominic as we drove out of the building. The paparazzi were still at the entrance waiting for me to come in, haha, they will wait until they won't wait anymore. 

I passed past them in a slow-motion while giving them a bye-bye, and they ignored me because they knew I am not the man they were waiting for.

I let Dominic take the steering wheel, not because I don't know how to drive but because I was busy chatting with Dee. She has told me a lot of things through our chats and when she hadn't given me a reply, I was busy doing some revision of what we had talked about. 

She had told me about her childhood, the little things she admired while growing up. One of the was to be a superstar but all that never came to pass. 

Her tone through the message was a sad one, emotional but I didn't want to shade any tears lest Dominic will throw me out of the car and ride along to our destination.

I wanted to hear more of Dee's stories than go to the mission that was ahead of me. I didn't want to hear them through some simple text that will suddenly be deleted or lost once the phone get lost, no, I wanted to hear this tales from her mouth, I wanted to record her voice in my head and let it stuck there for the rest of my life.

She took a long to give me the next reply to my question. I guess she has fallen asleep.

I checked through the laptop that we had brought with us and looked at some of the videos from the company's building. I had the fake Kim just for a second but still, I couldn't know that he was not the real person. 

"You should stop beating yourself about that, we will find him and I promise I will let you slice that flesh and feed it to some crocodile in your homemade park," assured Dominic when he saw me focused on the videos.

I had not thought about that, maybe I will mince his right hand and make him a burger and force him to eat it, that is what am planning on and I will make sure it happens.

"We are here boss," said Dominic.

I lifted my eyes to look at our location but I was surprised that we were not near the shop. Checking the google map, we were two blocks away from the shop.

"We are not there, move forward," I told him while showing him the map.

He looked at me and laughed. 

"What did we say about missions, we don't get to the destination instead we stay behind for sometimes dude." He said as he unbuckled his belt.

He suggested that I will walk into the shop solo, and then using the device that he handed me, he will be able to hack into the company's system and get access to cameras and everything around.

I don't know why he likes to make me do the hard work but I had to do it. For Dee and Clare. 

My phone vibrated but Dominic picked it up and threw it on the dashboard. Handing me an earpiece he threw me out of the vehicle and went on driving to a parking lot.

As much as he looks so arrogant and mean, he has helped me grow. He knows nothing more about the business but he knows when a deal is good and when to avoid a deal. 

We met accidentally, he was not at his best, his parents had died and he hated foster homes because the parents he was given were only interested in the money that comes at the end of the month. He came to my birthday party that day and just asked for food nothing more. 

Those days I was a stupid eighteen-year-old who never wanted low lives around me. I wanted to throw him out of my party but Clare was the one who insisted that he remains there. She gave him food and they started a conversation with Clare. I don't know what Clare saw in him but whatever conversation they had made Clare all smiley for the first time.

Clare even asked me to promise that we won't tell our parents about his presence around the area. 

Our parents were rarely home, they travelled a lot and when they were home it's either for a night or just a few minutes. She forced me to share a room with him and even gave him some of my clothes because he had no otherwise.

I wasn't interested in him not until he opened my eyes and told me that my sister was going through something that's when I opened my eyes. Clare used to be close with him. I don't know why she never shared a lot with me the way she shared with Dominic but I understood her, I was rarely around, most of the time when I was around I was busy and thought that money was all I need to make to survive in life.

He taught me some martial and it helped me when people were being assholes around me. The only time I have seen him devastated was when Clara burnt herself and my father's company. 

He went MIA and never wanted to contact me again. He blamed me for being the reason and for not opening my eyes every time Clare needed my attention. 

Up to date, I rarely talk about the incident because anytime I mention Clare's name in front of him, his mood turns sour and he can even beat me for it.

"Do you copy? Am at the shop," I talked through my mouthpiece to let Dominic know that I am in the shop.


Thank you for reading.❤

Please follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette