
Secretly Ciel Phantomhive

What happens if a wish comes true, but also terribly wrong? That is what happened to me, Anna K. But now I’ve transformed into Ciel Phantomhive instead of myself with perfect vision, and I have my demon butler; Sebastian Michaelis. How will my family react? I cannot change myself back!

Miles_Kilbride · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Part 2: That fateful morning at midnight.

On that night before the fateful morning, I went to bed extremely early. As in right at 7:00 PM because I was so ding dang dong tired. My parents thought I was sick, because I was very weak and tired all day. So they made me drink water and they also checked my temperature but I was fine according to them. But internally, I felt like I was dying. I was too tired to even panic. I slept, and until right at midnight, I woke up to the scent of earl gray tea.

"Hmm, did I die? Is this heaven?" I thought. But then I felt someone piercing my mind to read my thought process. "Good morning, my young lord." A voice close to me says. I can't see who it is, but I know that voice. My god, it's Sebastian from Black Butler. I finally remove the eye mask, and look the person standing next to me at the side of my bed. Yes, it's Sebastian, the demon butler. And my god, I can see perfectly. "Your tea might start to get cold, young master." "Would you care to drink it?" He asks me. "Yes." I reply. My voice doesn't sound like it's normal pitch. And so, I sit up on my bed, and Sebastian pours me the tea in this really fancy looking teacup.

"Sebastian." I begin to stammer. "Why are you calling me young lord and young master?" "I'm a lady." I say with an angered tone in my voice. Then Sebastian takes his elegantly gloved hand, and puts his finger to my mouth. "Shh, I'm sure it would be a nasty surprise if your parents walked in at this second." "All will be revealed in a little bit." He says. "Have you finished your tea?" He adds and asks me. "Yes." I reply with a quiet whisper. "Good." He whispers to me and takes the teacup from me. "I have redecorated your room a tiny bit, if you can tell by now." He tells me. "And I got rid of ninety five percent of those lord awful clothes you had." "This century is really odd." He says.

"Off your bed please." He whispers to me. "It's time to go get cleaned up and dressed." "I have Mey-Rin here as well to help." I climb off my bed, and notice I'm in an elegant silk nightgown that's quite big on me for right now. Then I follow Sebastian to the bathroom right next door to my bedroom. "Mey-Rin will be in there to help you get all cleaned up. Then, when you're ready I'll get you dressed, my young lord." Then I enter the bathroom. And Mey-Rin happens to be sitting on the bathroom sink.

"Ciel, it's so nice to see you again!" She says. "Anyways, take off that rather baggy nightgown. You're no longer female." I stare at her with the dumbest face I've ever made in my life. I take off the nightgown, and see a body of what looks to be a thirteen year old prepubescent boy in the reflection. "Is this really me?" I ask stupidly. "Yes!" Mey-Rin replies. Then, Mey-Rin gets the shower going for me, but at least I get to wash my own body and hair. After I dry off with the towel and get underwear on, I ring a bell and Mey-Rin comes and takes measurements of me then blow dries and styles my hair. It's a dark blue color now. Personally I like it. Then I get dressed in a robe, and I walk back to my bedroom where Sebastian is waiting.

"Young master, you look so clean." "First though, before you get dressed." He sprays me with this scent of sweet vanilla and honey. Then he gets me dressed with the standard blue outfit from the anime. Then he comes to me from behind and fixes something over my left eye. I can't see now out of this eye, what is going on. "It's just your eyepatch." Then he winks at me. Then Sebastian tells me about how I mistakenly wished for all of this to happen. Then he snaps his fingers and I feel a searing pain in my left eye. "Keep this eye covered at all times unless I tell you to take the eyepatch off." He says. "Our contract symbol is on that iris." "You technically made a contract with me, so in return I shall have your old soul."

Then I sit at my desk and read, Sebastian guarding me. I end up falling asleep at my desk, and Sebastian keeps my parents away.